Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Wahlkampf Edition

Upcoming elections:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>Gather lurkers
>Make memes
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Ignore the shills

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal



Weidel leaves ZDF Debate
Storch vs Bushido
Nigel Farage speech
Email Leak

Other urls found in this thread:

For german Anons who want to go the extra mile:

The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters, distribute flyers and stuff into mailboxes, man info booths (together with experienced guys, of course), help prepare locations for speeches, look for posters being damaged/stolen, go to local meetups to discuss plans/ideas etc.

Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€

Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.


post yours


>tfw too based for germany



don´t bait us with already married woman REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

based Wiebke!

daily reminder germany is a far-right country

I mean, just compare it to NZ for ex

So is anything going to change or?

What's up Germans. Me and my friends always thought you guys were hard working people.

Why is it that all the German students I have met so far are huge cucks and extremely stupid? Is it really that bad? Why do you still apologise for WW2?

far right only in name
no far right government would put the well being of foreigners above the well being of natives

>Günzel, Schultze-Rhonhof

All long gone and ousted from service.


¥Why is it that all students I have met so far are huge cucks and extremely stupid?
Fixed that for you.

>satan is from france
forget those guys, the german education system has destroyed them

First "Right Wing" Party in Parliament in decades. Major butthurt incoming. Other than that .... Doubt it sadly. People are too brainwashed and standards of living are still too high. We need a big economic crisis for the people to wake up.

Not before 2021 but for the first time ever we will have a real opposition

is that Faceberg?
I don't do that trap-crap

i wanted to share an articel about real heroes

it´s a good read about what honorable and proud Syrians are doing at the frontlines. All we get are the disgusting subhuman

triggerwarning: the article is in german


don't remember the last time I saw an actual french person

I side with is not owned by fb as far as i know

checked/10 absolutely völkisch

Göring-Eckard literally stating that she doesn't amount to jack squat and entered Easy Street on the fucking women-ticket.

That cunt is unbelievable!

Qualle, user!

oh wait there we go
> at house party
> smoking on balcony
> some chick walks up to me, because I'm an 195cm tall aryan male
> first thing she says
> "I like it up the ass"
bummed her in the toilet 2 mins later, she ended up being french

Yeah we get all the cowards and losers. The good syrians are still in syria

who dis Samendämon??

Sorry about WWII, mate.
We really tried to free you from those Jews but we just weren't strong enough. I'm really sorry

what did she mean by this?

im a student and i can confirm that, especially student outside of STEM seem to be huge cucks.
i even saw flyers from the antifa at my university...

Wiebke Muhsal but be careful she is part of the east german AfD. She wants Pommern etc. back.

Better return it before Wiebke comes for you!

We just had 10 years of crisis and nothing changed. When the fuck will the Dutch lion roar again instead of this SJW apologist callout culuture sheiB. Being proud of my own country is shunned. Yugh.

How likely is FDP/CDU? Someone mentioned even (((polls))) said it wasn't possible.

Qualle? Wat u mena?

She hates Germany

"Qualle" relates to "Quelle" as "Sauce" does to "Source".

Such quotas are only desirable if you expect to become an elitist minority in the future. Are they aiming for china 2.0 with a 1 to 5 man population quota? Would such a population ratio be economically desirable?

Schwarz+Gelb is dead. The only change is that the greens get less than 5%.

Then it's possible again.

Tough geezer! Ritterkreuz-tier

Does she actually?

I got done reading The Strange Death of Europe recently (I highly recommend it btw). Had some choice bits about how a couple of assassinations were enough to silence most of the Dutch media with regards to problems with Islam, was quite astonishing.

Ah! now that makes sense!
Thanks talking Toblerone!

>We just had 10 years of crisis and nothing changed.

Where? For most of the people barely anything changed and many did not feel any crisis. You do know what a real crisis is, right? When you can'T find food in the supermarket for a week and the "refugees" start chimping out beating people to death for food. THIS is the crisis we need. The people really have to fear for their future, otherwise it will be a slow decline into eternal doom.

She is in Höckes inner circle, obviously she wants our eastern provinces back

I sort of want the Greens to get fucked but Groko is better. By the way, even with SPD in the opposition, they made their stance clear, they sided with the invaders clearly, so even if we get BlackYellow I doubt it'll be much to the AFD's detriment.

They are missing 5%, still possible if greens don't make it in or FDP is very strong

Honestly this doesn't mean anything. Anyone waving little plastic flags no matter what country looks like an uncouth moron, she just doesn't want to look ridiculous.

Yeah, but why wouldn't they go AnCom Coalition (CDU, SPD) like they always do? SPD remains as the 2nd strongest party, i strongly suggest, but lost a lot of approval.

>tfw theres no party for me to vote for
guess I'll just draw swastikas on my ballot

>Anyone waving little plastic flags no matter what country looks like an uncouth moron, she just doesn't want to look ridiculous.
>uncouth moron
kys faggot

can stay/10

CDU will always prefer a smaller partner in a coalition to have more power.

If Schwarz+Gelb is possible it will happen

if taking it back will involve sucking me off I'm willing to make that sacrifice.

No matter which coalition we will see, the AfD will grow even stronger in the next years.

Worst possible outcome for us, I hope they get crushed. GroKo must come to further the end of Merkel and the end of the SPD.

Oh, but that is exactly it, the SPD is apparently losing so much recognition (mostly to the AfD and satire parties like DIE PARTEI)

we live in rough days, when some people actually consider making democracy a joke and vote comedians into parliament.

What do you guys think about Groko but Merkel quits halfway through? She looks kinda bored already. Would we get the rat looking crypto taking over then?

>Cuckrepublic Deutschland

Those comedians are part of the establishment too.

We just do what the government tells us.

erika steinbach qoute

>Die Partei
>Radical lefties mixed with shitty satire
It's no wonder that some 18 years old moron will vote such idiocy

lmao that's nothing. At our university the the marxistisch-leninistische partei Deutschlands is advertising.

BMWF is incredibly rare, the Jews have some morbid fascination with it though and it filters through to our media so you get the odd girl with daddy issues going for 90IQ mudkids (still a massive genetic improval for the nogs).

Kind of a shame though, her ancestors survived untold war and famines and she throws away those genetics for 5 minutes of media attention and a life of single motherhood.

homofuerst lindners "wife" dagmar rosenfeld, pure coincidence. kek.

>Erika weiß es

>Tfw Dixie-deuscher has been reduced to a cuck-screeching retard with absolute no regard for his brothers and keeps demoralizing us.
You absolute goon.
That's true too. but you wait for the joke to end.

Since they will mainly steal votes from leftist cuck parties with their pandering to leftist cucks, I don't really have a problem with them.

>German women want chocolate babies

martin lebensborn is a good old left satireist, who can't adapt to new realities


Lindner is in the closet. She's probably his israeli handler or something, after westerwelle went and disobeyed their orders in libya

ok for me
you dont need to use it, but u can, and then u can save ur answers and see who you side with in every other country (except norway, portugal, switzerland, china and finland which aren't working at all)

>All long gone and ousted from service.
Their influence remains and the Bundeswehr remembers them.


wtf? Why would any white woman willingly do that? Flush her offsprings future down the toilet by mating with a low IQ subhuman?

He's a part of the system. Controlled opposition.
Wouldn't be surprised if he's on the payroll of some intelligence agency, after all he's writing for spiegel and the state tv

German women are beyond brainwashed.
They are the main enemy of the white man.
I know the german anons here dont want to admit to that, but it's true.
The few good and modest german women get vastly outnumbered by race mixing harlots who cream their panties over "chocolate babies"

She even looks the part.

Well, it's the main interracial cuckold fetish as well, and it's debatable if it's nature (getting aroused by seeing a white woman with a male you know is inferior and subsequently lowering yourself into the lowest forms possible and finding arousal there) or nurture (pushed in porn and media), sort of "hen or egg" question.

As for why the media pushes it, it's clear: they want to promote "diversity", "tolerance", "openness" yadda yadda yadda, but if they show the more common pairings, which is white male with a foreign woman, the feminists will go mad and fight it. They have to keep portraying white men as the losers, fitting their overall narrative.

I think the same. Die Partei looks like controlled opposition

nah, don't tinfoil hat that one too hard, user.
he was editor in chief of titanic and hence has a certain standing in the satire business. speigle and zdf wanted the name because they failed at their own satire attempts

The MLPD is advertising everywhere they get money from palestine
>Mein Fühl when money from palestine is partly german taxpayer money

We don't even have to steal the SPD's voterbase, the non-voters might be disgruntled but you'd be surprised how high the votingparticipation-rate will rise this month.

and imagine this: 2013, the AfD just SCATHED below the 5% hurdle, but that was when NO BASTARD knew of them.

I haven't seen that here in the East, but the West has been hit pretty hard by the '68ers. If we didn't face immidiate social breakdown it'd be quite funny and I'd be curious to see if West Germans still had this aura of superiority amongst themselves if half of them were 90IQ mudkids.

I'm Dixie-Deutscher, but I switch flags from time to time. Also saw another one using it who wasn't trolling like that guy.

>german women are beyond brainwashed
same goes for the men
the few good german man are vastly outnumbered by brainwashed faggots who think black culture is something they should imitate

any further, deeper clues for 'arranged marriage'?

Could just be leftists up their own asses. In the USA they still think they're a hair's breadth away from a KKK takeover.

Schultze-Rhonhof did everything he could as retired major general. He issued two (or three?) open letters to the government -- as it's prussian tradition -- warning them about their "mistakes" (we know they're not mistakes).
Since then he's gone silent, only speaking at some Landsmannschaft-gatherings. But he's elderly now.

>he was editor in chief of titanic and hence has a certain standing in the satire business. speigle and zdf wanted the name because they failed at their own satire attempts
Yeah and he just so happens to create an (((ironic))) party that is designed to catch votes of disgruntled young males who want to vote something to piss others off but aren't properly political yet and laugh at silly german attempts at (((satire))).
Theres more than one reason to believe the entire stunt is controlled by intelligence agencies.
Their satire for some reason also only kicks against the opposition and is really tame when it comes to those in power.

Interesting, thank you.

In munich you'll see lots of german women with niggers and turks.
I know anons here love to claim its only fatties but it's not.
It's either shy bookworm types or dyed blonde supermarket cashier type women.

Well guess who pushes interracial porn? Also, somewhat related, there was some theories that the invaders are especially rapey because they think life here works like in porn.

women are weak in general. they believe what they are told. instead of fighting, most of they obey
it has always been like that.
there are a few exception though


His book should be read by everyone. One of the newer Sup Forums essentials.

Germans for example.
Ever looked at german produced porn?
Its full of interracial.