Its H-A-P-P-E-N-I-N-G
CNN report admits Florida starting FEMA camps
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As long as it's for non whites that is excellent news
if anything, the dindus will be spared.
this timeline is a shitty ride i want off it
What the fuck
the phrase 'new world order' seemed so out of place here
Nwo? What's hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall gonna do in Houston?
I'm just going to put this here, don't mind the Jewtube:
anti-slide bump
When the rapture does happen we will all still be here with the rest of the dammed.
omg alex jones was right
we're all going to get gassed by the nazi germanic death cult that runs the world (except for hollywood which is owned by the arabs)
Ok what the fuck
Skip to 1:50. Info wars goes into the fema dome. SHADY AS FUCK
it's about fucking time
good place to start with those rural and suburban retard swampshits
welp that's it...we're fucked.
It's the timeline you chose when you voted for trump. The ride has ups and downs. Accept help from no one.
>fire up HAARP and send some hurricanes to parts of the country with undesirables
>pack all the displaced into camps for a mass murder event
it's almost too easy
Threadly reminder all the underground cities and tunnels, all the FEMA camps and plastic coffins, and all the weird shit going on for the past years is NOT because of WW3 or some conspiratard happening, but to prepare for climate change and what's coming, be it real or artificially produced.
The elites are hiding because of weather
everyone I have ever met from Florida has been mentally ill.
They said nothing of FEMA camps, just NWO because she couldn't articulate very well. You think the elite would let a retarded news anchor in on their plans?
>The elites are hiding because of weather
the elites dont need to hide from weather. global warming isnt even going to happen because the sun will enter a cooling phase. we literally need to pump as much CO2 into the atmosphere as possible to maintain our current climate in the next 100 years
But the elites are also CAUSING the weather.
It's too obvious otherwise. The Government used to openly admit to weather manipulation, but now if you talk about it in public you're labelled a conspiritard. Look up Project Stormfury, Project Cyrus. They've been doing it for decades but now everyone's "forgotten" about it all.
>they will "never" go back home
What did the lizard Illuminati mean by this?
>that quick cut off
holy fucking shit, are they really killing people in the shelters?
The sun is already almost at a solar minimum right now. It's why we're seeing so many CMEs and Solar Flares. Keep an eye out for Sunspot 2673 as it comes around into Earthview again. It's been spitting at us for the past couple weeks. We barely missed a MASSIVE CME last night. Shit would have been fried had it hit us directly.
Jesus Christ............
Is anyone else feeling sleepy?
we only cared about this when america was a white country now i support fema camps
agreed. this is more of a problem that affirmative action has become so bad that we get all of our news from minorities or women or in this case both. they're fucking retarded and dont even know what they're saying. she literally fucking says nwo to describe a local disaster. even an average retarded white guy anchor is smart enough not to drop nwo into one of these filler segments.
florida has had fema camps since the bush administration like almost every state. i think only like 6 states dont have them
alos the damage in florida is almost nothing and only the everglades can flood. the "flooding" in souther florida is 2 inches yesterday and thats all that can build up before being taken out to sea. its not below sea level and its all 100% uninsurable so they wont build shit that wont last any more. they use steel i/t/u beams for 1 story buildings in florida and plexiglass on damn near everything
Aren't we all reading this post from inside the FEMA camps Obama was going to have us all placed into? Oh, wait...
>Shit would have been fried had it hit us directly.
god dammit. that shit wont fry USBs will it? or do i need a faraday cage even for that?
The FEMA camp stuff has been going on since before Bush. It doesn't matter who is president, there is a much larger game in play here.
The figures prove that American society is on the brink of a civil war. All that is missing is the theme of the violence, which is already connected and existing.
Like a catapult before the launch, with Soros doing the launching and Trump the cuck not defending his stupid ass because he's, well, jewed stupid.
As far as my understanding goes, your computer won't be fried like it would be with an EMP. You'd need a faraday cage for EMPs.
The largest problem with a huge CME hitting Earth would be power grid failures on whatever hemisphere is facing the sun during that time. Satellites would fry, GPS would be fucked, and there would be extreme chaos as transformers die or explode during a VERY extreme Geomagnetic storm. Look up the Carrington Event of 1859. Telephone lines burned up, telegraph operators got zapped.
Sure there is, champ. Anything to stay scared and divided. 10 Good Goy Points have been deposited into your account.
The downfall of America is now sealed, a blind man with a crutch could see it.
Couldn't happen at a better time or place.
I don't think we should stay divided at all, and it's pointless to live in fear. Just be wary. It's not division if the program continues under both Democrat rule and Republican rule. It just shows that there's more to our government than meets the eye.
Get your guns out, shoot all blue helmets god bless.
anons who know what they are talking about. Out of curiosity, where did you guys learn this?
Happens when you start to read something they dont want you to.
Despite Trump's allegations and his attempts to improve relationships, situations are still deteriorating. Geopolitical risks have continued to grow.
Those who followed the course of the discussion in the USA clearly recognize the lack of the President himself. In the USA, an unprecedented power struggle is raging. All (((political forces))) are working towards the intensification of the existing conflicts.
What has become apparent in the past few months is how little power and influence the American president has when administration, parliamentary chambers and the media are working against him.
He's a powerless cuck, and a tool to boot. The kikes will have no difficulties outjewing him and America now, and that will be the final nail in Burgerlands coffin. The people there will never get it however, they are not fit to think.
I know conspiracy theories are fun, but applying Occam's razor to this situation would indicate that the Federal Emergency Management Agency wants to be prepared for, gasp, natural disaster and emergencies! Happening fags have been beating this same drum for decades now, and surprise, nothing has happened.
I can't say I'm a beacon of knowledge in any way shape or form, but I try to keep up with some of the things going on in the world. is an excellent resource for keeping track of solar activity. is an excellent resource for keeping up with world events.
I read lots of Wikipedia articles, and that's pretty much it.
Yes, and that man said he was a police officer.
You can trust the good officers word.
The way you write reads like a shitty PBS documentary.
>police never end up homeless!
>a homeless policeman
I'm just open to the possibility that there could be something more sinister behind the curtain. FEMA absolutely is prepared for emergencies and disasters, but they could have contingency plans for other things as well. There are many many organizations and companies that are fronts for other activities. Your condescension is amusing.
He clearly saw & knew too much and was ruthlessly ousted from the force. He was a good officer some would say one of the best, but look at what they have done to him now. Poor boy, down on his luck.
check these out
That's what happens when you burn out on the MK ULTRA program
i'm willing to say he's batshit crazy
As is your paranoia, but I understand that it somehow feels better thinking their is some nefarious government force with an evil plan controlling everything and plotting, instead of the reality that our country is run by corrupt, inept morons who don't give a shit about what happens to the rest of us.
This is very interesting. Thank you!
cspan morning call in show, i believe. guy saying climate change is bogus said that evidence suggests the sun is about to enter a cooling phase. i've tried to verify this to see if there is data on sun temperature trends and i cant really find anyone that is actively reporting on changes in sun temperature. i mostly like to bring it up to illustrate the point that there are an endless number of variables to consider, especially if we want to say that man made climate change is a certainty. it seems like something super basic. that the temperature of the sun should always be considered when talking about climate change but i have yet to encounter a person that has given one second of their thought process to sun temperature. all i know for sure is that the sun's temperature IS NOT constant and DOES have a large impact on our climate. the fact that it's never talked about is also somewhat of an indication that we're looking at climate change with a microscope by just observing changes on earth when really we need to pull back and consider changes happening with our sun. in short, the sun is absolutely not a constant.
The people who have started building these camps are confident we won't be able to commandeer and repurpose them. This hubris is what keeps me going, to witness the divine comedy
Federal emergency management agency gets activated when there is a federal emergency to manage
Oh wow, It's fucking nothing
>(((new world order)))
Houston, no!
It's like they've got to get it in there for some reason . . .
I wouldn't say that it "feels better". Both scenarios are equally depressing. It's hard to to think that there aren't plots and plans when there is such a massive black budget, and when there are thousands of patents that have been classified. In all honesty, both of the things you said are probably true. The government is "run" by many corrupt inept politicians, while the real government is running things through the alphabet agencies. In my opinion, that's where the true powers may lie.
Well shit.
Okay, that seems like a more reasonable take. Sorry for flipping you shit. You seem okay, user.
well no shit they're FEMA camps, do you even know what you're talking about
No problem. We're all in this together.
>a homeless guy that's lying
I thought that, too, but this timeline is some Monty Python-level absurdity, so it has entertainment value. Also, God must have thought you were tough as shit to incarnate you just prior to the Apocalypse. It's gonna be a hell of a ride, brother. See you down the road.
I kinda hope he was just a crazy hobo, that shit is scary
homeless guys never lie user
Pretty much they're for section 8 people who have nowhere else to go.
They will be there a long time, Trump already moved to reduce all Section 8 payments by 25% come November, it's a done deal. This means the (((landlords))) won't be building new apartments anytime soon.
Fuck, I remember playing this game when I was younger and I never realized that the developers were, redpilling us. I thought it was all fictional dialogue.
And the (((reporter))) keeps exploiting him.
They didn't just come for the video games to annoy us.
Video games were training us this whole time.
What the fuck? Is this real? The government is kidnapping people?
Definitely crazy to think about all of the training possibilities with VR involved.
>one of the games in mgs was a vr training for your vr training
i hoped you brought your cigarettes user, we'll need 'em
Right, because CNN reporters have the inside information. shaking my fucking head.
That's because she's using it completely out of context. She's just an idiot. And some of these people are peeing their pants over this??? baka
Occams razor doesn't mean that anything you find unlikely is untrue. Real application of Occams razor would be,
>Government must feed, house and provide medical care for these people before, during and after the storm (to various degrees) it would be impossible to track and keep tabs on these people during the storm and very easy for them to fall through the cracks. You don't have to go to them, they'll come to you during the storm and most importantly the state will save money if these people disappeared.
The only reason the state could possibly have for not offing the detritus is morality. When have morals ever outweighed money in our government?
Stick your misapplied fallacy up your pompous ass :)
Most of the Houston victims being rounded up voted Hillary, just fyi
To add, think about the skills video games from the pre-SJW era taught us:
>problem solving
>figuring out things by degree, a type of:
>detective work
>basic computer skills
>conspiracies and how to ferret them out
>the idea that there is a secret enemy with advanced technology
>societal control
>idea that most people are sheep
>breaking out of a system of control to achieve self-realization
Compare to what's being taught now, a bunch of fluff.
What are you going to do when after the hurricane 10000 Floridans have just disappeared without leaving any human remains.
It's definitely rarer nowadays to see games with those skills in them. However, now that I think of it.. A LOT of VR games out there teach some of the skills you listed. Minus the story elements that tie them all together. I wonder what the next 5 to 10 years will be like.
I wouldn't know user, I stopped playing video games a while back. VR doesn't interest me (I'm old enough to have played Dactyl Nightmare) and the new games all seem to have an obvious, lefty agenda.
I think there will still be redpilled games but they will be flying under the AAA radar, mainly for the PC and increasingly open source or indy.