What will Republicans do when it becomes impossible for them to elect a president?

What will Republicans do when it becomes impossible for them to elect a president?

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execute order 1488

>OP thinks that the Democrats aren't a fractured bunch of faggots who are so divided that they'll be BTFO for the next 20+ years

Seems to me, kiddo, you haven't been paying attention to anything this past year. Keep up the good work!

At this rate, that's much more likely to be the fate of the Democrats than the Republicans

You say this after Democrats had their biggest loss in years.

They've been preparing for years.

1. Gerrymandering minorities into irrelevance through cracking and packing.

2. Voter IDs and other suppression tactics which keep minorities from the polls.

3. Maintaining disproportionate voting power for rural whites.

4. Undermining left-leaning institutions like unions, planned parenthood, universities, ect.

5. Chase liberals to the coasts through anti-liberal legislation.

Ect ect. And it payed off, too, as seen in Hillary's loss despite winning the popular vote by an absurd amount. They've got things under control. They only need to start worrying if they lose control in 2020 and their lock on Gerrymandering is lost, or if the Supreme Court goes after them.

Why do leftists think colored folk are too stupid to get an ID?

You people are delusional. You think Republicans are going to keep wining when they lose Texas and Arizona? Or are you just ignoring the fact that Republicans are losing those state and burying your head in the sand?

Leftists think they're too poor to afford one. They aren't cheap. That, and also every additional barrier to voting cuts the less motivated voters out - and Democrats have always relied on less motivated voters anyway.

The Dems lost a huge chunk of their base after Bernie got screwed over.
Given that they still don't have a charismatic candidate and after all the shit that went on with the DNC last year its gonna take some time for them to rebound

I honestly don't know how you can scream doom and gloom after the Democrats lost so soundly last election.

how do you even function in the society without an id you dumb fucking nigger?
oh, right, crime.

Latinos will never vote Republican majority. Look at Nevada and Colorado as prime examples. The Latino population exploded in those states and it's unlikely they'll ever go red again.

Once Arizona, Texas, and Florida are lost it's all over. Blue state hegemony for the burgers.

>implying any more presidents will be elected
Trump dynasty incoming

I'm pretty sure American niggers ARE too stupid to get ID

Because it's gradual. Arizona nearly went blue last year. Give it a decade or two and the declining white birth rates will turn the state blue.

said the democrats of the republicans during the 2008 election

The same things that we've been doing for awhile now.

>The Latino population exploded in those states

myeah they are about to implode

Yep. That's why the Dems are fighting so hard to secure an open border and citizenship for 50 million spics. They want a mathematical lock on all future kangaroo elections.

No amnesty, sealing the borders, and voter IDs will only hold off the Mexican breeding program for a few years. Their population has reached a tipping point. Nothing will stop their exponential grown short of a whole lot of bullets. The country is lost.


Elect a democrat.

>Because it's gradual. Arizona nearly went blue last year
Not really. He won handily. Minnesota was much closer to going red than Arizona to blue.

They'll focus on local elections until the only power the Democrats have is the presidency.

lol what makes you think that it would be impossible for them to elect a president.

fucks sake voting is supposed to be an honor, your forefathers literally died in droves so you could vote today

and you can't be bothered to get off your ass and go vote if it isn't delivered to your house, let alone getting a valid identification document god forbid

Starship Troopers had the right idea - divide citizens and civilians, civilians have full civil rights but 0 political rights, while citizens have both civil and political rights

and you have to earn citizenship

What will Democrats do when illegals can't vote?

>civilians have full civil rights but 0 political rights, while citizens have both civil and political rights

This would be so perfect. All our problems would disappear virtually overnight.

They're literally like $15 and almost all black people have one anyway. Its all a diversion so they can keep using registered dead people, people registered in 2+ states, illegals, for an edge at the voting booth


we have proof that the 2016 NH senate and presidential race were won via voter fraud already
nobody cares

Still too close for comfort

don't have to worry about texas for another one or two cycles, and florida should remain a swing state just as long.

Dems may get arizona, but I'm pretty sure some solid lefty states in the northeast will shift further to the right as tribalism takes over the political arena.

ironically the only two states spoiled by third party were NH and MN.
Stein never came close to spoiling anything for Hillary.

you do realize the hurricanes didn't actually kill that many people, right? And Houston votes democrat

>Democrats lost so soundly last election.
I suppose you think Bush's defeat of Gore was some kind of landslide too. I feel genuinely bad for you, look at this picture.
See how Trump made gains in just about every single state but Arizona and Texas? Do you think that's some kinda coincidence that's going to magically stop after this election? Both of those states are steadily turning Latino and when that happens they'll both turn blue, what part of this don't you understand?


initial d - deja vu in the background

They are gonna be fucked.

Given the current trajectory of the US in terms of racial, cultural and regional politics, secession wouldn't be too far-fetched in the future when White America realises that it's Democrats or nothing.


And Hilary won Virginia with good numbers, but she probably got a good 3 points because Kaine was her running mate (and Trump never set foot in Virginia).

Get rich and ride out the shit.

Minorities don't vote

>I suppose you think Bush's defeat of Gore was some kind of landslide too. I feel genuinely bad for you, look at this picture.

House, Senate, and 300+ electoral votes. Yeah. Trump bumfucked the Dems this round.

Except that this maps shows democratic areas with majority white population going further republican. If the dems go full retard again for one more election their going to start seeing urban whites moving right and that's when the east coast starts going republican. Look at the Midwest, only 2 states left and one of them is getting close. This election say middle class whites going right wing.

thank god

the moment the republican party loses an election this close is when the SCOTUS will rule that illegals shouldn't be counted towards the census and give the presidency to the republicans
you realize the democrat party has ~15 EVs it doesn't deserve due to illegals being counted, right?

>What will Republicans do when it becomes impossible for them to elect a president?
That's what Democrats were saying when Obama was elected, look how that turned out

It's been that way since Nixon bruh. None of the GOP presidents have been real Republicans since.

Minimum voter intelligence and education requirement

>you do realize the hurricanes didn't actually kill that many people, right

No, they just displaced hundreds of thousands of minorities into Louisiana and Georgia. Republican majorities in those states are huge and easy to maintain.

tl;dr Texas and FL just gerrymandered 100000 Dem votes into states they won't matter.

Obama: 65,915,795
Hillary: 65,853,516

This is what democrats and journalists asked back in 2012 when Obama was re-elected, and then we got Trump.

If Donald Trump can get elected President, then there's literally no reasoning like this that you can muster about the future of major parties.

>That's what Democrats were saying when Obama was elected, look how that turned out
100% this.
No supporters should get too cocky. Assuming Trump wins in 2020, he'll be gone by 2024 and we'll be back to the same ol' Bush/Cruz/Santorum shit.

Voter I.D. laws

>he'll be gone by 2024

you sure about that?

The fact that you don't need an ID to vote is astonishing to me.

My drivers license cost $5.

you realize there is no "popular vote", right?
California rigs it to make the democrats win every 4 years by stuffing their ballot with propositions.
Each initiative on a general election ballot increases turnout by 0.7%. California had 17 initiatives last year, the countrywide average with California removed was 1.

Source for 0.7% figure:
you guys are buying into your own propaganda

You can't stop the crab reich mother fuckers. Baltimore is the new Berlin.

>you sure about that?
You think he's gonna amend the constitution to allow for a 3rd term?

amen brother. they try to control us by controlling our expectations, and forcing us into a mental box. with memes and freedom, ANYTHING is possible. we will never be slaves again.

So you're taking the slight turn of Arizona and Texas as a sign they're going blue but completely disregarding all the blue states that are turning red, while ignoring that those blue states voted red for the local offices while Arizona and Texas did not?

bro my learners cost me $110. cost varies significantly by state and even county.

kek what the fuck is wrong with utahns?

the problem with that chart is that it doesn't properly represent third party
Trump had 3 right-wing spoilers(Castle, Egghead McMuffin, Johnson), Hillary only had Stein.

>lmao blue texas this is the year guys
>tee hee we stand with Wendy
>tee hee muh beaners
>wow we got btfo yet again

Every time.
You had a chance for blue texas, but it died with the wall, deportations, and more stringent immigration.

Nothing, like they've done for the entirety of their existence.

You can get a regular ID (not a driver license) without having to pay to learn to drive. It's almost always between $5-$15 and you need an ID to collect gibs anyway, most black people already have them.

>when the 1964 immigration act didn't change the demographics of the country
>when the thing that actually changed the demographics of the country were spics coming over the border illegally

GA+NC would flip before Texas. Your map doesn't make sense.

Actually civilians had greater civil rights than citizens. What would get a civilian jail time is a death sentence for citizens.

They will reinvent their party. Or solidly blue states will shift to the right.

In a democratic country, longterm single party dominancy is impossible. Even if democrats get president 4 elections in a row, public WILL become tired of it and the moderates and centrists that will always be the deciding force will simply vote for the other party.

Lord knows the second AZ turns blue and bans the AR-15 and "assault weapons", Im leaving.

By stealing elections with the electoral college. ((They've)) already done it twice.

the moment latinos become a plurality, they'll become a split vote since dems won't be able to pander to both blacks and spics.


>middle class whites going right wing
theyre also going extinct you fucking tit. Theres no future for this country. It's dead, Trumps election was just an angry violent death throw from the people who made this country.


Eh, I don't know about that. Also in ST you only got citizenship if you served in the army right?

In any case, the only thing civilians would be allowed to vote on would be constitutional changes to the status of civilians. (to prevent asshole behavior by citizens). Every other part of the political system would be restricted to citizens only.

>muh electoral college
That's like saying people who play checkers cheat when they never move their pieces off the back row.

No, 1964 really did change the demographics, because one of the key parts of it was to ban all white immigration
any numbers whites lost, they were completely unable to regain because of a subverted immigration system

Sorry. That last remark should have been Arizona and Texas did not vote blue for the local races.

you never won the popular vote because we don't have one
you're buying your own propaganda

>follow the rules of an election

Minorities are too fucking stupid to vote anyway...plus they're all felons or illegal aliens so they can't even do it legally as is!

>Increasing voter turnout and participation is 'rigging'
Holy shit you are retarded.

If you look at the stats, the 1964 immigration act didn't change much.

Without illegal immigration and the 1964 act in place, the nigger population would stay the same at around 13%, the white population at 84%, the only one that would increase would be the asian at like 3%

Look at the 2050 population projections where whites are suppotes to be a "minority"

The total population of white and black people never goes down, it stays the same, the only reason whites are becoming a minority is because spics are GROWING and making the pie bigger as a whole.

If it weren't for the illegal spics, americas demographics literally wouldn't have changed.

The party platform shifts and they become electable again. This shit happens in every single representative democracy. Something will eventually change this system, but it won't be 'hurr durr one party is now unelectable' because they just change and become electable again. People forget shit very quickly. In my lifetime in the UK the Tories have gone from electable, to unelectable, to electable again, and I'm guessing they'll soon be unelectable again.

>Increasing voter turnout and participation in one very specific state that votes overwhelmingly for one party and is very populous is 'rigging'
Yes it is

>People legally participating in a democratic election is 'rigging'
I don't think you understand that word.

nod really
If they're making more propositions that inspire people to vote, it's perfectly normal, as both sides can easily come in to vote on it

Stuffing ballots is what rigging is, as it is intentional subversion of the voting process

Suck Latino dick and move even further to the left. Only whites vote conservative. There are not enough whites left to maintain the nation as we know it.

So you'd be fine if I offered monetary incentive for Texans to vote?
after all, I'm not actually stuffing the ballot box

shitskins and liberals will vote Democrat even if Hillary supernaturally sucked the soul out of a newborn on television.

RAYCISM is more powerful than appeal to reason

Yes that would be fine. The entire fucking objective of a democratic election is to get 100% turnout. Obstructing people or unfairly favoring a particular voter block is to be avoided.

>Without illegal immigration and the 1964 act in place, the nigger population would stay the same at around 13%, the white population at 84%, the only one that would increase would be the asian at like 3%
Where are you pulling this from?

The eternal Mormon which despises Trump for some reason no one understands

>Voter IDs and other suppression tactics
>Voter ID

I guess every street shitter in India is getting their vote suppressed too.

look at the older population pies before the spic illegal immigration explosion of the 90s

look at the population pies for the last 2010 census and the projected 2050 census where whites are a "minority," it's the same amount of white people as you have now, the problem is the spics are having too many kids and pushing us down

the only demographic that is changing is the spic population and it's exploding. "white people" are not going to "die out," they're simply being overran

>They aren't cheap.
My state charges $25 to renew a DL and state ID cards can be obtained for $10 and a birth certificate or a SSN card.
>every additional barrier to voting cuts the less motivated voters out
This is a good thing. People that don't really give a shit about voting shouldn't be voting in the first place.

It's not impossible to undo the damage done by illegal immigration/amnesty. It would just require a more favorable political environment. The right needs to become as ruthless as the left was when they liberalized the constitution via the many added amendments.