>Hi, we're here for the job application.
>TFW as making this, I realize that places like Whole Foods in any major city hires freaky queers like this almost exclusively and the service sucks accordingly.
>Hi, we're here for the job application.
>TFW as making this, I realize that places like Whole Foods in any major city hires freaky queers like this almost exclusively and the service sucks accordingly.
Ayyy lmao. Really though they look fucking gross, I actually feel a bit nauseous just looking at them.
thank you we've been looking for some new nuclear technicians after our previous ones took unexpected early retirement
california as fuck
Cool, what do you know about educative youtube videos for children? Have you given sexual education before?
Double kek.
Alright, I'll bite.
What kind of traumatism leads someone to become like this?
Some dude actually cut off his nose as a fashion statement.
these idiots can vote and cucks still believe in muh democracy
I'd hire the guy on the left if the mall needed a Skeletor for Halloween or something.
How often do you think the guy on the left gets sinus infections?
Not enough
No worries, anyone else notice that these people never make it past 35? They usually die in car crashes or commit suicide because they have obviously a completely fucked life
time to preheat the ovens i guess
>guy on the left
Get outta here smoothskin
>TFW my early childhood friend became a nigger and eventually died in a drunk driving accident.
>A memorial was set up on the side of the road where he died.
>A friend and I wrote "Drunk drivers deserve to die" and other such things with permanent markers all over the pictures, memorial pieces, and wooden signs of the memorial spot.
>Knock down and tear up a whole bunch of it.
>His whole group of nigger friends are enraged and trying to find out who did it for weeks and weeks after.
Name their band
This is political in that there is no such thing as a conservative or non-left person that fucks up their body or face to such a degree and we are making fun of it, m8.
Also that was what I was thinking. What makes a person do this?
fuck off, faggot
Ayyy lmao, get the fuck outta my office ese before I put ICE on your ass, we don't hire illegal aliens here
>guy on the left
Red Skull?
>eating food made by these people
ayy lmaoe
Shit, I see that. My first thought was one of the ghouls from Fallout.
guy on the left would be a great child trauma counselor
Japan bringing the lafs today
Maybe he holds a grudge against his face.
Their hands still look too human.
>what the fuck do you mean you wont hire me you fascist white fuck
>earth 1610 Redskull.
>became a nigger
If dudes who look like this were trained to fight, they'd make for amazing bodyguards, can you imagine having a bunch of motherfuckers that look like demons watching your back? It's a shame all that bodymod surgery is probably fragile as fuck
Where can I find more about this handesome young man
Skeletor on the left would make a pretty great looking yakuza desu, he should hit the gym more often.
He-Man and Skelator had the time of their lives saving money at MoneySupermarket.com and now they feel EPIC
What I always wonder, is why the bodymod crowd doesn't seem to pursue anything beyond cosmetic enhancements. If Skeletor had a new nasal bridge built out of surgical titanium or w/e, bolted directly to his skull, and reinforced with plates elsewhere, his face would shatter the fist of anyone who punched him, and he'd be more resistant to skull fracture, etc.
the guy on the left looks like a mexican
They probably just have never considered this aspect.
Always the nips with nice and fresh bantz. Keep up the good work!
this guy would be great for alpine rescue
Close enough
>became a nigger
>vandalizing a memorial
you and your friends are all niggers.
>vandalize memorial
sorry, who's the nigger in the story?
no my friend, you will find that if you look inside yourself to your deepest darkest place there is a nigger there staring back at you
Red Skull and the Rectal Rangers