Since Google took over Youtube they have gone moral crusading and now even lewd Anime jokes are being discouraged.
Youtube decides vids with lewd anime jokes are not Ad Friendly
Sri Lanka has discovered the Internet? Has science gone too far?
Anime is degeneracy
Do people from Sri Lanka poo in the streets or is that just India
B-But free speech
Weeb haters plz go.
Same shit happened to this guy
Good, Youtube should be a hobby, not a carreeer,
Th...thanks user kun
>moldova flag
The fuck?
>mfw rare flag
time to get a real job
why can't I collect your flag?
Re-Remove anime ?
Take a lewd picture user.
maybe he should get a real job
Get fucking real jobs you fucking lazy fucks
Get a waifu you plebs
Remove your fake country ridden by EU jewish bureaucrats you wafflenigger
Hopefully this will get more people to fight for free speech.
I cannot stand anime anymore.
(((youtube))) + (((anime))) = no more (((anime)))?
Is this the first good thing (((youtube))) has done in years?
i already have one
no bully only if you join our crusade
Tell us user.
D. Do you not love us ?
Youtube is shit niggers. Susan Wojcicki is a coalburner and a fat kike bitch. Google is retarded Jewish. More peope better fight this shit and fight for free speech.
i'd prefer if anime got rid of youtube
Patrician taste.
Now this is the kind of censorship I can get behind.
first they came for the nazis and I did not say anything because I am not a nazi
then they came for the weebs and I did not say anything because I am not a weeb
then they came for me
Yeah, how do we end Google.
Need to make it really, really clear why.