Why is Sup Forums so cucked?
Why is Sup Forums so cucked?
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Phone games don't count.
This user is not entirely wrong. Phone games are basically casinos with mini-games.
Damn beat me to it.
>can't even get the model to hold the controller properly
>wants me to believe women play the most games
Vdeogames are inherently degenerate Sup Forumsedditors are a cancer.
>art becomes significant when middle aged females who are """"educated"""" play it on their phone for 5 minutes
i hate art now
>Why is Sup Forumseddit so cucked.
No, its explain why so many people on Sup Forums love slavs and Witcher 3.... white educated pussies love slavic culture a fucking hetero magnes.
This statistic includes pill popping house wives that play candy crush in the bathroom while "out with the girls" cheating on their husbands. Not what you think of when you hear "gamer"
>Using demographics of mobile gamers to justify political content for console games
Eat shit you fucks
>he doesn't like Slavs
Literal pleb
entire industry needs to be burned to the ground
FPBP. Now close the thread.
They may be right. I haven;t touched video games in years. The SJW cancer in unbearable.
Obviously women "migrated" after men into video games but men are now abandoning video games cause it turned into cancer once it started to pander to women.
pls show interviews with these modern gamers
>lot's of women play Call of Duty
>mobile "games"
>probably counting the single mothers who buy CoD for their son
Why do they want to take our vidya so bad.
>X is inherently degenerate, Xers are a cancer
replace X with whatever you don't agree with
All three of them combined outnumber oldfags at this point. There has been almost no reason to go on Sup Forums since 2011
Been to Sup Forums lately and they even freak out if you say nigger. This site is getting too popular for its own good and we need a purge.
It's disgusting they have the gall to call mobile players gamers.
I mean the title is retarded, but fucking christ are men not allowed to have ONE thing exclusive to their gender? One sekret club?
Imagine if toxic masculinity won the cultural gamedev war. No, it didn't start with gamergate. It started in the early 2000s. If they'd won we'd have had VR war games, school shooter simulators, little sister fuck simulators you name it.
Instead we have Candycrush.
Explains why I always end up with a retarded team.
Why are they trying to meme this when it's so obviously not reality? To justify games pandering to feminism?
Playing candy crush 75, the Revenge while waiting for the bus doesn't make you a gamer.
Hell most "games" on mobile are glorified slot machines complete with micro transactions and repetitive "gameplay" that is about the equivalent to watching a gumball machine dispense a gumball.
they want to kill gamer culture the way they killed comic culture
Games can be art:
>the iconic Doom
>the pure gameplay of Quake 3
>the beautiful ambiance of Ridge Racer 4
>the timeless simplicity of Super Mario Bros
Phony 8-bit neckbeard scrollers and artistique walking simulators are not art. They are lazy cliché wet farts of minimal effort.
thought she was swedish
>not having a mature neet women blow you to her favorite 80s hentai after cooking you dinner and playing mmos with
This kind of thing has been studied before. Once you take out phone games and focus on real ones, teenage boys are the average gamer as everyone expects.
Vidya was a form of media the Jew didn't control. They want it.
>Played shitty phone game for 10 minutes
who else /gamer/ here
Is that Brittany?
Muh nostalgic dick
why was brit brit so qt
>video games
pick one
>world of tanks
>play as arty
>scouts run like lemmings
>heavies and meds expose their weak points and get shot
>lose 15-2
>fucking retards say "GG"
I wonder how many women were there in that match
Agree with previous anons, phone games don't count.
the vast majority of phone games are just puzzles (often with the "pay to win" mechanic) which require very little skill. Phone games are not programmed to be played hours continuously, they're modelled to have a simple gameplay so they can be played during breaks or when in need of killing some time.
Games that are not puzzles often have VERY simplified game mechanics, which is obvious, considering the limits of the controls on the phone (on-screen button that take out a part of the screen).
When speaking about "gamers", do they REALLY have the courage to equate someone playing a game as Half Life 2 (example), to someone playing an endless runner on his iPhone for 15 minutes?
It's also significant that the "average" gamer is a middle-aged female; of all the people I know, middle-aged females are the most prone to play phone games when having a break.
Just my 2 cents.
Yk2 female clothes were best female clothes
>Forever 21 cheap thin button shirts with half sleeves
My 23 year old gf plays vidya. She used to play them with me until I angrilly called her a noob and blammed her for my loses in dota 2.
Coincidently I am climbing mmr since she switched over to game of thrones as her pass time.
Are you drunk again?
solitaire is what the majority of old ladies that work in offices play, not WoW or CoD
Aren't "real" games the same shit. I was talking to a guy about his XBox shit and it was all "you could win big in the Destiny quest" and "gotta put in another hour for the chance to win upgraded leg armor". Sounds worse than actual gambling which is quick and lets you have a life.
>research that states video games are as culturally significant as high art
wtf I love science now
I don't know much about that whole gamergate thing. Is it to do with this kind of thing?
>play candy crush 20 minutes a day
That video makes me feel sad. Games used to be art.
Western woman might game but they lack the drive and dedication to master competitive online play.
Men will always be the ones that are the apex gamers.
Most woman you see in the high end competition gaming were more then likely carried by men. SSSniperwolf, a female YouTuber is known for buying CoD clips from better players and uploading them as her own. She's also been proven to be carried in overwatch as well.
Are you high on crack again?
If they're counting the number of fags playing Candy Crush on their phones and tablets, sure.
so what they're saying is, gamergate was anonymous middle aged educated females shitposting and triggering the alt-left with their banter?
really make u think.
Fucking Dishonored 2: Death of the Outsider pissed me off. I want to play as Daud, not some nigger that played a minor role in the main game and an even tinier role in the first game's DLCs.
THIS is fake news.
oh good, another reason to force nigger female monkeys as MC in the next 10 years of videogames.
Time to find another hobby then, maybe carpentry. Carpentry is red pilled.
they probably mean casual games. women are more into casual games like bubble witch saga on facebook than men are.
Bumping this. What games was Gamergate a response to, besides that shitty chose your own adventure? Games weren't nigger WW1 sims yet in 2014. I hear it was just general "feminism" but what did they mean by this?
There really is no point of going on Sup Forums. Nothing worthwhile there except for Risk of Rain threads.
No, gamergate was about corrupt journalism.
For example, the "gamers are dead" article, was released by all major gaming journo sites, more or less the same day.
Or the fact that journos were bribed before giving a review
20 yr old Britney nearly gave me carpal tunnel syndrome back in high school.
toxic masculinity is a feminist meme you faggot
Fart sniffing roasties that "game" by sitting around being milked for micro transactions in abortion clinic waiting rooms on their phones and "games are art" fags that gush endlessly about EZ modo AAA cinematic experiences, pushover walking simulators and little-kid-in-edge-world platformers all need to stop pretending that vidya is the hobby for them desu
>able bodied
Yeah who wants their video game hero to be able to do things.
To be fair the raccoon in a wheelchair in Overcooked is ok.
>is passionate about arts
So this why video*games* are no longer about the gameplay but simply being interactive movies. Is there nothing women won't ruin?
I heard there were trans romances added to RPGs or something. Didn't you have to do shit like that to get your game featured anywhere?
Where was this study taken, a fucking Birkenstock store?
If playing moblie shit makes you a gamer then fapping makes you a rocco-tier chad, walking makes you marathon champion and eating makes you master chef.
These studies are such rubbish
it was a joke shitdip
>Mobile games
>Facebook shit
Who cares.
Literally fake news.
>we must tailor AAA games for women!
>who will never play them!
>whilst alienating and mocking those that do!
Fuck. Thanks Denbro. I wasn't so interested in politics much while that was going off so I didn't really pay attention to it. Is anything at all off the table for these people? What is their endgame?
Their industry is run by a bunch of shills that dont care about videogames
This a videogame journalist with over 15 years of experience
Sup Forums global rule 0: only redpilled Sup Forums boards are Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Damn, thats an ugly woman.
We're done here.
top kek
This. Studies nowdays use whatever definition of whatever word however they please. Youre a "gamer" if you have a puzzle game on your phone that you play on your job as youre slacking off. Youre "educated" if you finished womens studies. You have a "legitimate high place managing job" if you are a diversity manager.
In general sociology is a meme but they really should draw a line somewhere. At this point when someone tells me the word "study" i immediately doubt whatever they tell me. If a "study" says that milk is white im going to doubt my own eyes.
>American tv series
>kid is playing an XBox 360
>Pacman sound effects
>Gamers are sexist virgins!
>No, wait, they're middle aged wives!
My mother used to be a big solitaire addict before smartphones. Now she's playing her phone puzzle games constantly.
As far as real games go she used to play a lot of Star Wars Racer and Burnout 3.
No? I know Bioware put a lot of gay shit in their RPGs and I believe there was something gay/trans shit in the newest Baldur's Gate expansion.
It isn't needed, but some game journalists really tried to push games that featured that for a while. It seems to have died down.
>What is their endgame?
Buy the game, goy. It's 10/10, trust us.
It all boils down to greedy people. Every dev/company wants their game to sell. Big companies have money to spend on marketing and bribing. Gaming journalists want money. They accept the bribe to give a better score.
Now, to be fair, not every company bribes and not every game reviewer accepts a bribe. Just don't trust a game review blindly. Read a couple, watch some gameplay and then decide if you want to buy it. The best option is if there's a demo. Then you can try out the game, to see if it's anything for you
Everything that brings money counts.
Are you saying my solitaire playing aunt isn't a gamer?
>mods constantly delete these kind of threads on Sup Forums
>which forces Sup Forums posters to come to Sup Forums
>Sup Forums users gets redpilled
>Sup Forums gets stronger and stronger with each thread they delete
The mods are our greatest ally.
Am i a gamer if i play solitaire with real cards?
>middle aged
ie in their 30s/40s
ie went to college then decided work was too hard so now shes a 'stay at home mommy'
not surprised these roasties are trying to hang out with chads in video games
They want complete control over everything we do. I know this sounds fucking ridiculous but it's the truth. They want no social group able to think and say things they deem inappropriate. Not having the power to do that right at this moment they will settle for tearing down establishments people love just to feel good about themselves. Marvel comics hires people who despise comics to write and produce failing books virtually nobody reads or buys just to drive home the point that they have the power to do this. When the tactics so clearly and obviously aren't conducive to a company making money you have to question the motives of everyone involved.
Video games are for children, GROW UP, KEKS.
How can the media still get away with this?
Don't they realise their blatant lies Don't get clicks like that anymore?
No you're a granny
>Watching TV is for children, GROW UP, KEKS.