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Buyfag thread
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damn, looks like it was archived right after my shit was posted
Anywhere else I should keep my eye on besides y!a after a kuji? Nothings coming on surugaya or mandarake.
worst girl
I liked her in that arc so I'm getting her figure.
If it has a page on suru you might want to set up a notification if you haven't already.
Try Rakuten.
can someone give me a source on 10% online tax?
is this freedom land, euroland, mooseland?
technology often has random posts like that for shit like Watches, collectibles and such, I'd try there.
I read a blog called The Postman's Knock to get some base ideas for places to buy that sort of thing. The site is all flowery script, so it's not amazing, but it did give me somewhere to start. I just recently picked up some extra nibs from DickBlick and I have also ordered from PaperInkArts.
I haven't seen anyone discuss this sort of thing before, so thought I could at least give you what little I know.
Seconding this. Sup Forums talks about fountain pens and mechanical pencils sometimes. It's probably the closest to being the right board for that sort of thing.
Also, they have a general for buying cheap Chinese shit and there are a few brands that get mentioned there.
Possibly /ic/
Did anyone preorder the new To Love Ru artbook? I wanted to do it on Amazon to get another book with it but missed it. I figure they'll get it back in stock since Venus was pretty easy to get for a while, but it hasn't changed, wondering if it just has to do with Golden Week.
All were sold out.
Wait further for re-releases or check CD Japan while praying they get it again.
Preordered mine from CDJapan a good two weeks before it came out and got it but I heard some anons had their order cancelled because they ran out of stock. The book seems to be selling really fucking well so you'll more than likely have to wait for the reprint and be fast on that too.
Last time I checked amazon they had a "we have no plans to restock this" notice which I had never seen before. You could email them and ask.
Preordered on play asia right after cdjapan orders closed. Still haven't heard anything and the item page only says pending stock.
Fuckers declined my credit card so I had to cancel it.
With how ridiculously fast the TLR artbook sold out I'm surprised it's not getting more figures.
Anyone know of cheap custom framing?
What are user's thoughts on Otakumode as a figure vendor vs other sites? New at this since I'm just getting into the buyfag lyfe now that I have income.
Otaku mode is fine, especially with the value of Yen increasing and 10% tax next year.
The only issue with Otaku Mode is that you'll end up waiting 1-3 months past release to get your figures and having your package plastered with "Let's enjoy Otaku Life together!"
It's been exploding lately, but yes more would be better.
Ordered a figure from them last year to Central-Eu. Decent shipping time, decent shipping cost and good packaging.
buyfag threads are dying, we should just merge with the onahole thread on JP
Is that on your fig box?
get your cute little plushy
This just makes me sad because the truth is they can't feel anything.
no shit retard.
There was a time when these threads weren't up 24/7 and the guide was basically a list of shops.
We talked about that yesterday.
Which fig is this?
Isn't it a Freedomland retailer? So does it take that long just for figures to ship since it seems other things ship faster or is it if you live in EU?
That will be 2 million yen + tip.
you mean painting the tip is extra?
I once saw one of these and thought it was real. I started panicking over how shitty it was for a minute.
Are any other Canadafags waiting an extremely long time for their orders? A Canada Post employee just told me the average time for Vancouver customs for packages from Asia is 50 business days. Makes me want to start using Fedex or buying figs domestically.
Overpriced and slow shipping. I would only bother with it during a sale. It took 2 weeks each for 2 ems packages to reach central canada.
The way things work is that the manufacturers first send things to all japanese retailers, then once that's done they send things over to western retailers. That is why western retailers get things 1-3 months later.
For some reason they had a nendoroid that I couldn't ship to the US. I wonder why.
Japan is raising its sales tax to 10%. This is usually not collected on export sales so it shouldn't affect us.
Things haven't been taking THAT much longer. But things have been taking longer than usual (3 weeks on average compared to 2) and that is with SAL. I've ordered a few things from manda last month, they've all arrived except for 1 now. One package I ordered 2 weeks ago arrived today, but another package I ordered 3 weeks ago still hasn't arrived.
TOM has a warehouse in Japan and one in California. Some of their inventory is stateside, and that gets to me via 2-day USPS. The EMS is standard 4-6 days depending on how lazy customs are.
All Parfoms have that when you open the box
Sweet. Feels good to be a Cali user.
But I buy doujinshi.
>shit economy
>shit customs
>no loli allow
Yeah, america's hat isn't what it use to be.
Ah... no they don't, I don't remember ever seeing that, which manufacture is that?
I just checked my aquamarine Akatsuki and it has no such message.
>america's hat
Better a hat than underwear.
Don't forget that AmiAmi includes tax in the list prices they discount from.
no argument there, nobody likes tacoland
>ah... no they don't
>aquamarine Akatsuki
He said parforms and that is not a parform, retard.
I have a package that hit Vancouver customs three weeks ago and hasn't moved since. I called Canada Post and 50 days is what they told me.
th-thanks. Wow that site is something
I don't have anything yet but I think I might pick up a Pilot Metropolitan with some random diamine or noodler's ink
will be on the lookout
No, america is canada's underwear.
ooh I like that. except for the egg wand, I don't like that. legs/panties would be nice too. Actually I don't like this figure.
Right, except that it will affect the price of:
- New doujinshi bought from stores like Toranoana
- Exclusives
- Anything from GSC's store even if they claim they don't include Japanese sales tax in international orders
- Everything listed on AmiAmi since they include the sales tax and then do the discount
- Anything that needs to be forwarded or proxied
I pictured a bunch of weebs conducting some sort of warehouse heist.
It's a spoon.
>tfw orders closed
fuck my life
dat valkyrie butt
>tfw everyone posts in the skype group instead of the threads now
c-can I join the skype group too?
I'm mostly on the fb page
Any chance of an irc or discord server instead?
I didn't pre-order her last year and it hurts every day.
So how do I acquire one now?
I know this is a meme but I'd actually join one
We have a facebook actually not a subreddit
Bitter much?
Come with us user-kun
why are those lolis wearing such little clothing Sup Forums?
Why did I search for this and why is it a thing:
Wait for cancellations, second-hand sites, auctions. Unless you're very lucky you probably won't get one for the original discounted pre-order price though.
Preorders on amiami were open FOREVER, they only closed 2 or 3 weeks ago. Your faults.
So they can get nice tans... obv
How close to a release date do preorders close? I know it can vary because after release they can still be order-able sometimes but I'm wondering if there is any trend
There is a figure I have my eye on for release in October and I'm just wondering how long I have to think about getting it or not.
>in high school
>no tail feathers
I bet her load capacity sucks
Who is she?
There's shops that accept cancellations, just order from there and cancel later if you don't want it. Their prices are practically the same as Amiami's.
If you want it order it. If you don't want it don't.
It really depends. Just order it and cancel if you change your mind. I think on amiami they lower the discount if the figure gets popular or preorders are almost out, so you save like $20 or something if you order it early
Let's do it.
She can probably beat out a European swallow, though I'm not sure about her compared to an African swallow
Anyone other buyfag at Miku's LA concert?
What the fuck happened? It's like Anime expo, full of fucking weeboos, where are the fans from 2 years ago?
You need to be at least 18 years old to post on or browse Sup Forums.
Only gwen I know is the dark souls boss.
a pile of clay?
If only there were a database that let you search figures by character name. or some search engine into which you could punch " harpy". Alas, it shan't be.
>Giving your anal virginity for that shit
Faggot please grow some taste and dignity.
I don't think it's slow at all. EMS packages took me only 4 - 6 business days to reach me, and a few took only 2. Definitely overpriced but the amount of TOM point sales that they do can save a lot of money.
>not LINE
I have all the shirobako stickers and I'm not afraid to use them.
You probably have aids too queerboy