Anyone else hate this bitch?
>Hahaha, aren't I so RANDOM? XD
>I film my videos with a terrible camera even though I have plenty of money to fix it
>I talk about the exact same topic (Feminism) in every video and have done for three years
>I have nearly 700k subs because I'm hot (let's face it, if's NOT because of effort or talent)
Other urls found in this thread:
stop posting about "her"
Post her nudes
>A fucking wig
Kinda want to rawdawg her to completion and bail.
She's not even hot lmao
literally who?
its like you fags dredge up some random literal whos just to post about them here and complain
as if anyone knows who the fuck that is
I completely agree
She's fairly popular, especially on Sup Forums, newfag
I like her. She's cute and, in comparison to other female youtubers, pretty funny.
Dumb boxy knock off.
She's a skeleton with a wig twice her weight
Please head to your local Kys-Mart, grab the nearest bottle of bleach-a-cola, and literally kill yourself
Someone likes fat chicks. Or is one.
Holy shit, are these real?
june's a sloot
Is that boxxy? Also this isn't politics or news so fuck off back to
It is politics, faggot. She's a political e-celeb
Damn she is fucking fine. Any more?
She's not doing it right.
Sh0e is a self-proclaimed leftist AND feminist who negs on the low hanging fruit only because she knows they drag the rest of her kind down. Her makeup is fucking abominable, looks like a five year old who found her mom's bag. She has dreadful tatse in chokers, always wearing that ugly cheap ass heart one. In short, she's just absolute rubbish 0/10, would not watch her videos. Not even worth a fap.
> Fake tits
She is hot, but SHE HAD BLACK DICK INSIDE HER, so immediately drops to 1/10
Wigs are weird, but that's about it. She's fine.
Yea, maybe she's just cashing in on the feminist critic game, but don't act like you wouldn't either.
Is that Boxxy's little sister??
She's got a smoking hot figure, only a some perma-virgin NEETS will deny that because of a hate boner for this cancerous skeptic community. They're all copies of each other, making the same videos on the same subjects, same avatars, etc. Fuck those guys
Yep this ruins her. Otherwise I would go balls deep.
She's obviously going for the Boxxy aesthetic, but she's not doing very well a job of it.
i think there are a few more but awful quality and nothing to write home about
yeah, has she ever acknowledged it publicly i wonder? kek
I wouldn't even finger fuck her.
She's a nasty ass skeltal who looks like she'd blow away in a not even stiff breeze.
I prefer Rage After Storm
>paying attention to youtubers
thats kind of your problem
Does she wear wigs due to alopecia or trichotillomania? If it's the latter she craves being beaten and bossed about as I dated someone just starting that who substituted me making her an object of humiliation and submission instead of yanking single hairs out and staring at the root for 5 minutes repetitively while not at her executive job or sleeping.
Is that FLOTUS?
I think she started out fighting the good fight. slowly over the years her videos got really boring and showing off her fat and painfully unfunny boyfriend got old fast. She isnt even republican but acts like it for the views. if she came out as not right wing she would lose her fan base aka her money. (and of course the only reason anyone cared in the first place was because she is hot. that is why I clicked.)
i used to think it was boxxy
I'll fun with that picture on twatter.
Tits are fucking weird though..
The latter. She wrote a blog post about it. She has an unhealthy obsession with tearing her hair out, so now she has to wear a wig
Fuck off shoe, I would never put my finger in a nigger dicking hole.
She's not in good shape my Dutch matey, she is just skinny.. her arms have no tone and will be like bingo wings. She is just an ideal weight and dress sized girl with a cute face
Not really smoking hot when she most likely doesn't go outside nor go to the gym
You have to hate pol for the same reasons.
She's not Right-wing. She's expressed openly that she's Centre-Left, like most of these "Skeptics™"
Only an amerifat would consider her figure skeletal
If you're tweeting it, you better link.
So if she were a German's sloppy seconds it would be fine?
She's a cute, and that means I'm willing to forgive her everything just like I would pic related. She's not RageAfterStorm, though.
She's hot, she's feminine, she's not a feminist or brain-dead progressive, and I can stand listening to her. She's also probably a huge sub, which I like. Would marry.
My bitch would stare spellbound at each root twirling it around using an inspection loupe then crush it with her front teeth. I had to really lay into her to transfer the impulses over to another satisfying sensory form. The only rule was I couldn't mark her where it would show in her work outfits.
>that voice
Is she a dude?
Hmm, you made me think maybe i shouldn't do that without 9000 proxies.
Muslims are niggers too.
No. See
So you would only lick Aryan cum from her snatch, got it.
Yes, i hate her and her fedora tipping faggot boyfriend and everybody in the (((skeptic))) community. Gas them all.
Yes you fucking nigger scum. I can smell you from an ocean away.
>subtle advertisement
doesn't really even look like her
Hate to break it to you guys but that is a good figure for a regular person. Next time you go outside just think on and compare it to the next 20 women you see.
By all means you keep holding out for your olympic athlete or whatever the fuck you think you will land.
press F
RIP in peace
DreamyDiglot is best garbage Youtuber, tho
Or Aydin Paladin
I randomly clicked one of her videos and made it thought the whole thing. Very rare.
She's young, but kind of clever. I wish her well.
You are saying her figure is smoking hot, I conceded she has a cute face and is ideal weight.. just that you over reacted is my argument. There is a reason why her camera is so flared, it's like a filter to have the quality like that
My girlfriend is better looking than her, she has smaller tits but at least they are real, she is a uk size 8. My gf will be in the same boat as her with regards to no gym
Link to an example you watched?TIAFYH.
At least try
id hate fuck her to death, but i cant listen to her talk. Its the lol canadians policy for women.
Aydin's pretty good. She absolutely demolished Kraut in the comments section of his r/K selection theory video
Why do you keep posting this dutch womans body with rages face poorly shopped on?
that pussy would feel so good
damn I need to get laid
Not a masterpiece and you've heard most of it before (being /here/), but it does build a bit and play off itself as it moves forward. My opinion went up as it went on, which is the opposite of what usually happens. But judge for yourself.
Hmmm very interesting she seemingly gets involved with soft looking "husky" slobs.
I'm just here for her nudes.
She's cookie cutter, but because a cute girl has tons of subs. I can't hate on that at all. If you were 8 feet tall you'd play basketball, if you are a cute red pill girl, you'd make a YT and rake in beta bux.
She is what I call the perky squirrel that actress Mary Tyler Moore from American sitcoms.
>like that actress Mary Tyler Moore from American sitcoms
what kind of American TV do you guys get that you know who she is? I only know her from retro reruns in the mid-90s
Another e-celeb thread. Bravo on doing PR for another random nobody. Stop jacking it to her and get a real hobby.
Potatoniggers are slowly becoming worse than leafs
This is relevant to my interests.
I didn't think of that. She could definitely star in her own '70s sitcom as the spunky one. I wonder if that's coming back.
Could be in Laverne and Shirley too. Wonder if she's legit working class.
I lived in Alpine NJ for 3 years growing up because of my fathers work and mums art.
Hideous and more than a little autistic. Slightly better looking than Rage though.
She is a feminist though. (Tradfem instead of Radfem though)
Yes, and that Aryan cum would be my own.
this would be her if she gained 30 lbs
You're either gay or female
Punishment night for naughty hair pullers.
she was blacked
Literally who is this and why should I give a shit about anyone who makes videos for Jewtube OP?
This should be a slide thread.
She's very pretty and quite sharp. Why no love frome Sup Forumsplers?
She is like the knock off version
There are nudes of this guy
tfw you'll never slam out while she cites behavioral psychology papers and praises Odin.
Perhaps she only feels truly pretty when she is very hungry.
OP you sound jealous
>woman uses her looks to attract viewers
>OP cries because hes not attractive enough to do the same
>she creates content and gets views
>OP cries because he sits around and does nothing
>she gets money talking about issues, doing things YOUTUBERS do
>OP cries because he just hates women
Dang son you need a reality check. Even if she doesn't put in work, what, do you want her to stop and give up her money-making scheme? OP is truly an idiot.