This general is for identifying, discussing, mapping, researching and tracking human trafficking networks. There is a consistent trend of data showing that networks move though and rely on urban areas, specifically Sanctuary Cities. Feel free to submit tips or contribute with memes, infographs etc. We are especially looking for people who are good at making maps that we can use to analyze shipping routes, suspected trafficking hubs and routes, and the whole nine yards. Anyone who knows how to make these and is willing to do so would be VERY MUCH APPRECIATED AND ADMIRED!!!

Do not encourage violence here, we aren't trying to give them any excuses to shut it down.

Why human trafficking is a big deal:



>archives of past threads

Past threads of interest:

>full of google maps investigation; Port Angeles, Anacortes, Bellingham

>alleged member of human trafficking operation for South America to US/Canada shared info

>data dump of a lot of compiled info

>compiled info

Thread's attempted focus for today is to find one of the larger distribution centers in Los Angeles, CA, specifically front companies in the area that we have narrowed the search zone down to. We've also started looking at traffic maps to see what routes they're using to and from the MDC.

Other urls found in this thread:

bing.com/maps?&ty=18&q=Cestone's Pizzeria Pittsburgh PA&ss=ypid.YN731x401661668&ppois=40.4308586120605_-80.0095825195313_Cestone's Pizzeria_YN731x401661668~&cp=40.430859~-80.009583&v=2&sV=1

Starting Points: Areas with a Consistent Rate of Disappearances and Breeding Grounds

Where are they getting the kids and adults that they use for human trafficking? Where are places that large groups of people usually converge or stay at for an extended period? Here are 3 categories:

Where lots of kids meet and stay:

Where lots of adults meet and stay:

Where a mix of children and adults meet and stay:

Once we have determined possibility, we must assess probability. Is it likely that people would be abducted from these areas? Do the traffickers have enough cover to hide behind to get away with abducting people in these areas without too much suspicion? Do these areas have efficient escape routes to where the traffickers can quickly disperse abducted people into trafficking networks or directly to certain locations and people? Lastly, do these areas have enough funding, resources, and number of traffickers with the skills needed to conduct human trafficking operations there?

Next, start looking for connections between people, groups, and already confirmed trafficking networks in these areas. At this step, it is a good idea to bounce around between the midpoints and end points as well to help you find connections.

Breeding grounds are likely not as common as abduction sites and would be harder to figure out, but I think that they are a possibility worth putting on the table.

If worthwhile connections are found between people and groups that have reasonable probability to be connected to trafficking in that area, then it’s time to move on to connecting that starting point to midpoints and end points in whichever order you choose. You can also start to look for connections between other starting points in the trafficking networks if you think that it will lead to something. Connecting these starting points to the midpoints and the end points will help to further validate them.


Midpoints: Routes, Pit Stops, and Distribution Centers

What means of transport are they using to distribute people? What means of transport are available in that location and would be both economically efficient and unsuspicious? Where would those certain means of transport most easily be able to travel to? Where are those certain means of transportation most commonly going?

Look for the places that the transportation is immediately going to. Do not immediately assume that these are ending points, for they may be midpoints (pit stops or distribution centers). See if anything is being transported to and from these locations, for this will determine if it is either a pit stop or a distribution center, and if it is indeed a midpoint. Something to remember about midpoints, and starting points to some extent, is that there are certain resources required for the transport of people (things like food, drugs for sedation, and etc;). Places that distribute these resources work as assets to the networks and may not be used for relocating people.

Pit stops will follow along the same route, while distribution centers will branch off into a different one. Pit stops will also generally be smaller than distribution centers and have less access to different routes. Pit stops usually work as refueling stations for the transportation and as temporary lodgings. Pits stops in-between distribution centers and end points are important for maintaining a state of confidentiality, as people would start noticing if the routes all directly went to just one place.

Distribution centers are usually a warehouse, a fulfillment center, a cross-dock facility, a bulk break center, or a package handling center. This is where people are sold and transported to their respective ending points. These are especially required to remain hidden or non-suspect, and must be large enough to accommodate for large groups of people.


End Points: Individuals, Locations, and Organizations

Who are the ones receiving all of these people in the end? It can either be individuals who are looking for personal sex slaves or for people to use as sacrifices.

They can be specific locations which function as a type of Bohemian Grove or for places where they conduct orgies, mass torture, cannibalism (Spirit Cooking comes to mind, along with Spirit Eating), or group sacrifices. Group indoctrination, hazing ceremonies, and blackmail can also occur at these places.

Other locations include military bases, labs, and secret underground bases for genetic experiments, cloning, and for Super Soldier programs. Since some of these locations are top secret it may not be possible to find them, but you can find the trafficking networks that ultimately go to them. Locations like these are also likely to be tied to various groups.

Groups are numerous and varied. Examples are big pharma companies, bio-tech companies, IRL umbrella corporations, and large-scale cults and globalist groups. These groups can conduct any mixture of the previously mentioned activities that require people from human trafficking. These ending points in of themselves would have their own connections within them to different groups and individuals. The “end product” that these groups produce from the people they get through human trafficking may also be relocated and distributed to different places and organizations.

Guessing certain end points and seeing if the starting and midpoints happen to go to them, or are within the proximity of them, can be a valid strategy for finding them out.


Look for these kinds of things to map out the trafficking networks (courtesy of Anon5):

1) [Secret Compartments in Vehicles/Ships/Aircraft & Types of Transport](Vans, Semi-Trucks, Buses, Trains etc for Land, Yachts, Cruise Ships, Container/Cargo Ships, Ferry's etc for Sea, Private Jets, Commercial/Cargo Flights, etc for Air.)(Sewers & Subway Tunnels can also be used).

2) [Abandoned Large Buildings in/around Sanctuary Cities.](Big enough to act as Distribution Centers/Warehouses for Trafficking Networks(Weapons, Drugs, People, Body parts/remains, etc))

3) [2016 Election District Map's Blue Parts](In relation to Trafficking Routes, Sanctuary Cities, etc. Work on combining different Maps to see the full picture/patterns.)

Pedo's are not the only groups the Kids are going to & Trafficking has several different categories:

1) [Government]

(For things like Super Soldier programs, Cloning & Body Modifications)

2) [Corporation/Business]

(For things like Genetic Testing/Experimentation & Chimera's)

3) [Criminal]

(Drugs, Weapons, Sex Slaves & Children)

4) [Cult]

(Sacrifices, Blackmail & Indoctrination)

5) [Intel Agencies]

(Brainwashing for Spy/Informant programs & Special Agent operations)

6) [Breeding/Harvesting Farms]

(Selectively Bred/Produced Humans, Organs/Fetuses/Blood & Supplying Trafficking Networks/Centers)

7) [Hollywood]

(Truman Show breeding/handling operations.)

Another thing to note is the use of trafficking for organ harvesting and slave labor (think Qatar for instance).

Overview of our dot map of the general LA area.

who here /frankposting/?

Check and bump

Every time I frankpost hard, I get banned. Really makes me Frank.

Frankposting faggots

Here is our new dot map of the MDC and secondary DC search area with additional roads of interest highlighted.

I'm not the one Frank posting, I always detest that shit.

This doesn't have the additional roads of interest highlighted on it, but here is our Google Earth map with the previous roads of interest that were noted highlighted on it.


Btw in the backup channel we have I posted a lot of traffic data over the course of Saturday and some on Sunday. It might be worth checking out if you haven't already. Posting it here would be kind of a hassle because it's quite a lot of images.

Here's my prediction of the southern area of the secondary DC btw. Curious if it checks out or not. Seems like it would be in the right spot for that sort of thing.


To the obvious IC operative running threads today:


We see you. Give up trying to gas light anons into pizzagate false flags 2.0. We're going after the networks and there's nothing you can do about it. I'll join you lads in a few hours

Notice how he was trying to advocate violence by saying that people needed to bust the pedo's themselves if /HTG/ finds the MDC. We do not encourage that kind of behavior here.


Another thread where there were anons proposing similar courses of action.

You actually managed to find some info?

Investigation is still ongoing but we are getting closer we believe to uncovering the MDC for LA.

As we get closer, the attacks will become more frequent.

Someone is clearly upset that we're digging into this. Imagine being such a pitiful excuse for a human being that your job involves protecting pedophiles and traffickers.

Further reminds me that my severe distaste for the CIA is rather justified.

Can't say I don't like the idea of you madmen looking for the truth but what will you do when you find it? How will you stop it? Just release the info? It will give them enough time for evacuation and cover-up before the investigation starts. Go to police? They probably won't belive you, your evidence will need a lot of explaining probably and not much in the actual evidence area, just a lot of clues. Organise and somehow find actual physical evidence by yourselves? I'd love to see that but how possible is it really.

The thing about the whole evacuation thing is that people have to understand that if they do that it will draw a ton of attention to themselves. If anything that would be in our favor because it could actually expose the MDC and DC's by them suddenly moving all of their product out of them all of a sudden. Also from what I am aware their are some rather interesting fellows who read the threads who can make things happen with the information such that it could make some news.

sorry for the pessimism I'm just a concern-fag

I see, it would be good to start observing them IRL before exposing to see what they do.

No worries user. It's never bad to have a little concern for things.

We're starting to get a good idea of how the networks operate now.

So a Senator user was on last night-

He was saying everyone is too focused on logistics and not trying to find the people committing the crimes. He said try focusing on dirty cops and mayors. It wouldnt be hard. He mentioned the HTGs too.

Has all the posts from last night. He was name dropping as well:

>the Royal Order of Jesters have a building in Adams Morgan, under Billiken property management. Last I heard, things go on there.
>Pamela Harriman
>Steven Jacobs

Not trying to skirt the conversation- just saying its not a bad suggestion. The area hasnt changed in a month and we aren't getting closer this way.

He basically said- get ready to go in with hidden cameras.

hi user, nice digits,
did you manage to look into piggy bank area i mentioned a few past threads ago?
what about locations near primary and high schools is that anything that we should look for as i strongly believe its a case to look into?
have you any intel in ht in Switzerland?

CIA can neck themselves, the bad ones at least

Checked and don't worry user, these threads are watched and we should be able to circulate our information to the right people

Senatorial staffers don't know or acknowledge the things that guy was saying. Most staffers are caught heavily in beltway think.

After all that's happened on this board I'm surprised that anons don't recognize IC ops when they happen.

Been looking at the secondary DC area more though I remember that place you mentioned, it's just outside of the search vector is the problem. It's good to have people following up on multiple angles at once though. Sadly I don't have much intel on human trafficking in Europe in general (other then London being a trafficking hub). Really don't know about what's going on in Switzerland.

He was also pushing Pizzagate stuff, Assange is dead, and saying Freemasons had a direct role in the government or something.

our digits are pretty freaky lol.

For sure I just was trying to help when I can- it is the leave no stone unturned. I do not condone violence - but it is hard to catch people in the act.

Do any of those things surprise you if they were true though? Cause to me- I thought Assange was dead when those blockchains were trying to get hacked months back. Even PG had alot of interesting players all connecting each other. Ionno I just say leave no stone unturned.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's partly the CIA in fact pushing the Assange is dead angle, pizzagate was to distract people from digging more into the DNC emails and into the Clinton Foundation. Spooks even made some of the pizzagate threads.

yea i remember you telling me that its outside the search vector. wasn't able to look into anything into more details. user 5 might know more about HT in Switzerland. I'm sure in any country there is some sort of HT. I would like to know because i have the power here to change something.

I'm sure there is, I'd be curious about what kind of human trafficking might be going down there as well.

do you honestly think Frank could even find Switzerland on a map?

Something is going on in the Mount Washington neighborhood of Pittsburgh.

yea i'm sure there is aswell i just don't know where to start looking.
fuck off

A bunch of weird hipster restaurants there. slaterfuneral.com/index.php/services
Suspicious funeral home

We have an operations manual that's being worked on that might help with that.

What makes it suspicious exactly?

I hope you Anons carry firearms or some sort of defensive weapons while going out.

Jews and cremation of bodies

frankposting is for faggots
kys famalam

Not a exactly a strong lead in of itself, many funeral homes offer cremation services.

Switzerland is safe i don't need a firearm. Still have a revolver at home near my bad just in case. For outside i have a pepperspray.
Can't be safe enough in these times.

near my bed**

Haha! Time to play the tambourine!

yes good stuff. Always looking out anyway. But sometimes i just wonder if a country as safe and as rich as Switzerland has HT.

Don't tell me you got banned again or something. I notice that you're on mobile.

Pizza place right near it.
bing.com/maps?&ty=18&q=Cestone's Pizzeria Pittsburgh PA&ss=ypid.YN731x401661668&ppois=40.4308586120605_-80.0095825195313_Cestone's Pizzeria_YN731x401661668~&cp=40.430859~-80.009583&v=2&sV=1

Have to figure the EU into the situation when evaluating how safe any place in Europe is. Not to mention Islam.

There are better places then pizzerias for trafficking networks to utilize.

PFFFF Islam is the worst. I don't even want to start there. They are the main customer for it. Switzerland is a special case in the EU. France, Germany, Sweden, GB, Spain and many more obviously have HT. who else supplies for the saudis?

I'm sure their are a few rats in just about every major country that has done some business with the saudi's at one time or another.

>pizzagate false flags 2.0

I'm busy tonight.

Pizza is just a code word for the real thing.

Doesn't mean they actually fuck kids in the pizza places though, better places for it I'm sure.

I still believe in the story my escort friend told me about the mossad agend abducting woman who have a doubble life to sell them to saudi buyers. Those men are banned to enter the EU by interpol. Still there are many more. And yes totally agree. I still strongly belive Zruich is one of those citys

Interesting, I didn't know about that. Some factions of Interpol are dangerous though from what I've read.

>CIA nigger working hard for massa

Are you one of the shills who keeps accusing us of all being CIA/Mossad?

yea she told me many more stories. Its fuck up what's going on. Never forget It's just all about money.

So how long has this investigation been going on for now? doesn't look like you guys have found much in the way of leads or anything of substantial value.

Like I say, it's still an ongoing investigation. Patience is a virtue.

No you're one of the shills who keeps acting like you're CIA/mossad i.e. all of the regularsin /HTG/

You really do glow in the dark.


Looks like/Appears that you are working/collaborating With the Shill's. We are Exposing/revealing the "Power Structures" and making Huge Strides/Steps in finding/ending the MDC [Main Distribution Center]

Ah i see.
So what are the vectors like? have you narrowed it down to a neighborhood or city block radius yet

but it doesn't matter to this thread. I will look into the search vector you provided. But please if you find or hear anything about Ht in Switzerland let me know. I can actually do something here.

What the fuck?
i just asked a simple question how am i a shill

We have it narrowed down to the two blocks outlined by the highlighted roads next to Freeway 10.

That's a shill right there who you're talking to.

You seemed upset near the end of the last thread I was in with you btw.

In the rational world, you've acomplished literally nothing, not one single thing, zero, less than zero.

But in the CIA niggerworld, you're probably Jesus.

1) Asking questions and expecting Answers/Reponces are "Shill Characteristic's".

2) You seem upset/angry Now that you have been exposed as a Shill.

Well it will be interesting to see if your leads do pan out and its hard to tell in this threads who is a shill or shit poster to be honest.

We're not freaking CIA for Christ sakes. I hate those guys with a passion.

Lot of shills try to be covert sometimes. I think our investigation will lead to good things in the future.

Weird you would think they would have something better to do than impede an investigation about human trafficking and the exploitation of children.


Why are you trying to prevent people from finding missing children? Are you a pedophile or a human trafficker.

I'll have to start calling you CIA Jesus, nigger.

FIDF keeps repeating this, but Frankposters have done nothing to impede the investigation so far, and in fact are responsible for bumping your otherwise shitty, samefagged threads

Rhf rio vista village
1310 Rio Vista Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90023

Odd little batch of govt housing in the middle of everything


Is FIDF the name of your human trafficking organisation?
I hope you guys don't mind the extra bumps by the way.


It's all good.

At this point all of you shills are basically my bump bitches you know.

When buying or selling something not entirely of the legal variety you tend to feel the safest making said deal in the comfort of a home or apartment away from prying eyes even if it means theyre picking up the product elsewhere at a nearby company or dock.

goes from
You need to do a better job at hiding your butthurt, kek.

I will never understand her laugh youtu.be/du_01sqzsck?t=54

Ah yeah I noticed this place too. Could be a Toulca Hills-esque place potentially.

I mean your basically slaves to the threads. Now get back to work and keep bumping.

>you would think they would have something better to do than impede an investigation about human trafficking
>an investigation
>talking about /htg/
Maybe they're the traffickers and you're scaring them with all the knowledge you keep digging

It's true. I get upset easily.

Don't be like me. Don't feed the trolls.

I'd be scared too, if /htg/ was after me