TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania lead moment of silence 9/11/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis 9/11 observance @Pentagon 9/11/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis laying wreath @Pentagon 9/11/17
>VP Pence @Shanksville PA 9/11 Memorial 9/11/17
>Pres Trump comments on Hurr Irma 9/10/17
>VP Pence issues warning on Hurr Irma 9/10/17
>Pres Trump holds Cabinet meeting @Camp David 9/9/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #31 9/8/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania departing for Camp David 9/8/17
>SoS T-Rex opening remarks @US/Kuwaiti Dialogue 9/8/17
Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
>US drops oil embargo and naval blockade proposals: In effort to avoid veto from China, US nixes proposal to freeze North Korea’s assets in revised draft proposal circulated to UN
>Four additional THAAD launchers to be installed in Seongju on Thursday
>South Korea Debates Bringing Tactical Nukes Back As North Korean Bombs Get Bigger
>US-Led Coalition forces conducted 78 strikes consisting of 91 engagements against ISIS in Syria & Iraq: 9-10 Full Report
>US-backed force plans council for Syria's Deir Ezzor: Held by ISIS the city is the capital of the eastern province of Deir Ezzor, regarded as a strategic prize by both Assad's troops and the US-backed SDF
>US-backed SDF advance to northern edge of Deir e-Zor city
>Russia FM Lavrov: US Bombing Syria in Violation of International Law
>Russia FM Lavrov Blasts US-Led Coalition for Trying to Protect Nusra Front Terrorists in Syria
>Suicide attack wounds US troops in Afghanistan on anniversary of 9/11
/ourcar/ has claimed more victims
Will its hunger ever be satisfied?
Whites voting Republican:
South: 68.2%
West: 47.7%
Midwest: 55.6%
Northeast: 48.3%
was there a presser today?
Why is she so perfect, lads?
Antifa needs top stay around until 2020
damn is there a vid clip
>Probably not campaigned enough for her.
fucking kek your probably right. I hope that's the reasoning.
>5 million pewdiepie threads on Sup Forums's catalog
Well germanon can we agree? Outside of the northeast/west coast white Americans regardless of age or gender support Trump 60% +, dare I even push it up to 70%?
Paul Walker'd
>tfw most of Sup Forums outs itself as a bunch of 13yr old twitch watchers
>le well read meme
Gas yourself boomer
Now demofat. Also goyim this definition of Midwest includes OH,WI,MI,MN, and IL.
>More foreign aid could have prevented this
>Infrastructure bill incoming
turns out the intersection of video games, sjws, political correctness and youtube is pretty important to a lot of people
tho i wish they could keep it to 1 thread
This was right after Trumps Poland speech if you want to search for it.
He knows
Can you even read?
Everybody knows that stupid white rednecks on Sup Forums burn books, leftypol users are true intellectuals
Cue British Heatherposter
Fortunately there have been very little natural disasters of such scale in several years. Federal flood insurance and such will pay out as they should but the recovery process will be long and hard. As well much of the land especially harmed was island properties who are not productive outside of their intrinsic value in being close to beaches. All and all things were not so bad from Irma which could have been worse and Harvey's recovery efforts have been well-managed and efficient.
>Why is she so perfect, lads?
I like them BLACKED too. :^)
>man is stupid
>said man
Whites Democrat:
South: 26.8%
West: 42.0%
Midwest: 37.6%
Northeast: 46.1%
Midwest includes:
Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin
>I meant support him now
Trump isn't losing support his base is healthy and demographically in a better spot then republicans were just 4 - 5 years ago, so by going off that and the fact that he is an incumbent and 3rd parties don't do well in said situation how much of the white vote and non white vote will be get? Is 1972 levels possible after being denied the popular vote entirely because of Nixon's home state???
hey guys, I have a lot of work to do, so I might find it harder to keep up with her state department vids for a while
That's a runner up for the niggiest nig out there
>Leftist violence led many to support the Nazis in the hope they would put an end to the continuing street brawls and violence
And they did!
>I have a lot of work to do
You don't need both hands
No Minnesota???
Hurricanes because climate change people voted for trump and deniers.
Oh don't tell me she's a missionaryqueer
God wants them dead! You're upsetting God! Leave them to die!
the ironing is delicious
Catholics need the rope
Based off the results in the South, I'd say most third party voters are cuckservative whites who voted for Romney. As long as the black turnout stays under 60% (or even lower), Trump got this.
Anyone have any decent 9th circuit salt? I am dangerously low on sodium
its like 4 hours a week, i cant do it
What is that?
Wew they kinda look similar.
I forgot to mention it.
is it time to start maga hatting /our revolutionaries/?
So does this mean no rapefugees?
Sad but true.
Pretty terrible what they've done to Anglos.
read the filename
Here folks, for those who don't really know the impact of 9/11 at the general mood of the world (not only in America) here is more or less how people behaved back then
> 2:30am at a 7-11 near Disney World - 1987
This video circulates around this site for a while now but many people never saw so take a look. People were not only nicer back then, they lived their lives with a certain .... innocence. There was no social media, no 24 hours news cycle that needed to be filled, none of this "spreading the human misery around" that exists today.
9/11 didn't really killed it, the advancement of the technology, means of transportation and communication did that. Back then everything was too far away, too slow, too distant in space and time, you lived in your block, village or city and "another city" was as far away as another galaxy.
But 9/11 killed part of it. The economy that seemed to be in a permanent growth cycle (thanks to the dot com boom) crashed and burned, travel became hell, GWB snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and fucked up by invading Iraq, unironic marxism (cultural and whatnot, kept in check by every president until Reagan) grew unchecked and infected the world, the academia and the media.
And, ironically, a bunch of misfits in this wretched hive of scum and villainy is one of the last batches of moral conservatives, believers in the advancement of the western culture and civilisation and fighters to keep what's good and sacred unchanged.
Watch the video and try not to watch the 2014 follow up, it will just make you guys sad.
fucking pottery
What are the states making up each of these groups?
I do like the idea, but I'm concerned it might give the game away, or send the wrong message.
We could give them Bolshevik hats, though.
>immigrant justice
>Shown as a fucking fist
they can't be this blind
Good job, now please retire before Christmas. We need a good present.
>captcha: macacos plane
40% of negroe adults have had trouble with the law in the past, 52% of Hispanic American adults are foreign born, 75% of Asian adults are foreign born, and the average mixed race American is and about 40% lean republican. So is 1972 levels of white support and non white support even possible considering it was Nixon's home state who denied Trump the popular vote???
What's going to happen is a large portion of the GOP and Dems will split off on form a third centrist party.
>church attendance at historic lows
>modern priesthood only attracts sodomites and pedophiles
>Pope spends his days promoting Islam and leftism
I doubt the Catholic church will exist in western countries 50 years from now, leftists eat this red pope shit up, but they don't start attending mass because of it, meanwhile there are plenty of people turned off by it who might have been much more receptive to the church's message.
Hey there thirsty, buddy?
>not cucking out for this
Like I said, the timelines, in my mind, changed 3 times in the recent history:
JFK Assassination
Trump Election
These 3 events changed the world we live in. There are timelines out there where one or several of these events never happened, and the society is much, much different.
This might as well be a lifetime ago, these times are never coming back
The Catholic Church in the US has seen stable growth even for white Catholics just not as much as evangelicals and it's not like this dummy did anything.
Not that I believe the Jew York Times, but a split might be the best solution going forward. GOP is controlled opposition like a motherfucker, and Trump leaving would take probably 80% of their voting base.
>the state of /leftypol/
>average mixed race American is and about 40% lean republican
Wrong, the other group voted D+29.4
it will piss everybody involved off. it's a great idea
anyone wants to maga this?
Steve Pieczenik got really creepy on info wars today. Got real pissy at Alex for no reason and started defending generals he trashed 2 weeks ago. Also saying the republic is more important than the president. Really creeping me out. Things have felt weird since senate user
What's your take?
Really, nigger?
They are a big fat mess.
25% - 33.5% of the other category are injuns though.
>Vowed to conquer evil
pls trump call a crusade
>atheist jew
wtf does that mean
>Punished Trump theory is real
The Universe is more subtle than that. A butterfly flaps it's wings in Tokyo and we get Trump instead of Hillary in New York.
Really activates my almonds
Also address the more important question you Ass.
>Steve Pieczenik got really creepy on info wars today. Got real pissy at Alex for no reason and started defending generals he trashed 2 weeks ago. Also saying the republic is more important than the president. Really creeping me out. Things have felt weird since senate user
yeah that was bizarre. his first point was like basically "thanks for asking me how im doing in this hurricane" and it was like lol wut dude?
Alex was right in pointing out how Steve went absolutely ballistic at the Afghanistan thing and said they're basically all screwed and they've double-crossed us, yet now he's like "relax alex, nobody's going to do anything"
pretty weird
The other group is only 2% of all voters anyway. The only places where they have any influence are Alaska and maybe Arizona.
>As long as the black turnout stays under 60% (or even lower), Trump got this.
That's was true in Sep 04, 2016 [1] and remain true today. That came in the context of defending the prediction of PA going red, I wonder if that Serbia poster is still around.
Nixon got around 30% of the black vote because the black middle class still existed at that point and voted on matters outside of racial politics. The GOP has spent decades trying to rediscover those black voters or rebuild that base, but I'm afraid that the black America of that time is dead and I don't see any way it can be revived. The voters themselves are dead and their families and communities, if they can even be called that, are in such ruins that their grandparents wouldn't even recognize them. If the Republicans must pursue non white voting blocs they need to look elsewhere. Indians seem promising, they're rich, hate Muslims, and generally have well organized expat communities.
Since when could you eat a LED Tv?
But multiracial voters have only 1 state were they matter at all and Trump won them.
Trump won whites by 20.5% and lost non-whites by 64.9%, so no, he will never get as much non-white support as Nixon did. And he won whites by more than Nixon, I think.
jfk's death is when the fall of white society in america started
9/11 is when the globalists initiated the end game
the world today, even less than a year after the fact, would be unrecognizable if hillary won. these are 3 world changing events, I guarantee you that you wouldn't recognize the earth where some of these events didn't happen
regardless, this is the future we chose, and we have to deal with the consequences of our actions
I just watched Bannon, senpai.
I love that man, and Charley Rose is a miserable a-hole.
That unironically could spark a war between Portugal and Spain as our target rivers cross the border from their land to ours.
Thanks a lot, that's very useful
I would add one event: the fall of the Berlin wall. That happened when it happened almost by accident and also changed the course of the western world and also of the former soviet hostage countries.
Not even close.