Even though this is a question for my fellow danes. Ill make the post in English. So everyone can contribute

Even though this is a question for my fellow danes. Ill make the post in English. So everyone can contribute.

Im not that good at politics. I find it hard to actually trust what these people say and promise.
But i want the best for my country. And i want to vote for the party who would keep my country the way i love it.
So when the day comes. Who do you think i should vote for.

I like the idea that we dont have to pay to see a doctor or be able to support people who actually NEED it.
But i also dont want a bunch of muslims fucking up my country.
Someone with s hard policy on immigration and muslims.
>who to vote for?

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skåne halland og blekinge er dansk ler

Ja det siger folk jo.
Men har altid tænkt det bare var et meme.
Er de ikke også meget interreseret i at privatisere ting som hospitaler osv?

Beklager. Jeg er ikke helt med.?

I'm glad we have Mestari in our country. Good luck Denmark

t. 1/4 dane

det hele gik galt med roskildefreden, de horer til pakken ligesom bornholm og så kan den evige stockholmer skride hjem med sit sydlænderpak

mht. partier er de alle sammen lidt for kosher (inkl. DF, desværre) men de er da det mindste onde sammenlignet med resten, jeg så dog hellere at NMR gjorde sit indtog herovre

Tja jeg tænker også selv DF. Men synes heller ikke det ville være det perfekte parti.

Forresten. Hvad med Inger Stojberg? Gor hun det godt?

They are actually center left. They are only counted as far right because of "rascism".

Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen, aka Nordfront, aka de svenske nazier; det er sgu en interessant kategori af svenskere når man ser på hvad resten ellers går og laver - deres partiprogram er dog ikke helt tosset og har det rette fokus på kultur og folk

stojberg er okay men jeg er mest fan pga hendes tendens til at skabe rovsmerte hos medierne og politiken-segmentet; når det kommer til handling går det da okay, men V har det med at tale guld og gronne skove og ikke levere det store

ja hinger dinger da der hinger dinger doo

One thing that is important to point out. Domestic politics is effected by the ambition for higher office. Even being prime minister can be seen as a stepping stone. I think Anders Fogh made deceisions based on his desire to get the NATO job. you get paid more to do a cozier job.
Now is mostly relevant for three parties. social democrats, ventre and radikale. They can't be trusted under any circumstance. Many or most wants a EU/nato/un job.. what the case is. Remember that in the EU parties are joined in groups. the groups that those 3 parties belong to have always ruled EU.
So basically in the EU ventre, SD and radikale are in goverment together and have been for decades. Everything in their domestic program and such will mimic and follow the EU/UN programs and basically if they do a good job in Denmark then they can go on and get a better job internationally

Aboslut ikke, DF er meget rod i forhold på velfærdsområdet og er imod privatisering.

Well it sounds like ill be voting DF then.

Sandt. Men tror du nogen sinde sådan et parti virkelig kunne vinde i Sverige?
Jep, Inger skaber nogle gode moments helt sikkert.

Epic broni love south park!


Tak anonyme mennesker.
I har virkelig kastet lys på det hele for mig.

Det er sjovt. Da jeg var yngre kunne jeg aldrig finde på at stemme DF. Because racism!
Sjovt hvor hjernevasket man kan være i skole alderen.
Sorgeligt faktisk.

Holstein, Schleswig og Hamborg er også kongeriget's.

Förhoppningsvis kan vi använda SD som övergångsparti för att öppna dörrarna för Nordisk Ungdom, Nordfront og mer

plus Osel og Rygen

Sådan var det også på mine skole. Man stemte da ikke DF for "det var jo noget for racister". Sjovt nok lærte vi jo ikke om hvad de stod for, men rettere at de alle var nazistiske racister man ikke skal hore på

Det är att tysta oppositionen

Liberal Alliance er tættest på det Amerikanske Libertarian party men de er meget solle hvad de tor forslå. Lidt mindre skat men det er begrænset indflydelse de har. DF er en meme de er i princippet national socialister med focus på socialister. De er for gammeldags og ideologiske som så mange andre. Vestre/Con = neo cons, eller ny konservative som ikke rokker ved status quo. Social demo, Sf enhed er memes som elsker at dyds signalere hvor gode der er. Men som vi alle ved er vejen til helvede brolagt med gode intentioner.
De fleste Dansker får desvære stadig alt deres info via TV og der kommer nok til at gå en generation til for vi ser et paradigme skift når folk slukker for fjernsyntet.

Og det er nok desværre stadig på samme måde, og ville altid være sådan.

For what you are describing it's clearly DF..
Im personally voting for Nye Borgerlige because that I want the fuck out of EU...

I don't want germany's migrants to have an easy time crossing the danish border just because they technically now are EU citizen.

I de senere år af folkeskolen oplevede jeg flere gange min dansk- og samfundsfagslærere sporge hvem vi ville stemme på og decideret tilfoje at de ikke håber det er DF.

Det er ærgerligt at folkeskolelærere har så stor indflydelse på en så vigtig fase af vores dannelse, især fordi langt storstdelen af folkeskolelærere stemmer rodt. Heldigvis lever vi en æra af let tilgængelig information som muliggor opnåen af mere mangfoldig viden

I agree that df is memeish. but you have to give credit for getting in and doing work for many years. they are growing a bit stale though. It would be great if there was another party like nye borgerlige.

Liberal Alliance, they are somewhat neutral on immigration and multi-culti.
However they are hard on econ and personal liberties. Nothing is worse than the taxpayer financing arabs and Africans, only LA will limit this - they will also limit it for everyone else.

In terms of migration (the soft invasion), there really are much different. 80% of the mandates in parliament wants to limit migration. But there is not much they can do without leaving the international-agreements, which only Ny Borgerlig and DF wants to do.. however there is no chance of them being a majority anytime soon..

Vote LA, if not because you believe in the Austrian-economy model, then because you appreciate the tears from the left.

Ive also heard that Nye Borgerlige would be a good choice for me. But im not sure.
I dont mind paying high taxes to be in a country where you can be supported if really needed.
But i also would like to get the fuck out of EU ASAP

>there really are much different
Meant: there really aren't much difference


jeg skal ikke kunne sige det, men det er en sjov kontrast mellem os da vi jo har besættelsen som sætter lidt af en stopper for det her, derimod har svenskerne nærmest haft et blomstrende netværk af natsoc'er i sammenligning

alt håb herfra, det er tid til at prove kalmarunionen af igen

DF, SD og V holdt debat på mit gymnasie... alle syntes at Kristian Thulesen Dahl var en boss fordi han modte en halvtime for sent og gik rundt med en cowboy hat.

Starting a fascist party in the nearest future. Until then, just vote nationalistic.

Kalmar flag on Sup Forums when?

Det er noget svineri. Det burde næsten være ulovligt at komme med sådanne meninger til folk som ikke er gamle nok til at sætte det i perspektiv. Når man arbejder med born i de aldre.

Well, det må jeg sige også lyder pretty BAWS.

This would de-facto make danes a minority in Denmark, the voting majority would be Germans and Swedes.

An interesting phenomena occurs in the transport ministerium. If a jyde is transport minister, then there will be a higher than average investment in the infrastructure in Jylland, if a Sjællander is transport minister, then the reverse will happened.

What will happened with a different language/culture group becoming a majority, they will use the tax-payers of the rest of Denmark to finance shit in Skåne and North Germany, while the rest of Denmark will be left out.

There is nothing to gain, from expanding the border.

Har ej problem med Danmark som ledande nation i en Nordisk Union med villkor att ni hjälper oss kasta ut negrer og araber

hvis du ikke har fundet ud af det endnu, så are alle på christiansborg nogle kæmpe lognere ligemeget hvor meget de fremstår anderledes. så snart de får magt bliver de (((amerikanerne))) og kinesernes lille bitch.
vi burde indfore monarkiet igen eller et etpartistat

I'm mostly worried because there's no way the Left can have both a comprehensive health care and social system, *and* also support the trillions of niggers/muslims/trash that want to migrate to Denmark. I spent a year living in Japan, and it was eye-opening to stay in a country that is not, in any significant way, multi-cultural. It sounds -- but more importantly -- it *feels* good to advocate multi-culturalism, but it appears obvious that it entails incredible challenges in real life. Nobody who makes the big decisions about immigration has to live with the decisions; they live in sheltered, non-nigger areas.

I'm not sure blindly voting DF is the way to go. It's largely a discourse problem; you're not allowed to voice these opinions because you'll be branded a racist and then ostracized. It's literally what happened in the US: the left called everyone who voted Republican a dumb retard, and then the silent majority just stopped talking but instead made their voices heard where it matters: in the voting booths. The same is happening in Denmark.

What a comfy thread

If the Danes unite under one banner the world couldn't stop them.
The term "Dane" before it meant people who were ethnically Danish meant those of broad Scandinavian descent. The Rus were called "Danes" by the Byzantines.
The Norwegians were called "Danes" by the English, Irish, and French.
The nationally Danish were always called Danes then and now.
Denmark could be the only place to create a true pan-Germanic union. They would incorporate Northern Germany (The important part of Germany), Scandinavia, Iceland, Greenland, Faroe, and possibly Annex a modern Northumbrian state, and even more far fetched a Northern French state (Franks being Scandinavian as well as Normans being "Nationally" "Danish".
Anyone from these areas could be considered a Dane.
It would also make the perfect ethnostate.

I'm laughing

Neither do I but there needs to be more parties at christiansborg supporting leaving EU.. that is all that matters.. I will gladly vote a more "social" parti once we are out of EU.

The alternative is leaving Malmö and related places as functioning kebab FOBS and letting Sweden's government continue the slow genocide of the Danish Scanian population. I'm not saying the process would be simple, but something needs to be done - even Scanian independence would be a better option than staying under their current leadership.

Det var jo det der var planen hele tiden, svenneven, vi kommer snart til den store nordiske intervention

This man gets it, pic related.

Well sådan er the real world. Jeg synes også det er noget svineri, hvordan mine gymnasielærere (blev student til sommer) også nærmest indoktrinerede mine klassekammerater omkring Donald Trump.

Mod slutningen af 3.g mente mere end halvdelen af min klasse helt seriost at Donald Trump var racist, at han hadede kvinder, m.m..

Medierne gor dog også det samme, de er bare bedre til at gemme det.

Det er lige præcis det jeg mener.
Og også derfor jeg har lavet denne thread.
Ved fandme ikke hvad jeg skal tro på. De siger jo hvad som helst for at få stemmer.
Det er sgu svært.

It's call "hygge" user.
Hope you enjoy

Tillykke med huen da.

Nemlig. Man kan næsten ikke sige et godt ord om Trump mange steder i DK. Uden at folk ville se dig som en ond ond ond nazist/racist.

>Det var jo det der var planen hele tiden, svenneven, vi kommer snart til den store nordiske intervention

Ikke for at være buzzkill, men jeg tror at Sverige, og Tyskland for den sags skyld, er et lost cause. Jeg tror helt seriost at Sverige kommer til at være skræmmescenarioet i fremtiden for hvad der sker, hvis man bare lader hele Afrika og Mellemosten ind. Desværre er moderne Sydafrika i post-apartheid ikke nok.

Når vi nu snakker om immigration i Danmark:

har lige haft et år med 2 lærere, den ene startet alle hans timer ud med at sige "horte i hvad donald trump sagde i går?"
btw hans papdatter dater en muslim lol

den anden havde jeg i historie og jeg synes kun det handlede om racisme hver eneste time. hun lagde meget vægt på at sige "den hvide mand" i hver eneste sætning

Langt henne af vejen er jeg nok enig, men man har lov til at håbe, især når deres yderpartier vokser; det er nok mere tanken om at være nabo til to kalifater der irriterer mig

Nej præcis. Det sjoveste er dog når man sporger om folk kan finde et interview, en tale, et tweet, eller en anden form for direkte udtalelse fra Trump der siger at han ikke kan lide sorte, asiater, mexicanere, osv..

Eller sporger om de kan finde noget, hvor han siger han vil bombe Danmark, bombe Nordkorea, deportere alle mexicanere, at alle mexicanere er kriminelle, at han hader kvinder, osv. osv.

We do what we can to uphold some sort of civility in this world.
Men on topic: Som andre nævnte, er Inger umiddelbart den mest fornuftige mht udlændige politik, og ovrige tiltag som bor træde i kraft så vi kan have en hovedstad der ikke er invaderet af bandemedlemmer.
Det er så syret med alt skyderiet.

If voting could change anything they would prohibit it.

som eks-arbejderklassekobenhavner savner jeg sgu den liflige lyd af geværild i norrebros gader når man prover at sove kl. 3 om natten

Holy shit, seriost?
Det er jo fuldstændig åndssvagt...
Hvor i landet ligger din skole?

>pic related

I think you are far to pessimistic about the situation. You don't need a majority to be in control of a country, arabs and Africans are notorious under-achievers, even if they became 80% of the population in Sweden, ethnic swedes would still be the ones that governed and control the country. They would obviously have to live in gated communities and the welfare state would evolve more into a bread and circus kind of thing.
This is more or less what has happened in post-apartheid SA. The saddening thing about it, is that it quickly turn into an Americanization, where people no longer looks at people of their ethno or cultural group as "their people", but make group distinguishing based on wealth instead.

Bombe Danmark?
Okay den er sgu ny for mig den der.
Haha what the FUCK...?

ja, det ligner rundt regnet lort, men intet politisk parti kan overleve den ultimative skandale, dvs borgerkrig

ring til pekka :--DDD

går der ikke mere men i en lille by nær holbæk.
min klasselærer i mine sidste år i folkeskolen sagde at drenge der ikke stopper med at snakke i timen når der blev sagt stop er det samme som voldtægt.
vildt mærkeligt

Jeg troede kun sådan noget skete i USA.
Det er jo fuldstændig vandvittigt.

Lyder sq lidt som om det var en gammel ensom GRIM dame som var lidt bitter på livet?

>S 28.2%
Why are the social democrats still so strong in Scandinavia?
In UK, Labour have become eradicated, in France too, same in Germany, Netherlands and Austria.
Still they are going strong in Sweden/Denmark..

Because it worked decently when the countries were pretty much 100% homogenous, is what I take away from it. Think of it as political jetlag.


Google "Trump bomb denmark"
Folk tror helt seriost at Trump ville bombe Danmark, fordi de ikke havde læst artiklen ordentligt som ovenikobet ikke tydeliggjorde at Ted Cruz havde kommet med en vanvittig udtalelse om at Trump måske kunne finde på at bombe Danmark hvis han blev præsident... TILBAGE I STARTEN AF 2016

Jeg har ærlig talt problemer med at stole på nogen politikere. Især efter de seneste to regeringer, så kan jeg ikke finde én politiker, som jeg tor stole på

Forgive me if I misunderstood your statement, but how the fuck am I being far too pessimistic?
Seem to me from what you are stating, that you would not mind living in a society like post South Africa, a society where crime and poverty sky rocketed as a product of Nelson Mandela's presidency. White people emigrated to Australia and New Zealand as a desperate attempt to escape the black man's seeking for vengeance. Would you want that to be the case in Europe? Is that a (((positive))) world view for you?

sorry for my spelling mistakes, that message went fast


this is what happens when you let Americans comment on European countries and nationalism.

Er hun ikke ude af politik?

we would go to war for orkney but you can have shetland back

Du kan ikke stole på nogen i dansk politik, det er klart. Men for gud's skyld stem hvor du kan.

Go for a party that mirrors Victor Orban, the liberals and the EU will let Denmark collapse, Mark my words

well it should be said that they actually have taken a somewhat mild anti immgration stance.
Another thing is that we are (supposed to anyway) on the height of a business cycle and there will eventually be a major financial crash. It could be in bonds and it could mean major spending cuts plus pension funds having to tell people they can't get what was promised. Some people will still want immigrants but many will say "i wanted to be a good moral socialist but sorry now we don't have the money".

Svenska flika ar nice :3

Obviously it would be a downgrading from our current society, but you could still have a decent life - actually you could very well have a great life.
So even if this current immigration trend continue, we could still have a very good life.

The poverty and crime, would predominate the ghettos, and would have limited effect on your life.

är du en Achmed?

Until Mububo al-Shumaqqa ibn Biqqnud realizes that he's dissatisfied with his gibs and decides to put your Swedish wife's son to use to sate his sexual emergency, at which point he's affecting your life. It's not a viable solution.

no she's just not the leader of DF anymore. She is the speaker and MP. She got the Dannebrog hung in parliament and caused much triggerdry

Jeg har stemt til alle valg, lige fra da jeg kunne og har tænkt mig at blive ved med det. Men det er svært at vælge en at stemme på

>...and decides to put your Swedish wife's son to use to sate his sexual emergency.
Why would I care? he will be sodomizing a negro.

I didnt hear about this at all.
Why the triggerdry? Its The danish Parlament. Why not a danish flag?

The point is that stray nogs are exactly as vital a part of civilized society as said wife's son, and thus we need neither. I'll take a great life with no nigs over a good life with nigs.

We are already paying for their education, their prison stays, their healthcare, they housing, food, and more, but you also want to downgrade your living standards so their cousins can economically migrate aswell?

But there is possibly two years until the next selection.
Two years is a long time. Alot can happen.
Could we be okay with the government we have for now?
Considering the refugee crisis.
Could they actually make it better for Denmark?
Or is there no hope before the next election?

Skal man nu være det? :(

The world governments pressure DK to accept migrants/refugees. If we didn't they would slam sanctions on us. Instead we should focus on growing the local population, establishing larger cities with our own kind.

well people were saying she was politicizing the flag. ofc the real reason is they just don't like flag.
I think most Danes think the way you think.

I'm firmly against this invasion.
But like talking about "a collapse". I don't think this is a realistic possibility. I honestly don't like the direction things are going, but I don't think it will be catastrophic, meaning it will cause a large reduction in my projected living standard or opportunity to achieve a good living standard.

Only a larger economic collapse can make the multi-culti society, turn ugly.

personally i agree but i also think there will be economic problems. and in some sense if we had not spent the money on immigrants socialist would have spend it on something else given the chance.
State bonds will crash and that will be very terrible. we have most bonds in the world either being negative or negative when counting inflation. If there were normal interest rates then many countries would be bankrupt and that includes usa. no problems were solved in 2008. the problems was just pushed out in the future.

I never mentioned a collapse. Ofc nothing is going to collapse. Money from other parts of government is going to be drained. Right now my parents are expecting their "folkepension" to not be there for them when they retire from working, and yet we want to accept in more refugees.

For me it's unbeliveable that people actually want this to happen. They want hordes of muslims to enter into our societies despite them having completely opposing values to western culture rather than set up refugee camps in neighbouring countries or other muslim countries.

With how things are going, my plans are to move to the US once I finish my education. Hopefully USA will not have adopted these complete reality-absent ideas of how society should be structured by then.

I just really dont want to end up like Sweden.
The thing you hear. Im mean. Jesus christ. It is horrific. It is completely insane.
How can a country be that suicidal.
I would like to stay Danish and in Denmark

I like our current immigration policy, but other than that, I don't really like it. Our healthcare and educational system seems to get fucked more and more every day, to make room for some tax reductions. And the age for retirement keeps rising. What, do I have to be 100 before I can retire? I'd like to relax at least a couple of years before I die

så længe du ikke er bosat i storbyerne har du nok en rimelig line, du skal bare være på vagt omkring potentielle nye (((diversitetsinitiativer)))

husk at få snakket (om end forsigtigt) med bekendte om de reelle problemer - mange i min egen omgangskreds er gamle lefties der ikke kunne få deres doublethink til at hænge sammen efter for mange år i miljoet; det handler bare om ikke at 14/88e dem så de står helt af og begynder at rable om uffe og kaospiloterne

Hov hov du racist >:(

Godt råd.
Ja jeg bor heldigvis i et dejlig stille sommerhus kvarter midt ude i ingenting.

Men du har helt ret. Det handler om at tale med sine peers, på et roligt og fornuftigt niveau. Så det ville give mening for de personer at SKIFTE deres mening.
Begge mine forældre er fx. meget rode.
Min far siger endda Trump er den nye Hitler.
Jeg elsker min far. Men for satan da....

jeg er fra en stort set 100% rod familie (og ikke engang den relativt velfungerende slags), og selv hos os er det så småt begyndt at dæmre for flere af de tungnemme slægtninge at der er noget helt galt, så der er næsten altid håb - det kan dog tage noget tid for det siver ind, især hvis det er konfliktsky typer, men alle har en smertegrænse

det er nemlig det, tag det afslappet - det værste der kan ske er at en eller anden bindegal hipster tyrer sin latte efter dig eller ringer til redox, og så kan normale folk der iagttager det jo drage sine egne konklusioner, men vær nu for fanden forsigtig

De där jävla stockholmarna. Pisseluder allihopa

du skal stemme på, Borglige eller Danske Folkeparty, eller danskernes parti