How do we save and preserve the black race?

How do we save and preserve the black race?

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gas the jew ofcourse

More white Y-DNA is the only way.

We don't

By stealing the best examples and including them into our genepool.

Forced segregation. It's the only way to keep the best of their people inside of their own communities in order to start effecting a positive change for their race. The way it is now any black with the ability to leave their communities does so leaving only the worst to care for and direct the course of the majority of their people.

Colonize their wombs. Its the only way.

Their "men" are monkeys with impotent rage angry that big papa white man isn't taking care of them. They're children and their women should be liberated from the tyranny of the coon boy.

gib sauce

Eliminate welfare.

>Forced segregation
Its almost like you want there to be problems. When you have two seperate communities in the same society, two seperate cultures arise. A multicultural society never works. I live in the northwest where there was only a handful of black kids in my high school. I was friends with a few and they acted just like any white person in my town. When you force a bunch of nigs to be with each other and far away from white influence then you get niggers. The real answer is seperate them from each other and integrate.

Its the same deal with rapefugees in europe. If you force them to integrate then there is no issue. But if you let mudslimes live in their own little concentrated areas then they'll never integrate and instead create their own sharia no go zone for euros.


We can keep one or two of them in the exotic harem.



you dont preserve dirt, itll always exist, relax. Theres people with actual concerns here

Eugenics program - breeding the top five percent (highest IQ) of blacks and sterilizing the rest. The sterilization could be carried out through an incentive program; you could either give them a few thousand dollars or just pay them in Timberland boots (for example).

Kill niggers and distribute the seven or eight remaining blacks into white society where they can be raised under controlled conditions again.


lol as if there was a single nigger out there who should be spared.
>Sup Forums 2017

>preseve the black race

You could start by losing some fucking weight. 60% of black women are obese. Not just overweight, but obese.



BMI is based on muscle-less white bodies. 150 lbs looks drastically different on a white woman and black woman of the same height.

more pressing question:

why would we want to?

>How do we save and preserve the black race?
landfills work well for trash

I dont care if i get b&



>preserve a race that breeds like rabbits

no user, the question is how do we sufficiently cull the black race

HOLY SHIT sauce plaess

Well, bringing all the blacks back to africa where you belong would be a good start.

I'm a weightlifter, so you don't need to explain to me the failings of BMI. However, for your normal sedentary person, it works just fine. You know damn well that nigger women are fucking fat hamplanets. The few fit-looking nigger women are extreme outliers.

I'm sure studies looking at bodyfat calculations would find similar results. And the results correlate with the much-higher instances of cardiovascular disease and diabetes among niggers. This all makes sense when you remember that we evolved for 10,000 years with agriculture influencing our physiology, whereas niggers were only ever hunter-gatherers.

black man here
repatriation time.
Lets Go Back To Africa
Lets Go Back To Where We Belong


we don't

>no benis
shit tastes


I would definitely bleach her. Do you have sauce?

this. stop treating them like kids thier whole life.