
kaffir ate pork

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Those crosses at the cementeries are bloody sharped.

Fucking White people

its part and parcel m8

What was he doing in a cemetary at night? That's fucking weird. Didn't Belgium have an institutional problem with pedos a while back that never got resolved?

Obviously, if it's just muslims, then yeah, more multicultural wonders. Yet there might be more to this one than normal?


>police say they have a suspect.
Lets guess skin color Sup Forums

she's CUTE


>be mayor of town nobody cares about
>dragged from home in the middle of the night by peaceful muslims
>driven to a secluded location
>be culturally enriched in the neck

Asian teen

Im guessing purple space monkey

Fake and gay

you mean he. mAnzu

who is that and is it a trap?



it was a suicide
he slit his own throat open

what a guy

sauce is Mirukawa

Yes user "Asian"

Pic is Boxey, old school Sup Forums camwhore.


Its not fake.

desu I would to if I had to live with Muslims
Let's be honest

Then why didn't I hear about it on CNN? Sup Forums BTFO

I wouldn't. I would literally try and start a civil war. Only by full on conflict can these places rid themselves of the infestation. Too many ppl not choosing a side. When people start killing each other en masse then sides will be picked. Deus Vult would win because even in Germanistan they outnumber the muzzies 10-1.

thanks user! its good to have you oldfags arounds still so us tdonald refugees are able to get around easier!

Seems fishy, corruption and collusion with criminals, perhaps

We'll see what the investigation finds

Maybe someone gave a traditional traitors farewell? Who knows.

this isnt the M.O of a islamic terrorist attack. not in europe anyway. this seems very targeted and specific. leaving his body in a cemetery is too poetic for a islamist.

I was a ytmnd refugee once. They can learn. But they need to lurk for at least 2 years.

Asian skin color.

>What was he doing in a cemetary at night?
Being murdered


>What was he doing in a cemetary at night?
He was a caretaker of the cemetary, he was there to close up for the night.

Who is this semen demon?


Jesus Christ newfag cancer. This was already answered. It's Boxxy, a camwhore from Sup Forums from years ago.

That's not boxxy you fucking newfag retard.


Mirumiru/Mirukawa/Alice Johnson/Diana Samoylova

no way thats a faggot...

Who the fuck would kill themselves by self throat slitting

No worries, lads, he was just a Walloon. No white people were murdered

This mayor belonged to a Christian leftist party, so I can't imagine him being critical of migration. Any Belgians want to chime in?

No way this is a faggot...

She is not Anzu, Anzu is also a real girl though

According to Belgian media, a suspect has already been arrested.

Shit that girl is 10/10

Anzu is an arthropod

I wonder if she has a psychological deviation