Protestants converting to the Orthodox Church

Why is this happening?

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weird, is as if the Bible doesn't have all the answers...

no niggers no jews no moslem no gay no women allowed, its pretty simple

Many Protestant churches are moving to the left, having gay preachers and shit. The problem is that their support base is largely conservative and wants to be part of a church that supports their conservative values. This means that some protestants are going to look to other churches like the Eastern ones which aren't as cucked.

Raised an atheist, but currently looking for an orthodox church. The pendulum is swinging, bitches.

>parents tip fedora
>kid cringes
>rebels by going full mystic
Orthodoxy isn't a counterculture, jackass

I'm joining the Orthodox Church. Been going for a while and it's great. Most of the services are all singing and chanting and when the priest does give he a talk he regularly btfo's muzzies and speaks of the need for walls and watchtowers.

because fuck you

Traditional-leaning Protestants are intrigued by apostolic Christianity has and what their denomination does not have. The preference for going east to the Orthodox Church instead of remaining in the west in the Catholic Church has do deal with different reasons for each convert, but the view of the papacy transfers rather well I should note.

The Orthodox aren't the only non-cucked christians.

ive been wanting to convert to orthodoxy for a couple of years but every church is out my area, so it would be hard to keep contact in order to prepare for baptism.

i see it from the standpoint of the early church fathers who followed the disciples examples.

>a Catholic version of that pic

yes they are

western churches and schools sold out - instead of teaching what's in the Bible, they went full SJW. No surprise to me some would find it unbearable, although eastern orthodox churches are bs in their own way too

Whites want to LARP as Jews because they think this time it won't degenerate like it always has

you forgot this version

this one too

Because Protestantism is the most pozzed branch of Christianity.
t. Former protestant

Are you Anglican or a non-Christian? If you are the former, the Anglican Ordinate was formed years ago to allow people with that tradition to enter the Catholic Church and retain their liturgy and other traditions.

We hate the papacy, with its history of utter depravity and corruption, creepy "celibate" priests, and Marxist liberation theology, but have never been exposed to the Orthodox Church. Rome sort of cut Western Europe off from them.

In short, enough Protestants are starting to realize there's a third option. Martin Luther tried to establish relations with the Orthodox, but they rejected him.

And we have the fuckers in Rome to thank for sacking the Byzantine Empire, weakening it, and setting it up to be conquered by the Mohammedans.

I'm interested in the Orthodox Church as a Protestant, but that's way to broad a generalization. Protestantism has more of the extremes, the extreme liberal and the extreme conservative. There are very based, traditionalist Protestant churches and congregations, and moronic shitlib ones. It has a wider "spectrum," but isn't necessarily more pozzed generally speaking.

Maybe you should tell your Patriarch to watch his lips too.

>cucktholic damage control

>Letting your arch nemesis kiss you on the forehead while you bend down like a dog after you killed so many Orthodox Christians in Crusades and conquests

Lmao I feel sorry for Cathocucks

It's because the large mainstream denominations like the United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church USA, Episcopal Church, and Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and now even the Southern Baptist Convention are showing cracks and beginning to fall apart thanks to the left wing. So what's happening is people are either quitting church entirely or going into hardcore Pentecostal movements or into traditionalist Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

When OP pic converted, evangelicals and other protestants went ape shit, calling him an apostate, "false Christian", etc. They see Orthodoxy as Catholicism 2.0

That's entirely the fault of evangelicals. If they want to keep their membership they need to clean house. They can't continue claiming they're true Christians and Americans then go against both.

On behalf of the Orthodox Church,

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.

thank you

Pic related:you.

>that's the definition of shilling
grats Mr Russian immigrant

you don't think Christ would do the same?

that's what he would do because he is a kike but fortunately he got STICK'd long ago and we don't have to deal with his hippy bullshit


Kek the argiepope is a turbocuck
Also a fucking san Lorenzo cuervo faggot

meanwhile in my country there is a scandal of a gay priest doing gay things to students

churches suck

the jesuits are the gay commies of the catholic church

Came for the art and music, stayed for the doctrine and people