I don't really want to read about this girl getting raped and murdered by niggers in SA.
What do?
I don't really want to read about this girl getting raped and murdered by niggers in SA.
What do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Tell her you don't really want to read about her getting raped and murdered by niggers in SA.
Tell her to go surfing
>100 countries in Africa
>Gets sent to only white one
>I've been to africa, it's not dangerous and refusing refugees from Africa is racist and prejudice they are humans like us
ask her why does it have to be the whitest country in africa? racist much?
tell her to not relax
It won't be rape. Maybe she'll send you some pics and videos of her riding dem bulls to ease your stress.
>I've been to Africa, it's not dangerous
Tell her to talk about the reverse apartheid that's taking place and the racial genocide that people are going to ignore.
Tell her to read this article:
And employ her new knowledge to blend in.
This would be a good start...
a good start for ants!!
Poor thing.
kek its not even in a hotel
The 20 somthings over at vice probablly just slapped this together bet they'll dump her in some random apartment with no guide
South Africa fine. If you stick to the right areas. Its a weird country like one place is normal suburbia and the next is Africa machete shithole. Never been but friends have visited
why are you making your friend a target!? delete this right now
You're a fucking douchebag Luke Bavarious
I've been to Africa twice, and can confirm iz dangeruzs
Where are they sending her? If it's a major city that isn't Cape Town it's probably not a good idea.
>Being excited to visit a shithole.
I have been to Benin, it is not that bad when they don't know just how much richer you are and how much better your life is. they would rob you if they knew your socks cost more then they make in a couple of months
ok i am a big man but then again what white girl would ever go to africa out of free will
It might be good, let them see what niggers are really like.
Plus, when they see how shitty africa is (natural beauty excluded) it'll make them appreciate America that much more.
This is going to backfire on you OP.
Either she gets redpilled herself or she goes there cause she likes black dicks.
told you
Um this is a screencap of me. Someone brought this to my attention. I do not even know the gross human that posted this screen cap or how we became Facebook friends. This racist pig is NOT my friend and he can tell me NOTHING about a once in a lifetime opportunity or any of my travels. His opinion is irrelevant and creepy as fuck.
Is he a pajeet?
>South Africa
she gonna get raped and killed probably
Ha what a fucking loser
lol delete this.
she should know that Vice is shit now and hasn't been good for years
she more concerned about this then about getting raped and killed by her black brothers in SA.
Well, let's send some travel requests to Max Lee to ensure that your friend gets an enjoyable stay!
I for one would like to make sure that the accommodation is nothing less than a premium mud hut that must be thoroughly cleaned from AIDS.
Posts on social media asking for opinions gets annoyed at recieving said opinions
Stop LARPing faggot
dont see why you care
they are just going to have their eyes opened when they get there
>Marizza Borger
soudns like a yid, she'll have fun there getting raped
we don't want to see you get hurt honey. was looking for the best way to inform you.
Tell her to have fun being raped and murdered by niggers.
pray she doesn't learn firsthand how the media covers up the horrific crimes committed against white people by some of these same savages
>this is a screencap of me
So, will you finally go to rapeland?
Oh so it's some broad op Facebook stalks. I'm not surprised at all.
She is going to get thick dark Zulu cock forced upon her before being sjamboked to death by kaffirs
"The address is Township plaza one and the taxi drivers probably wont wan't to take you there, but I assure you it is very diverse."
Tell her to go. Make sure you tell her to visit the most unprivileged communities she can find
There's also other boards such as Sup Forums and /trv/ if you need additional answers. How does she view the domestic blacks here to give some background?
Send her my way user. I will look after her.
South African here.
Discovery Channel fucking ruined the waters off Cape Town. We used to fucking swim there without problems.
And then those faggots turned into nothing but reruns of American Chopper & Deadliest Catch. I fucking hate the Discovery Channel so much.
gee, i wonder who told her...
Poor Luke...
uh you know I didn't black out my little icon. but if she goes to SA she will definitely get blacked!
Send her lots of news articles about what is going on there
She might want to stop in by NOrth PHilly or North St Louis to get practiced up on gang rape so she can really enjoy the cultural diversity offered by her trip.
Marizza if you're reading this I'm not like OP, I'll love and take care of you right
How come they don't even have computers then?
Pic related, it is what it looked like when HP tried to set up a call center in Africa to serve the European time zones.
she don't know how this place works.
>delte this!
>I don't really want to read about this girl getting raped and murdered by niggers in SA.
We do.
I bet the sad fucker imagines he actually has a relationship with her
We want to see you get raped. Dont listen to him. Go to africa and record it. We will jack off to your rape for days
not at all. her status was first on my timeline though. blame zuckerbergs algorithm
why are you pretending to be friends with her weirdo.
anyway SA is relatively safe for tourists unless you are a total retard.
>what white girl would ever go to africa out of free will
one that has fallen for the (((BBC))) meme because she hates her dad
She'll most likely go to a white enclave and be fine.
Don't listen to that asshat. Visiting South Africa will be an ENRICHING experience. You will enjoy becoming BLACKED by a people with a rich and diverse culture.
what do you mean pretending? i knew this girl a long time ago IRL.
Hey, Marizza. Don't go to South Africa. You'll probably be raped and murdered. You're welcome.
Did you fax in this post "my nigger"?
Borger Family History. North German and Dutch: variant of Burger. Jewish (Ashkenazic): nickname from Yiddish borger 'borrower' or 'lender'
Half the people I fuck in this country are americans or european white girls.
They love my masculine white african seed a good change from all the pussies in the west
You're going to get ENRICHED
>the Justice for Trayvon tattoo
Fucking shit, my sides just hurtled past Omicron Persei
If she survives she'll come back a redpilled white nationalist
I bet you will get raped by a pack of rabid niggers when you go there.
Lol. Hi Marizza. I'm a hackerman btw.
OP Theres no way shes not going to South Africa. Tell her to "be careful" and then wait for her to yell at you for being racist, then let her go. Once she gets fucking raped she'll know that you were right all along. Just keep us updated, thats all you gotta do.
Also, if you want the screen caps to be deleted, you have to put "DELETE THIS" to get the thread deleted. Pretty easy
You're gonna get ficki fickied with that attitude.
Oh, thank you for the clarification.
We were just about to send out the internet police to investigate your affiliation with said racist pig.
We take racist piggery very seriously around here.
Honestly though, why would OP think it's a good idea to post this shit here without covering up her name. 100% chance she just got friend requested by a couple thirsty creeps
fucking lol. at least it looks like its just a throwaway profile
Let her be redpilled
>essay contest
>fucking VICE LOL
beat the shit out of her before she heads off to rapeland cause she's probably a cunt anyway
You should start practicing being racist now, because you will either become racist in ZA or die/be raped. Reality is racist, everything outside your little Western bubble is racist.
oh. my. god. user! this thread will the content of her next winning essay. probably get published on hffpo and glamour and cosmo too.
"creepy creepier posts screenshot of my Facebook post on Sup Forums and it creeps me out!"
lmao did op reply the faggot?
You sad, sad fucker.
As someone who has actually lived in South Africa for over a month, I can confirm that it's a dangerous shithole for the most part. Well at least Cape Town is. That being said there are a few very wealthy communities like this one neighborhood about an hour outside of Johannesburg airport where all of the ambassadors and rich people live but yeah for the most part it's a very dangerous place. Every house there has bars on its windows and usually a barbed wire/electric fence around it, even the wealthy areas and for a good reason. If. she does end up going which she probably will just tell her to always travel in a group, learn from the locales/people she's staying with where the really dangerous places are and to never walk home when it's dark.
is that place safe for a blond girl, with blue eyes and a potato nose?
Also having a gun or at the very least some pepper spray with her when she goes out is a good idea.
I think you need a Sup Forums gold account for that to work.
Without a gold account you have to prove your identity by a time stamped photo of you that says delete this shit.
LOL and Cape Town is the good area compared to Johannesburg