starting soon
Security Council: Non-proliferation / Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
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When will Sup Forums vote on the Security Council to veto this shit?
Any time I heard NK is about to do something all i think is
what resolution did they vote on?
>what resolution did they vote on?
Haven't voted yet
I don't know but probably more sanctions bullshit
(like that even works)
Watered down sanctions that the Chinese will just ignore anyway. Completely irrelevant bullshit from the ineffectual and obsolete debate club known ad the United Nations.
Of all the days they do it today?
>You can only smuggle now!
>Included in the Strongly worded letter
>Missile test in 24 hrs
>Missile test in 24 hrs
They are only making DPRK want to get even more missiles and nukes to protect themselves
Sanctions NEVER WORK
America will never accept any country sanctioning them.
at the rate this timelines going, I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see Sup Forums get a seat in the UNSC by 2024
Kim should denounce the alt-right and they would let this all go.
I wouldn't be surprised if they test today. It'll be normal Noko test time in 3-5 hours anyway.
Capping NK exports and oil imports eh. Yeah piss em off like Japan. give em reason to attack.
>Kim disavowes alt-right nazis
two days later
>CNN: Trump continues sanctions against N. Korea, supporting racist alt right nazis?
>give em reason to attack.
It's part of the globalist strategy to snuff out any independent nations.
But Judah's plan will come crashing down when DPRK doesn't give into their little game and continues their nuke program.
Look at this Cheka shill and laugh.
N.Korea Preparing for Another Missile Test
September 11, 2017
stream for nonflashfags
The fact the Chinese went along with this slightly watered down version definitely says how pissed they are at Kim Jong Un.
>cutting off their second biggest revenue bringer after coal, which is already banned
>capped their oil imports
>restricted their temporary workers schemes
The big question is whether they'll actually enforce this, but the fact they were willing to set the precedent of capping their oil exports is pretty big.
Flash or Youtube
>wont be able to buy my favorite NK textiles anymore
Wow they wouldnt....
They moved a missle to the west coast Friday, and we all expected a launch on their 69th, but it's more important to fire after UN decisions this evening. (Off by 5 )
Give me a quick rundown.
Unsc is implementing their sanctions they voted on on the 5th of August, Noko is preparing to strike the "political prostitiute"
Who's the prostitute? And I'll I'm hearing on the stream is ""Grave Concern"" and "" Muh peace""
Kim called Nikki Haley a whore on Friday and that she should watch her mouth.
>8:30pm Pacific time is my personal cut off for a Noko dojo showdown
>Also my captcha is "IRAN GRACE"
It's getting past the time they normally do them so they are going to miss a perfect opportunity to piss off the US for doing it on this date. I'm still holding out hope that he will still do it though
Dumbfuck, they test missiles at noon. That's 8:30pst.
>Still have 3-5 hours to test.
I'm surprised though that Russia voted for it. They were being bitchy about it a few days ago.
They always bitch about "muh imperialism"
Shit face, they mostly do them an hour or so after sunrise. You don't know shit. Let the adults talk
The security council, why the fuck is Senegal and Ethiopia on it? What actual reason do they have to be on it apart from "muh inclusiveness"?
The Russians like to virtue signal about standing up to America, but in shit like North Korea it's just grandstanding, the real obstacle was the Chinese.
You racist or somthing white boy?
That's underground nuke tests. Learn the difference
The resolution was watered down compared to the original proposition. It was the only way to get China/Russia on-board.
I'd much rather have Ethiopia as the head. They're pretty nonpartisan and don't have much skin in any game
>Too worried about that damn famine to start wars
So its nothing. 30% embargo on oil not 80 or 100% ZZZZZzzzz
Bitch, I have been following all the tests, each & every one of them for 2 years now. Seriously now. Let the adults talk. You are embarrassing yourself
Noko promised a response. We have to see if they actually fire the missle that they moved to the west coast on Friday.
>Then we have to see if thaad gets it
>Then we have to see if it had a warhead
>Then the party begins.
Has not so lil kim ever called out the jews?
I thought I heard them say 55% on oil
Yes. He says he does not recognize them as a state & a bunch of other hilarious shit
kek.. exactly.
Ha! I'll have to look that up.
Anyone else i heard 30.
But I have been doing the same. Some tests were at night (midnight), underground nuke tests are usually around sunrise (5am) and a lot of missile tests have been conducted at high noon.
>I'm more than happy to discuss this with you, but apparently you assume I'm a child.
Blow me faggot
Lads pls. Don't fight. Everyone itt expresses grave concern. Resolve this (((peacefully))), and (((diplomatically)))
Without the oil embargo the effectiveness of the sanctions are questionable, they're significant, but an oil embargo would have been a certainty (assuming China/Russia actually implemented it).
It really depends where the missile has been fired towards to see what/who can down it. If it flies over Japan again they might have a shot at it. Although I've read that the chances of them performing a successful interception isn't guaranteed.
I'm a chick so blowing you wouldn't make me a faggot. So bring it hooker! I'll brb though, gonna try & find a list of the times since you're pissing me off right now
Tits or GTFO cunt
Missile seems to be on west coast based on Fridays news.
Show me the dick you're pimping out & I'll think about it virgin
Explain this to me again. We can't evacuate the city of Seoul which is being held hostage by Kim because it is just not possible but we can evacuate the entire fucking state of Florida because a hurricane is coming. Am I missing something?
You know the rules.
A storm does not notice the mass evacuation of millions of people, a paranoid dictator constantly on the watch for the US prepping to topple him will notice if they start evacuating your greatest leverage point
The moment we evacuate seol, they'll just shell the town because it's obvious we wouldn't evac unless there's anticipation for attack.
Now we wait. :D
I just looked and you are correct. My apologies
>Under the Security Council resolution, oil imports of both refined and crude oil will be capped at 8.5 million barrels a year, which the U.S. official said represents a 30 percent cut.
I don't know what they were talking about when they said 55%.
when does it start
Huh, maybe Immediately? I can't find a start date. Here's the list of whats included:
I wanna see Bibi make a very emphatic speech again.
i think its over 4 today
Then why not fake a natural disaster? Send out global propaganda that a huge hurricane or tsunami will hit and use that as a means to evacuate? Use some of that weather modification tech that we supposedly have and make a shitty storm as cover.
Shut the fuck up leaf.
>As if you have any idea about anything past moose shit
What if we archive that
cant hear anything on the stream
Well, someones gotta know about the moose shit.
There's always some joker who thinks he's immune. You need something so scary it'll clear 300 square miles.
Thanks thats insane amount of squeeze on the people of the DPRK. This is sad.
nah it's fine
>Starving millions of innocent norks
LOl@ sanctions against NK textiles. Oh no those ladies dress patterns are so threatening lets starve them.
Any export product is worth embargoing. Stock up on "Product of Korea" oysters as well.
The idea is to cut off money.
>im a chick
heres your designated (You)
Fuck your (you). People who post just for you's are dirty fucking crack whores. I love your accents by the way. Probably my 2nd favorite accent in the world
Cut off money for the people you mean. This will do nothing to halt the nuclear program just piss kim off more to bring him to the 6 party talks.
>the people
They don't actually keep the fruits of their labor in their system dummy.
Wrong they get something. Most NK slaves spend what little they are allowed to keep on sweets and cigarettes. Now they get nothing they dont even have a job. They will die or be sent to labor camp.
But by your logic they'll just have less sweets and smokes.
They also have a job which keeps them useful. You are supporting the mass misfortune of millions of innocents to curb a regime.
Yep, and I hope it bothers you.
More importantly, this curbs the R&D of several nations which are using NK as a front for testing. Iran, for starters.
But won't socialism come to the rescue? How could a good, prototypical socialist nation like North Korea punish workers if the capitalists aren't buying? Doesn't this expose a weakness in socialism?
Same would be said of a capitalist nation surrounded by socialist. There would be massive unemployment and riots.
What's your point? Isn't Juche or self-reliance the catchphrase of North Korea? This is just helping them achieve this goal.
Workers party still trades with other community. Whats your point? You just want to harm others i think.
I'm fine with harming North Korea. The way to harm Kim is to harm his nation. This is the very premise of all sanctions. Are you too dense to understand?
Let me put it another way, is there any way to weaken the commie regime there that is more effective than showing the Juche is a failure? And how would you do this without sanctions?
No need to do anything just leave them be.
>just let them be
>the strategy that has enabled them to progress from medieval peasant tech to nuclear / space power in 60 years
are you fucking retarded?
You got a problem with other nations buddy? Its their right. NK agreed to the double freezing. Meaning no more USA aggression on their border and NK drops the nukes.
>Its their right.
No it's not, where is the development of nuclear weapons an internationally recognized right?
When it is the UNs right to threaten NK forcing them to produce nukes? Get it?
>When it is the UNs right to threaten NK forcing them to produce nukes?
When they vote to do so, as they just did.
That's the problem with joining the UN for "recognition," you are beholden to their rules.
Neat trick, didn't work out so good for the Kim dynasty.
Recognize the kim dynasty you bigot. Thats all you are is a hateful american imperialist.