Who are the retards that chose this guy to be pope? Why did they pick him?
Who are the retards that chose this guy to be pope? Why did they pick him?
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Hopefully someone poisons this cunt.
Pope Soros needs to go
>Who are the retards that chose this guy to be pope?
God and Jesus.
According to the pedophile church.
Seriously this guy is a traitor to Christendom. This is what happens when you pick a non-European pope that doesn't understand any norms
I don't buy the catholic church's bs. Guess it's cause I'm a Baptist. I don't think the church could have chosen anyone who could hurt their standing worse than this guy
the catholic church was subverted a long time ago
The (((Catholic Church))) is jewish psyop. Sola scriptura is better than scripture + pedophile satanists.
The smoke turned white, so he's the pope. It's not very complicated.
Too bad the meme pope is also stupid.
(((they))) picked him.
Anti Pope when??
I have not been going to church since high school so I guess that makes me a bad catholic but I try and be the best person I can be.
Francis is killing Catholicism.
where exactly are these mythical people who deny that climates can change?
They don't really have a great track record in this..
This faggot is like having katy perry as pope for all he knows about how western civilisation holds everything together.
He is the enemy of the white race.
This pope made me cease being a catholic
Damnit you fucks are never happy are you?
Pope Pius XII
> "OMG he's a fascist. No. I mean literally. He is pals with Mussolini and everything!"
> "Did he just emdorse Adolf Hitler? WTF!"
> "Holy shit! He's named after an antipope!"
> "sekret Joo"
> "Jeus, ANOTHER ecumenical council?!?!"
> "G-guys, I think this Pope might actually be Jewish"
Pope Paul VI
> "M-muh Roman Curia"
> "MORE Vatican II?!?"
> Humanae vitae
Pope John Paul I
> "heh, too bad you died after 33 days lololol"
Pope John Paul II
> reforms reforms reforms reforms
> "muh Fidei depositum. Muh Roman Curia"
> "Hey guys, I think he might be a sekret Orthidox"
> 'Sacrae disciplinae leges' wtf we are Beaners now
> "Why the fuck are we in Africa????"
> "Hey, Pinochet watcha doing?"
> "Guys, I think they are are fucking kids"
Pope Benedict
> "Emperor Palpatine!!!"
> "Hitler Youth!?!?"
> " k. They are definitely fucking kids"
Pope Francis
> The Papal Bernie Sanders
> Commie Heritic Scum!
> WTF why are you not helping Argentina??? We need to stop Soros!"
>The absolute state of the Catholic church.
Why they would do that? He's enacting the (((agenda))) to a T
Europeans elected him
Cardinals from all over the world picked him, not only the European ones.
Take a look at this and tell me if the Catholic Church is an honest and trustworthy organisation.
He is a non catholic antipope and the Vatican II sect is the Whore of Babylon
who is this ignorant cunt?
Gotta say, everything he said is true about modern christianity
Although I could get behind old-school Lutheranism, Luther did write the book " the jews and their lies"
I think the Nazis had a lot of Lutherans too
Pope is a blakmailable pedo who is a kike puppet.
Liberals and the media are literally 1-2 steps away from calling for the extermination of all white people.
Literal concentration camps -- run by liberal minority groups with full support from the media and all of our elected officials.
It's the clear next step for liberals and the media - calling for all whites to be killed -- that white people are too toxic to be allowed to live.
We are maybe 2-3 years away from that step.
"We will most likely see these type events explode peaking out in real bloodshed by September 21/22nd, 2019 (2019.725). So expect to see this civil unrest continue to rise especially after 2017."
So, bravely fight the 3 wars to save the West:
1- the war on our individual personal weaknesses (fought by becoming better each day physically and mentally)
2- the cold war on the leftists and traitors (fought by waging defensive and offensive memetic and deplatforming war on the enemy, online and AFK)
3- the hot war against the traitors and enemies of the West when the anti-white oppressors of the West kick it off (to be fought in the future, and to be fought right now by means of SHTF prepping)
after the Great Western Global Civil Wars we’ll need to remain vigilant and make the correct changes to our way of governing our people in order to prosper again, instead of facing another cycle of 300 to 600 years of dark age era on the West again.
Fight on these 3 fronts each and every day and you’ll reach satisfaction. Do it for yourself and do it for your family. Do it for your community and for your country. And last but not least, do it also for your race and the whole West.
And when SHTF take out as many kikes, muds and traitors as you can. Women and children included. They don't give a shit about our women and children, we will return the favor.
It's all going as planned according to the prophecy of the popes. Pope Francis is the 112th pope, Peter the Roman
You're insane and take Sup Forums way too seriously.
It was just backlash from the last pope. People thought he was too scary and cerebral so they picked his opposite this time.
>Sola scriptura
Where is that in the scripture?
Implying every pope since the schism haven't been anti popes?
The fuckwits elected a fucking Jesuit as pope. How's that working out you fuckwits? They might just as well have elected Justin Trudeau.
t. nervous ahmed
Do I?
War will come. SHTF when the left kicks off the civil wars, or when Sovereign Debt Crisis hits.
And when the rotten system is no longer in place to protect the invaders and the traitors, the purge will begin.
You are the ones who chose the rules of this brutal game, we shall play, all the way, with no regrets, and no remorse.
Prepare accordingly, and let the best side win.
I know God loves me because he had his son tortured to death
This guy surely is a secret atheist right?
>literal mongrel calling a pure blooded Celt Ahmed
>Who are the retards that chose this guy to be pope?
Mexicans, Brazilians, Argentinians, all these beautiful, vibrant diverse people.
>catholic church is doing okay in africa, asia and southern america but it's fucking dying in civilised world
>cardinals decide that going with more liberal pope might improve the public opinion of the church in these places
It's a stupid strategy. I am not a catholic myself, but most of my friends are (I spent most of my free time as a kid at church organised activities like summer cumps etc.) and liberal pope might get some recognition and positive press but it does not bring any new sheep into the herd. Sure most people will like the church more but noone is going to become catholic because of this.
At worst it will even drive the more traditional believers to alternative churches.
The Holy Spirit.
Unless God makes it abundantly clear this Pope is a false Pope, he is the current legit occupant of the throne of Saint Peter.
It is not our place to question his athourity as Pope. We really can't understand why God choose him right now, but He did. That does not mean the Pope is right about anything honestly.
Also, remember, anything the Pope says is as relevant what every other Pope said - so all his left tendencies are his own opinion, he speaks as Francis.
IF he speaks ex-cathedra, than he is infalible. In this specific case he is being guided by the Holy Spirit.
pope pius sounds like a great guy
I've never heard of you, nobody in Europe or North America ever heard of you! Who elected you? Under what mechanism? I know first world, white values aren't really popular with you lot, but that might be because you come from Argentina, which for all intents and purposes, is a non-white country.
priests wouldnt stop fucking kids so they put him in to cuck msm into thinking that the catholic church isnt a global kid fucking cult..
they are not stupid, just ignorant.
>It's a stupid strategy.
Why? 10 African souls > 1 American soul from the Church's POV.
"White people should pay debts" is words
>africa, asia and southern america
Want to hear.
Reminder that Frank is illegitimate and Benedict is the True Pope.
> Who elected you?
I agree user, won't bring 'em in, and will drive many away. Sad.
that's not how it works
You could mend the schism
I honestly don't even care that the pope is not European - he could be a nigger or a chink and I wouldnt care as long as he'd be a traditionalist.
He is virtue-signalling embarrassment
to faithful Roman Catholics.
but the kid fucking isnt?
Classic Portugal
lol, Christ cucks...
t. divide and conquer ahmed shill
Portuguese are Iberian. You're probably Berber.
And your prophet is a pedophile who got fucked by pigs in the ass and had women rub their naked feet on his pig shit face.
Something must be done about the (((problem)))
Can you show me where the bible demands a church with hierarchies and vicar of Christ?
Thanks fren :DDDDDDDDD
Popfugees welcome?
Well, I think the pope is stupid. What now?
Globalists. Jesuits really.
Based Alberto
there's too much bad blood over 4th crusade, but imagine they got back together.
>pope gets killed
>new pope arises
>new pope works together with orthodox pope
>declare a christian uprising, all nations leaders and armies that wish to join will come fight
>reclaim constantinople
>remove roach
>orthodoxy and catholicism reunites as the one reunited christian church.
>warns israel that we get back our pilgrimages to jerusalem or they get btfo next
>spend the next 100 years removing kebab forever
Church is getting cucked...
>grow some balls weak OP
take the insult like a man
oh wait, you can't, you're stupid
t. Ahmed
Oh so that's how he caught the black eye
Failed trolling
Church was on decline and leftism was on the rise so they wanted to get on with the times.
Bullshit. White people abandoned the church first, then it changed. Quit LARPing and be realistic, faggots here wouldn't join any church no matter how traditional and right-wing it was.
t. Tyrone
They work for the Rothschild
He was chosen by the CFR. That's why he pushes their agenda word for word.
Leave it to Portugal to tell us how to save the West.
What the actual fuck is wrong with Catholics?
>there are more brown Christians then white Christians so white opinion doesn't matter
calle caentro
The usurped ratzinger. This pope is an imposter snd illegitimate
>acknowledge climate change, support refugees, promote peace, justice, compassion, etc.
>Sup Forumstards flip their lids over the fact you're not calling for genocide of [religious group they don't like] and paint you as the worst person to ever live
Really goes to show what the average Sup Forums user is like.
where do you think you are, faggot?
What's Benedict up to nowadays? I always kinda liked him. I feel like he could strike fear into the hearts of sinners, since he looks like Emperor Palpatine.
>Start breeding Kebab just to purge them
Thanks health pack bro.
Its really sad that we could fix all this shit peacefully if it wasn't for the politicians corruption. They choose brutal war, brutal war it is.
Because he's the last pope.
He is a fraud. If he were a TRUE SJW he would sell the Vatican's Art and the church's real estate to feed the poor.
Hahaha a communist pope! Let's hope St. Malachy is right and this fucker gets stabbed
All popes have technically been illegitimate since Paul VI.
Proddies BTFO
Matthew 16:18-19
>And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
>only follow scripture, not the pope
>scripture says to follow the pope
>anti communism
>sekret Orthidox
Also statistically clergy pedophilia arrests are about the same as the overall population despite much more intense scrutiny since that 1 coverup.
This pope shows you why you shouldn't be catholic. He has influenced over a billion people to be more pro-rapefugees. The catholic church is too easy to co-opt and if you co-opt it the result is disastrous.
Portuguese are blood thirsty. We have much removal of kebab in the past, we will again.
He promotes crime via savage invasion on Western countries. He is a traitor.
Pope plus sounds like the true god's chosen man
He was /ourpope/ before we even existed
When all of the Church leaders are saying something, maybe you have to accept that it is what Christianity really teaches.
Maybe Christianity isn't like le epic deus vult facebook memes lled you to believe. Maybe it is more than just a cool little identity you can adopt.
The sad truth of the matter is, Christianity is a religion of servitude. It requires sacrifice, humility and dedication. If you though you could sign up and not have to have your beliefs challenged, or do anything, then just forget it. Christianity isn't like a political belief, where you can just drop in or out, or you can pick and choose beliefs. It is not there to serve you.
You can't mold your religious convictions to suit your personality and private beliefs. It's the other way around.
So I suggest any cultural Christians in here just pack it up. Go back to skipping Church, believing what you want, and fapping to anime (lol as if you weren't doing that already anyway), because in the end, God isn't there to serve you. You won't get anything out of religion if you believe that.
>jesus tells this to peter
>this means an argentinian socialist 2000 years later gets to boss people around
>Some guy who believes in a magical wish granting fairy in the sky thinks you're stupid.
Says the church who screwed up our current calendar