when untill developers make games only for the left?
Nazis don't have the right to play
Thank god the leftists dont make games worth playing then.
Firewatch sucked ass.
Literally an interactive movie.
I pirated it and I still feel like I want my money back.
Ummm... Sexist much?
>claims he has depression
>has job
Literally a normie's fanfiction of ''depression''
i know, i got it pirated also, not even a goof movie at all, the only thing was the fucking sunsets, thats it
what is a right wing game?
Literally any jap game.
>spend entire game talking to female firewatcher
>go to her station at the end
>teehee I already evacuated
That ending was lazy.
Mountain blade
I knew this game was fucking gay the moment I saw the trailer
uninstalled after 2 days, and second day i didn't play
You didn't miss a thing
pity me for playing the whole thing through
Mount and Blade.
hes just sad but also with an overblown ego so its "depression"
Crusader Kings 2
Europa Universalis
Victoria II
come to mind quickly enough
basically any game that lets you genocide useless disruptive natives
I'm fine with it.
Video game culture is all that is wrong with the current generation.
If kids weren't so addicted to video games, they would be out there fucking jews in the ass.
The left are more than welcome to that turd of a game.
Honestly, what was the point? No puzzles to solve. Just walk from one end to the next. It's retarded.
any command and conquer then
You can have all that with real depression. Anyone who says otherwise is a weak fag.
most WH40K games I guess
Any game that is gameplay > story
In other words, games that require skill or overcoming a challenge.
Left-wing games are about being passive and being indoctrinated. That's why (((cinematic experiences))) are pushed so hard by AAA devs.
Describe what kind of rightwing video game you want.
Hardmode: describe a rightwing walking simulator.
man i been really enjoying firewatch
CS:GO its based on skill and shit and you gotta rank up yourself. And you can say whatever you want on there :^)
what are (((they))) trying to tell us?
pic related is the only redpilled game to ever exist.
>nice trips>
i would like a recreation of the holocaust, maybe a administration game but for concentration camps
hard mode, walk around collecting gold from concentration camps and dead jews
Except a lot of people use auto-aim bots and wall hacks... Steam catches maybe 1 out of 12 of them before they switch to another program. It is hilarious when someone in a "pro-gamer" competition is caught though.
this. fuckin' the last of us ruined gaming because now every aspiring film major with financial backing from (((daddy))) wants to make a videogame.
>84+12 holy shit my sides
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
>forgetting HoI where you can literally blitzkrieg the world as uncle adolf
PUBG because everyone is a nigger that you can shoot, even your friends.
where can i find this?, i heard good things about this gaem
Ooh you're a fuckin edgelord aren't you
GoG or Steam
wouldn't you like a good game with good models, 4k textures, sound engineering, an over all creepy game walking around corpses collecting gold... isn't that what soros did as a nazi?
any weeb game really. no third wave feminism or
retarded agenda.
Is Zoe Quinn game newfag that shitty Gane she got in bed with journos to promove. Literally html click links
What the fuck is wrong with gamers? I watched a video of some sort of Chink playing Firewatch. He kept saying how beautiful he thought the copy-pasted, poorly-textured trees look. Holy fuck nigga just go outside, or go to a museum to look at some paintings, or buy a book with paintings in it. I just can't comprehend being impressed by the graphics in that shit.
any game from before 2012 is at least an alt right game
If they do that, they may as well close up shop, as they will alienate their own base.
For all the shit about how 50% of gamers are women, they never tell us what games women are playing (mobile games) and they never tell us who are buying games for consoles (men).
Nope, they seem hell bent on counting the women who play a game while taking a shit on the toilet in between texting Chad as the same as the guy who goes out and buys games for a console.
>Dat pic
Lost my shit
Borderlands 2, fallout, grand theft auto, la noire, titanfall
I want a walking sumulator that's actually spooky but has a fun atmosphere.
Anthony Burch wrote Borderlands 2 afaik.
lol. Kirby, pong, Megaman?
Not exactly, its more about anarchy
I like how that would be a game that people on the right would have no interest in all at playing. I have no clue how to do this in a way that makes all the people on the right look at the left and be like "man looks like they're having fun but i can't be a part of it" and succumb to jealousy.
The right however, at least the alt right could have a game that leftists wouldn't play but be annoyed and reeeeee at all the fun the right is having. Such a game would be a WWII game where you play as a nazi and the holocaust never happened and its just from a pro nazi standpoint. Alternatively a game where you lead a military coup against a communist regime and helicopter the leftists.
so pretty much any jap game then
No guns, sounds like fun.
leftists don't play video games
play literally any game with multiplayer and see how many times in one hour you hear and see the word nigger.
But the game itself is literally capitalism
When did games become so packed with agenda? It seems every female character is fucking black as well as opposed to Japanese
they only write articles about it
the same people bitching about pewdiepie saying nigger while playing a game do the same thing
>Sup Forums exists
>mods do nothing
>Mods warn or ban anyone that points out they aren't fucking moderating.
>Mods are soon going to crank up the report timer to once per day to try and avoid dealing with more reports
>Mods also will start exponentially increasing the number of captcha solves required to report thinking that will be a deterrent
Papers Please
Never. Yooka-Laylee showed that it's unacceptable for a guy to hold right-wing values and be in the game, but it was more unacceptable for people to hold right-wing values and get a refund.
Civilisation is the best red pill game ever
>why aren't you guys posting right wing politics on Sup Forums
because that would get banned.
Fuck off shill
but that's not hunniepop
What about marathon?
This, but it the camp you are in is the epitome of "yea that totally happened". Holocoasters, forced masturbation death machines, lampshades, soap, boiling floors, anus air pump inflation, James bond supervillian basements with acid pools and spinning knives, Nazi dogs that castrate jews and rape little jew girls.
The works.
The player is accompanied by a cheery Mengele, loading scenes feature grim sad music and pictures of pages featuring the BS to "prove" that it really happened.
Game ends with Adolf Hitler personally burning someone's mom at the stake.
Normie influx from the release of XBone and PS4 was a big hit
The release of Xbox360S, cheaper PS3, and increase in revenue attracted the first jews
yeah, i remember they cut a guy from their game for citing studies and numbers on nigger crime, anyone remember his name?
Firewatch isn't even a game.
i loves the mengele idea, would be nice narration while walking around all the experiments.
I think he want to have a drink with you.
If only those Turk roach devs would just release Bannerlord already. It's been 5 years since it was announced
It was a funny thing because it was a little black girl who got to do some voice acting for make a wish and she just posted some things supporting an end to black on black crime when her father died, it was really sad. I don't remeber what came of it though. I'm pretty sure her name was Samantha Hyde.
>when untill developers make games only for the left?
bout 2012-2013ish
Be patient, can you imagine coding with thiose tiny little arms?
Cheating is the only thing that makes that game even remotely fun. Go on mpgh and download a simple glow esp and just watch the rage in the chat.
>anything but a lootcrate-based laundering scheme
Hell even telltales "games" are more engaging then that garbage
Games have gotten easier to make: you can download a developer's kit for free to make games in Unreal Engine 4 or Unity (for example) and get a license for selling the game later that's based on your revenues. It's also easier to get your game to market: there are several places that you can put your game up with little market-side regulation and PC games don't need an ESRB/PEGI rating. This is the reason shovelware killed Steam Greenlight, but it's also the reason agenda-packed walking simulators have become a plague.
In the case of pseudo-games like Firewatch, Gone Home, and the like, you have actual development teams putting forth money and effort to make something they think is good. And sure, it typically has decent art and animaiton, but that's it. The problem is every one of these people don't understand what a video game is. Instead of an immersive challenge to have fun conquering, these area studies morons take the "video games is art" argument to a reductio ad absurdum and try to create a "visual masterpiece" that has no failure states because it's too busy preaching to you for a game over screen to get in the way.
TL;DR: video games are so easy to make that anyone can make shovelware, but liberal arts students can spend four months learning to code, hire an animator with daddy's money to make models and rigs for them, and create something that unintentionally feels like shovelware.
It's a crappy game anyways
I think its more games aren't a niche media anymore. If you played games 10-15 years ago it was decidedly something a little weird. At least in Europe. Now its become homogenized and you have a major "blockbuster" release so you can't afford to be edgy or subversive
but they have like six of them, it should even out.
JonTron. He was a huge fan of Banjo Kazooey when it was still a thing, and the guys that made the original game were making Yooka-Laylee, and since Jafari is famous, they wanted to give him a spot.
After he lost a debate and quoted some stats, NeoGAF busted their asses to get him pulled from the game (these are the same people that were asshurt to find out Farcry 5 featured black enemies because that broke their fanon of murdering white Christian Trump supporters). It turned into a complete shitshow because people were demanding refunds for dropping JonTron, and Playtonic's response was "you're not getting refunds and if we could get away with it, we wouldn't give you the game either" despite JonTron wishing them well after being cut.
>Playtonic's response was "you're not getting refunds and if we could get away with it, we wouldn't give you the game either"
Where did they say that?
Jon took it like a man compared to GAF and others.
Gears of War
Poor guy. He did literally nothing wrong.
John Tron, that's his name, yeah I was surprised when that debate happened
>(these are the same people that were asshurt to find out Farcry 5 featured black enemies because that broke their fanon of murdering white Christian Trump supporters)
You can murder niggers in Far Cry 5?
Can't wait for the day Neofag dies. What a bunch of fucking self righteous assholes they are. Hypocritical scum.
Tell that to those Poles that made that turbo-edgy twin-stick shooter about being a spree killer. The game was completely mediocre, but the fact that half the SJW game journos shat their pants, Steam dropped it for a day, and Twitch were giant pussies gave them tons of free PR.
It was a community manager: he said that the official response was there wouldn't be a process for refunding Kickstarter backers, and he personally believed there shouldn't be and anyone asking shouldn't get the game either. It's not the developers themselves saying it, but the fact they didn't counter it was really fucking stupid on their part.
To my understanding, I'm not buying a fucking Ubisoft game to find out.
Here's a redpill for you guys, btw
>basically any game that lets you genocide useless disruptive natives
These are my favorite games
>go to any COD game
>every black person says Nigga at least ten times per minute
>nobody gives a fuck
>whitey says nigga
let's just fucking make sure we never give that developer any work
Yeah, the best part about that midget is he couldn't come up with an a reason to not molest his daughter if she asked him to do it. I still don't know how John lost to that.
Red Dead Redemption