What do you call someone who is stuck inbetween the red pill and the blue pill...

What do you call someone who is stuck inbetween the red pill and the blue pill? For example someone who loves guns and hates niggers, but is an atheist who believes in climate change.

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A faggot


purple pill, because that's the colour blue and red make together

I don't get the last part, Atheism and believing in climate change are both blue pills.

purple pill
aka civic nationalists, /r/Donald people


You sound like a huge fucking faggot OP. You're so narrow minded you can't fanthom the idea of drawing ideas from different belief systems, to the point that you see the world in black and white terms.

The fact that you use terms like "redpilled/bluepilled" (comparing real life to fiction despite it having no real basis; literally no different from people who compare Trump to Voldemort or whatever) shows you're not fit for critical thinking.


generally this is called being a fence-sitter.

but what you're describing is more Centrist rather than pill color memes.


have you noticed how leftists love using things that nobody can disagree with but thats not what they're actually talking about?
like of course climate change is real, the earth is a fucking self-regulating carbon planet that ensures its survival through carbon based lifeforms which are the energy that keep its core hot ensuring it wont burn out, and the atmosphere strong
but what leftists refer to as climate change is just rebranded global warming which makes the assumption that its HUMANS FAULT WE'RE DOING THIS
how stupid do you think these idiots will feel when the next big volcano explodes pouring massive amounts of carbon into our atmosphere, and causes a fucking ice age?
b-but i thought carbon destroyed the atmosphere and was bad and made everything hotter???

nice blog

Religion is the ultimate bluepill. Bluepills are bad mostly because of what they have in common with religions.

Just try to accept God into your life. God isn't a fag and God is always about truth. It's actually through Christianity that I broke the conditioning. I was racist even before Sup Forums because it just felt like a lie to me to pretend niggers were my equals. If you don't have a firm foundation with God as your guidebook to life, you are more easily subdued and persuaded by media and lies. God is the spirit of truthfulness. Let it grow within you. If you think, "pffft, I don't need God, I can do it on my own," it's a lie. Don't buy into that. You need God, our ancestors needed God, don't refuse what is the most powerful thing linked within your psyche.

A moron.

>carbon based lifeforms which are the energy that keep its core hot ensuring it wont burn out

How does retardation feel?

>carbon based lifeforms keep its core hot
I want whatever it is you're on

>but is an atheist who believes in climate change

It's not being a fence sitter you fucking moron, none of those arguments have anything to do with one another.

>hurr cnt make mi mind up should i own guns or should i supporr climte chnge??

God is a fiction to explain things we don't understand
Jesus was a street magician who performed 'miracles' (read: magic tricks) that got blown way out of proportion by rumor and hearsay. I believe Jesus intended for this.

aestheticism, Jews, satanism, are the cause of communism, degeneracy, the destruction of american's education system, and almost every other problem in the world. their timelines line up perfectly. You may call yourself a Atheist but you do have a religion, and that is (((Science))). See, people seem to love science, but overlook and frown upon things like 2 genders, and race realism because it goes against their narrative. Wake up before it is to late. Also, evolution is a big fucking hoax, just like man made climate chance

So how should we solve climate change? But giving more money to the Jews?

>people unironically believe this shit

magma is carbon, volcanos erupt spewing carbon into the atmosphere and blanketing the world
this causes ice age
that comes directly from hundreds of millions of years of carbon based organisms living and dying and decaying into the ground
what is there that you dont understand? if carbon based life forms didnt exist to keep this planet churning we'd turn into Venus

A racist.


My first suggestion would be to figure out what redpill and bluepill mean. It's about swallowing or rejecting hard truths not following certain beliefs because the group believes them. You are basically complaining that you're not indoctrinated enough.

>atheist who believes in climate change
I don't see this as a problem provided the people holding these views base them on rational reasons rather than the media/conformism/current year

I was wondering when that post would come up.

So is red pill blue pill just your guys way of saying right and left?

I don't know OP. I don't know.

I DO know however, that you are an anal retentive little pissant who probably needs a good enema.

climate change doesnt need to be fixed
its a fact of fucking life
every spike in this image is caused by a supervolcano erupting

Do you even know what cognitive dissonance is? Obviously you aren't in high school yet or your teachers suck. You have to be 18 to post here faggot

Stop giving aid to Africa, for one thing. Niggers overpopulating and chopping down the rainforest to make room for farmland would only make it worse. In any case, natural selection will eventually cause organisms to adapt to the higher temperature.

What if I follow science objectively, which means acceptance of racial differences and 2 genders? Do you have anything against entirely empirical science?

Red pills are about seeing the truth no matter how bad it is and blue pills are living in la la land like not seeing through jewish propaganda etc. Blue pills are basically a leftists world.

I suggest reading the Book of Mark and the Book of Luke yourself before you judge. It's easy to read (((commentaries))) on Jesus and get a very wrong interpretation of him.

He wasn't so different from Sup Forums in that He talked a load of smack about the oligarchical Jews of his day and was killed for it.

Yes, I know Jesus was a Jew. "Elitist Jews" are something of an ancient historical presence that survived into the modern day.

Jesus is their eternal enemy though. If you don't believe, then just understand that the idea of Jesus is their eternal enemy. The Jews hate Christ and try to suppress The Bible (specifically the New Testament). That alone should clue you in that it's good for us.

>muh religion
>Oldest method of people in power controling the massed


>anime posters

Just say yes next time you fucking moron, it'll save you the time.

You don't even know my true power, user-kun.


Are you mad?

Here is an example of the redpill:


The redpill is just the plain and simple truth. The truth that media is staged and run by kikes that want to subvert us and rule over us.

Watch the first 40 seconds of that video.


>religion was the only thing keeping the common peasant from going mad, by giving reason and explanation to the unknown.

>therefore allowed for the advancement of society as a whole

Read a fucking book bro, stop being a faggot

>carbon planet

We found the cuck.

Atheist is red pill.

Religion is ultimate blue pill within bluepill.

yes our planet is filed with magma and magma is carbon based, and that carbon comes from lifeforms dying
are you unable to see i was talking in an abstract way and not literally or do you have the autism?

I hate anime posters so fucking much.




God damn, I love when the little baby is mad.


Dude if you spend all your time on a website for political discussion, you will start to believe that people are more politcal than they are. Most people really do not give a shit about politics, that doesn't make them a fence sitting centrist that is afraid to offend people, it just makes them normal. Politics has little to do with your daily life anyway, get over it.
Most people don't sit on the fence because they don't enter political discourse at all in the first place.

Sweden, had you been firmly Christian, you would have rejected Islam entering your nation from the beginning. Atheism is weak.

Politics has everything to do with our daily lives. If you were surrounded by Mexicans right now, you'd understand why people are getting into politics more today.

>What do you call someone who is stuck inbetween the red pill and the blue pill?

A libertarian.


that reminds me of a quote said by somebody,
"if you read the news, you're misinformed... if you don't read the news, you're uninformed"

You seem to have no idea what the red pill is.

The red pill does not equal Republican.

Seems to me, kiddo, you forgot that we deists don't fit your cute little box. Can't get cucked by organized religion if you don't adhere to it, but you can still believe in God and admire his creations regardless.

Go kys. The Lord would want it that way.

Of course it doesnt, fagbag
Reps are neo libs

A normal human being.


yeah but the red pill is red and the republican colour is red
so that must mean that red pill = republican :O :O :O :O

Anime posting weeb proving my point.

Yeah that's why Poland was so easily subverted. Because they're so Christian.

-Oh wait.



The plurality of registered voters.

don't forget aswell - they're catholic

protestantism is for faggots

Climate change is real.
Atheism is logical. But then again, conservative values we often associate with christianity is the true red pill. Some people are just too fucking stupid and take all the stories literally, which is why christians as a group are fucking nuts.

Crazy how partisan politics works. Sup Forums claims to be above the "cuckservative Republicans" but can't escape their political talking point hegemony. It is a classic case of ressentiment. They are annoyed by the fact the left has a monopoly on climate change so they have to oppose it on even the most basic levels, such as its very existence. literally playing right into the hands of corporate oil Jews. I can't envision Sup Forums's sacred cow, the Nazis, who were completely separated from American politics, being so needlessly caught up in this climate change bullshit. I almost wish Hitler had made an issue of it back in the day like he did with treatment of animals so Le alt-right would at least have some narrative of saving the good green Earth from the industrial waste Jews or whatever



This is what the redpill is centered around, you moron.

The pro-nationalism and anti-Jewish sentiment comes later.

I would try to explain to him how technologies are held back from the open economy because they would be seen as a threat.

We have many solutions to take carbon directly out of the air and to generate clean power. But they are classified.

And if you really want to understand you have to look at these big issues. Why are these things classified under the invention secrecy act.

Tesla invented the Homopolar Generator and its backed up by the work of Faraday, its been proved time and time again.

You think a Carbon Tax is a Solution? Its a Scam.

You have to see the entire web of their lies. They want to continue their hegemony.

I disagree, but let's not make this into a Catholic vs. Protty thread.

Poland is technically "Protestant" by way of rejecting their Pope's multicultural message.

Stop being a positivist faggot

well that's the thing i don't think i can call the vatican "catholic" anymore

plus if you wanna reject the pope but still be decent, that's what orthodoxy is about.


Here's a redpill OP: Just because something is true does not mean it has more value than a lie. You may find closure, but just because it's true doesn't mean you're obligated to believe in it. Have you ever actually seen The Matrix? That guy who ratted them out lived out a s00per d00per comfy life.


It's just something that came out of a movie where humans are living in a simulation, unaware of the outside world. Good try though.

What you'll end up finding out is that, like our political system and our media, the scientific community (well, the authoritative community on "Science" really) has been totally bought out and perversed.

This exactly. OP's acceptance of groupthink is the same root cause that the liberal horde that we all hate suffers. Still in the faggot range, though his idealogy is more "red-pilled".

"Rational" is the word you're looking for

>Poland is technically "Protestant" by way of rejecting their Pope's multicultural message.
What did he mean by this?
Pope's "multicultural message" (as far as it goes into the realm of European border policy - remember that "catholic" means universal) is his own, not Church dogma. John Paul II and, I believe, most recent popes have been against the death penalty, but it is not a dogma of the Church, and you can licitly support it as a Catholic.

Unironically this


lol nice meme faggot

That's not my point (although cutting off Africa is a good suggestion). My point is that, if we accept "climate change" as we're being presented it in the media and by our politicians... it just means we're giving them more money. That's it. Nothing gets solved by our government. They just present hollywood tier meme-science ala 'An Inconvenient Truth" and funnel billions of our tax money to... God knows where.

It's all a sham. Seriously. Watch "An inconvenient Truth." According to "well-respected scientists" Florida and New York should be completely underwater by 7 years ago.

Let's just not right now.

cutting aid to africa would just result in dead niggers and dead niggers would just smell bad

Don't make dumb posts in future.


Christianity and science denial are not redpilled at all, religions is a tool to pacify plebs, and science denial is only political because come companies have harnessed political parties to protect their industry.

You don't have to follow Christianity, just understand that it's counterproductive to further erode it at this point in time, as people currently have no other guiding motivations beyond base consumerism. Don't discard it just because you can see through it, use it. You don't actually have to follow it, none of them do. Maybe it would help if I used an analogy that you can readily understand: Christianity can be a spatula used to safely lift a burger from the frying element into the bun.

And it will eventually become impossible to continue to push propaganda against climate change.
The oil companies and their political mouthpieces and their colluding infotainment outlets are basically making the argument that actions don't have consequences. It's not possible to keep up that type of charade forever.

You're a fucking shill. And you should have your neck around a rope.

Respond to this video:


Things like that are what the "red-pill" are in reference too.

>magma is carbon
lol uh, no it isn't



yes it is

You're a devout Catholic. You're the epitome of dumb, but ok.

What Poland is doing today is practically neo-Protestantism. "Protestants" are not very well defined. We just recognize the Pope is sleazy and the clergymen of the Vatican are just another huge pedo-ring like we have in Washington.

Fuck off blue-pilled faggot.