
Just started my first year at uni after working for 3 years and I feel like I'm behind enemy lines.
The teachers and students alike are incredibly liberal and it definitely feels like I'm hard pressed to speak my mind about any issue at all.

How do fellow students of pol keep their sanity amidst so much blue pill?

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Years back for me now, but Jonathan Bowden in large quantities.

Which school?

what are you studying?

My man


drop out dude

People will gladly exchange morals and responsibility for comfort and obedience.

This is the final redpill, it happens over and over again.


Find some conservative groups. Or, if you're like many on 4chins, sit alone in your room but stream lots of right wing media while you're at it.

Just focus on the end goal: getting good grades and fucking off. Leave the SJW, instatriggered to their shitty bubble politics and get yourself a solid job after.

>conservative groups
>on campus
they are the biggest cucks in towns
here in Ott*wa they never stop about muh based blacks and liberals are the real racists, also muh conservative immigrants

just play along and satirize their views in such a way that they agree with the satire.

for ex: "wealth inequality is bad" "oh yes it's why we need global wealth neutrality, your money needs to go to africa you rich amerocan!"

ex: "racial inequality" "yes! asians still get rehected from colleges in favor or white students. when will color-based admission end!?"

I'll check him/it out
BA in general science , will switch to something more specialized when I figure out where we're headed
There is some club expo happening soon , hopefully there is a "young conservative club" or something of the like but I doubt it

So much blue and pink hair lads.

Lmao you are the mature student with a hoodie at the back of the lecture hall that thinks he superior to sophomores even though they're younger and more skilled.

what uni

Just go along with it.

Seriously, as a physics and then engineering and the Graduate physics major, it was only a problem in general ed classes.

I had a communist prof for Econ 101. Just cite his bullshit back, and everything's fine.

There was a Christian "creationist" in physical anthropology. He didn't believe a bit of it, and I don't understand why he was in the class. He too, learned to go along with it and did very well.

Good gawd, my English professor... she was a first class nutcase.

As long as you know it's all bullshit and don't start buying into it, you're good. Especially if your major, like physics or engineering, are apolitical.

Probably the most real advice itt
But I wanted an easy way out :(

My school is predominantly white and most of the guys just want to get drunk. I can't imagine them even discussing politics let alone being opinionated one way or another.

Nothing worthwhile in life is easy, user.

No not really. I dress nice , sit up front ask questions, talk to my classmates. Don't really get where you got that from.
Yeah this is good advice too.
I feel like ya gonna be hard to recite the bullshit back in essay form but I guess I'll try my best

>he fell for the science meme

>tfw absolving my last medfag semester this year, therfore never having to experience being workless

op, it's not too late to change...

Just be charming as hell.
Then be drunk with them a couple times where you start horrendous nazi and conspiracy rants.
IF nobody reports you - you are now in the clear. They will hate you but just avoid you.

It´s 50/50 but the alternative is sitting through the pure bile of thei brainwashing brainlet "arguments" or "discussions".

>I feel like ya gonna be hard to recite the bullshit back in essay form but I guess I'll try my best
My college had a sort of speech giving class required for all majors. My (((professor))) was this insanely feminist and racist (against whites but also everyone else too) lady who would give us the most bias/straight up incorrect sources to write our speeches about. I actually learned a lot about public speaking and ways to lie without sounding like I was lying. While I didn't enjoy the class, I can't say I didn't learn anything. It's best to just pretend/throw some sarcasm in there

Just the way it is OP. Keep your head down and focus on schoolwork. I had to take anthroppology with the mist raging SJW professor and got the highest mark in the class by challenging myself to be as SJW-marxist as possible on all papers etc. Was actually kind of fun. But remember graduating is your goal, not getting into debates with normies or sperging out Sup Forums memes and getting expelled

Just put your head down and grind it out, leafbro. Hopefully you will select a fulfilling major which will lead to a good, well-paying career. If this is the case most of the jew nonsense will come in you general ed courses, although I know nothing about Canadian higher education.

The degree is secondary. You're there to learn and see for yourself how the world works when set to 'Full Retard'. Hone your observation and countering skills, learn their weaknesses, read Sun Tzu and use it.

I have 3 degrees (BA, BSc and an MA) and getting a job or career is 100% who you know, not what you know. What you know comes after. No matter how much BS they preach about justice and equity, it will always be, and has always been, dog eat dog.

Give 'em hell.

You are pumping tens (possibly hundreds) of thousands of dollars of (((profit))) into that university.

Drop out, my son.

>I had a communist prof for Econ 101

I know it's all about the grades but did it hurt your spirit in anyway? I know you have to put your pride by the door but damn
Thank you. You're right. Just seems hard. I've wanted to go full pol, like 3 times this week
I'm starting to see that's it's similar if not worse
Will do. Thanks for the advice.
I guess "grind it out" is the common theme of this thread.