Commie Hate Thread
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communism is the future.
8/8 bait mate
PISS ON s*alins face
found the little faggot nerd.
It's the death of the human race.
fuck communism
Spotted the commiecuck
Stalin kick's Hitler's ass every night.
And true communists are the true ubermensch unlike the beta spencer faggots.. because they are not threatened by niglets and kikes.
>that pic
I'd like to imagine how some poor vietcong or other commie guerilla that spent decade of his life stuffed in a soggy hut made out of his own feces and 7.62x39 ammo crates in middle of a jungle spending every waking moment of his life being prepared to give his life for his beliefs would feel about meeting modern day sjw university communists.
Not that communists don't deserve to be thrown out of helicopters but atleast back then they had some resemblance of backbone.
>"“God is on your side? Is He a Conservative? The Devil's on my side, he's a good Communist.”
Lil christcuck...
I thought you britbongs were supposed to be based.
> When you belong to a pathetic country such as yours it makes sense for you to be anticommunist.
Soviet Union - Nukes and Spaceships
Czech Republic - World's best prostitutes...
a failed pathetic experiment that the world laughs at.
I aint the one worshipping jews on the church bro.
fags taste the dirt too
>It's another commiecuck pretending that the Cold War never happened
If the soviets were the "true ubermensch" your empire wouldn't have collapsed 25 years ago while the glorious capitalist imperialist American empire still stands proudly and keeps exploiting third world shit-holes of it's resources to this day.
> you and the crew
aaahahahahahaha kys faggot e-larper
c*mmie pigs are disgusting. shit in s*alins mouth
>better dead than red
>white race is dying
>except in ex-commie nations
at least you kept your promise.
Bro its coming back...
Half of the Russian population prefers it to capitalism
Bernie is the most popular politician in fucking USA and Corbyn is rising as well....
The US didnt win any fucking cold war moron.
that's one great body.
> tfw they're all white
its always the ass pirate flag that pretends the s*viet union was based. its a decrepit shit hole where loser scum need to eat out of dumpsters for necessity. let alone all of r*ssia is subhuman mongrels force raped from s*alin. kill yourself loser. no one will miss you.
Why are all communists in the modern day such pathetic betas who can't even dress properly
Half of the trash IQ americans have been brainwashed by the GOP and milton Friendman who happens to be a jew btw about the greatness of capitalism.
Your hero ronald reagan was sucking jew cocks... and you insist on living your pathetic lives working in mcdonalds.. and believing your american dream will come true.
>Half of the Russian population prefers it to capitalism
Looks like them ruskies didn't learn their lesson.
>Bernie is the most popular politician in fucking USA and Corbyn is rising as well....
Yea and that's why he's the president and not the guy with the biggest anti-communist fanbase.
>The US didnt win any fucking cold war moron.
Yea and that's why the Soviet Union is still around while the U.S has collapsed.
Holy fuck that's hot
It's pathetic when /leftypol/ tries to shill here with muh kikes
You can hardly call something a war when there is no warfare between two nations moron.
All social policies from the soviet union are literally coming back throughout europe....and the Crowder dick sucking you insist on is dying worldwide.
I dont need to shill bro.... you useless memes were done the moment Soviet cocks were penetrating aryan pussies in berlin.
You can call the soviets economically illiterate and brutal, but degeneracy was not their forté. They needed strong families and good fertility rates to keep their shitty system alive and racial mixing has been extremely rare, relationships with foreigners were punished.
I thought Stalins Soviet Union wasn't real communism
lol modern day western communists think they're like soviet soldiers liberating berlin.
but actually they are similar to imprisoned degenerates in siberia while soviets liberating berlin.
remember that today postmodern open society leftists are just pawns of globalist media and hollywood.
Soviet Union - Nukes, Won the WW2, First man in Space, World Domination
Poland - The jealous loser slavic nation...which never achieved anything
>Half of the Russian population prefers it to capitalism
They don't want the soviet union back because of its economic policy, they want back the prestige and power Russia had
>Bernie is the most popular politician in fucking USA and Corbyn is rising as well....
They are Democratic Socialists, even if they got in, you would not be satisfied with their policies
>The US didn't win any fucking cold war moron
Remind me again how many communist nations still exist compared to capitalist ones
>All social policies from the soviet union are literally coming back throughout europe
I'm not a yuropoorfag but if you commies even think about doing jack shit in the States, expect a total world of pain that your little commie head can't comprehend.
Post modernism and marxism are not the same thing.
Whatever makes you sleep at night, Ivan. Now go die from krokodil overdosage.
this moron wears a flag of a group (pkk) which is supported by trump administration.
but he or she is too dumb to know real geopolitics.
Manlets are leftists
You will always be the jelly bitches who never achieved anything.
Seriously how the fuck did it come to this?
An illiterate and unwashed worker or peasant could easily be tricked into that, and genuinely believe he does what he do for a real purpose.
How the fuck did these guy popped?
Best stalinist waifu