Daily reminder that if you can't call yourself "free" if you aren't armed.
Daily reminder that if you can't call yourself "free" if you aren't armed
i have two arms
i only see slavshit
maybe there are real guns behind the sofa?
I had an FAL but sold it cause it sucked.
> serve in army
> paratrooper reserve
> some mongrel fiddy cent role-player turbovirgin thinks he's not gonna get fucked up the ass 3 different ways when shit starts going down, because he has an ak
I lmfao @ turbovirgin larp-fags like you, can you even run 100 meters without getting a heart attack?
Yes. Do you want to see my pee-pee too, Hans? How's your country btw, you guys still getting overrun by muzzies?
What's that? That sounded suspiciously like some fatass quietly cuckpedalling away from me and the insult I nailed to his fat forehead. Nice picnic you got there, meanwhile I know how to jump out of planes, march for miles, drive APCs, and actually fight a war. I'm sure you can loot a hillbilly gas-station or 2 with this "arsenal" though, good luck with that, fatass bahahahaha :^)
> look at muh small-arms
top kek
Theres more muzzies in the usa and whitness is higher than amerilarss 52%. 150MILLION people in the usa rent white and you had a nigger president.
Leaf and armed baby.
>has guns
>can't shoot em when I want because property not big enough
>too shy to go to the range plus don't want to get shot by some idiot fooling around
S-someday I'll have that 150 acres
I have an M70 ABM with 7 30rd mags, a Beretta 92SB with 2 15 round and 1 30 rd mag, and level 3 body armor. I lived through hurricanes in Louisiana as a kid. I have loads of dehydrated emergency food, 10 gallon water jugs, candles, a dynamo weather radio, solar panel cell phone charger, etc. etc.
When disaster strikes I'll have enough shit to sit tight in my house for weeks at least.
I need to stockpile medicine though.
You can keep all this sort of shit in one closet in your home, everyone should.
>(((gun on the right)))
How many shekels did that set you back?
Why are you so butthurt Hans? I'm glad you're a real warrior for the UN. Are you allowed to even have a knife without a permit? Call me a pudgy American again, if it means it'll make you feel better.
>too shy to go to the range plus don't want to get shot by some idiot fooling around
Stop buying Israeli weapons.
> posts nigger-tier aks
> tries to banter ME with sandniggers holding aks
are you fucking retarded?
Why americans, whose first language is english, can't speak it properly?
So you only have 210 rounds of ammo?
I'm not a prepper but isn't that too low?
Your m70 seems almost new
leave the scope, take the fucking flashlight and red dot off and put them on an ar. buy a 9mm polymer striker fired pistol. done.
You are 100% correct but why would you choose to defend yourself with those? I mean having 1 or 2 is fine, but don't you think you should get an AR in there or a larger caliber bolt-gun? What's your reason for having all of those?
We are it's just a confusing language at times. quit being assmad that you're somewhat military trained and never get credit for it
It's on the low side, but I don't intend on getting into serious firefights. It's a decent loadout for what I could reasonably expect from looters here.
das rite
I've got an 1897, an SKS, a Browning hi-power, a Remington 1100 (pre remshit), and a Mosin Nagant. I'm ready.
b-but user, it means y-you're a slave to violence now!!!
I bought it new, the barrel and milled receiver are brand new and made in the USA.
The handguards were new, the only original parts are the internals, pistol grip, folding stock, etc and they had all been refurbished. It's a fantastic rifle.
>Talks about freedom
>post commie shit
Those are nigger-tier weapons.
I know they're almost indestructible, but they're shit at range.
You sound pretty buttravaged, how about you post pics of your guns.
AK is my favorite gun, but all this anti-Russia hysteria makes me nervous. Ruskies are the only supplier of 5.45 and the only supplier of 7.62 that doesn't cost $2/round. I mean our ammo supply could get shut off tomorrow.
>lets legalize guns, so every psychopath and criminal have acces to it, what could possibly go wrong
Are aren't really that fun man, I've had a few but got rid of them.
>nigger tier
Ok faggot, post your airsoft shit or stop shitposting in the thread you triggered f aggot.
That slavshit is good for beating it up. I'd keep one just in case.
Yeah, just look at all those massacres in Switzerland, Finland, Czechia and Austria.
Oh, the Horror!
It's true. You also can't call yourself a free man if you're too weak to kick someone's ass for infringing on you.
>let's ban all guns, criminals never disobey the law
Slavs make some decent firearms. I know Zastava in Serbia makes a good rifle, handguns, etc.
you have cops with license to kill, mr freeman
Don't bully
I've thought about digging a sound proof pistol range I'm so desperate.
Idk if that would be legal where I'm at though, building regulations and all
The fuck kind of car is a momo?
flashlight attached to the scope, fag
>hey target here i am!
MOMO makes steering wheels...
>I need to stockpile medicine though
Where to buy legit antibiotics online without a prescription?
Yeah we just have like 10 millions kanaks, lets give them guns.
It's a steering wheel, bro.
Oh, the sandniggers and their criminal family clans already have guns. And even if they dont the come up with 200 Brothers.
Also do you think that these people would get legal registerd firearms after an backround check if they could? no they would simply get an illegal one from Serbia and Bosnia like they do now
You don't need that for a happening
But you could get "fish biotics" (amoxicillin) from pet stores
Oh yeah those will be super useful in 15 years when swarms of hand-sized drones can identify and incapacitate/kill the target with ZERO collateral damage.
Face it gunfagz: If you were going to use your guns you would have done it and the time of your small-arms (small dicks) being useful is nearly over. But you know, and I know, and we know, white men are nothing but cowards...now tell me more about how you're going to run (like a pussy) into the woods as society collapse (rather than actually fight).
lol. Pathetic.
The real redpill is that the left got everything they wanted without firing a shot. Had you had any courage and intelligence you would have adopted and then adapted their tactics for your own means, but the truth is: in addition to being cowardly, the far right is full of sub-human redneck, blue-collar trash.
>Oh yeah those will be super useful in 15 years when swarms of hand-sized drones can identify and incapacitate/kill the target with ZERO collateral damage.
>why do you need a gun to defend yourself from tyrannies you bigots
Still got 15 years then. Pic related.
Those mags got a 5 round limit?
>only has ak47s
kill yourself
How's the 6 gorrillion trigger pull working out for you?
iirc the 5 round limit does not apply to all semiautomatic firearms in leafland
Get an AR15 instead of these commie guns
That is slightly ableist, don't ya think?
The in fact isn't a single AK47 o
>tfw want to get a gun for home defense but don't want to spend a lot of money
I need to read more, last thing I want is buyer's remorse.
How free i am from 1 to 10?
>It's a decent loadout for what I could reasonably expect from looters here.
I was about to say the same thing. Standard load outside the wire, but always packed extra mags in the ass pack. Don't want to get killed for lack of shooting back.
>well-regulated militia
none of you are a part of a militia, hence you should not be allowed to have them.
Just get a used 12 gauge shotgun.
Couldn't agree more.
>be American
>get shot (but only once because automatics are forbidden in the Land of the Freeā¢
>all the gay ass slavaboos in this thread
muh based Putin
muh based Russia
muh Moist nugget isn't a second rate rifle
The AK is a rifle pattern most suitable for African militias, gangbangers and illiterate farmers the world over, not the white man.
its not about being armed retard, its about having the RIGHT to be armed. plenty of UKucks have illegal shitty old revolvers and ww2 rifles from their gramps closet. they cant take them out in public, carry them, practice shooting them, or use them in any fashion without being given a lifetime jail sentence.
so you see, the mere act of owning a weapon does not make you "free".
having a government charter which protects your right and enshrines your ability to own weapons, whether you currently do or not, is true freedom
america is the only civilized first world country that has this right. i believe czechs actually just fixed their gov to include this, so there are only 2 countries in the first world that offer true freedom to its citizens
Their not the same tho and you do need antibiotics. What if you get cut and gets infected bad or some nigger shoots you and you antibiotics for your wound to heel?
Learn to speak English better you nigger.
You can try getting a job and setting aside money each month, NEET cuck. It's not fucking hard.
Been hasguns for a year now. It's an expensive hobby.
all semi automatic rifles. Pistols are pinned at 10 rounds tho
I never touched a weapon ;_;
Daily reminder you're not really free if you can't smoke pot while banging a hooker in front of the police. Not that I would, pretty degenerate. But it's freedom.
Yeah it's amazing how few countries have something like the 2nd amendment.
Apparently Mexico has it but the government has loop-holed it into non-existence where there's only one legal gun store in the entire country.
>be American
>go on vacation to england.
>get shot by police during terrorist attack because guns are forbidden
Can't you get a black powder revolver in Italy? Or a crossbow at least?
they apply to all centerfire semi automatic firearms in canada
yes he does, and they can be removed from him at the drop of a hat. at any moment, his leftist legislators can revoke his firearm privilege
>what is disappearing in the middle of the night via FSB taxicab because you wrote naughty things about Putin
lets put things in perspective faggot. if you arent robbing a liquor store or being a sketchy black teenager casing an empty house, chances you will get shot by police are smaller than getting struck by lightning while being eaten by a shark while kissing barrack obama
I have a job and make about 1.2k every week (I used to make a fuckload more).
I just have lots of other projects I'm working on right now with my house. Plus hurricane Irma bullied my old ass fence so now I gotta replace that too.
Got my .410 ready to go.
we have guns
It's called degeneracy, not freedom, Lobke
Why are you so afraid manlet?
hourly reminder commie fucks need to be shot. get out dirty red pigs
Not mutually exclusive, Mario.
why arent there stg's ever in USA collections? how much did that cost you?
Don't get too fired up, its a GSG .22lr replica. Got it because it's aesthetic and it has 25 round mags