She's waiting Sup Forums
She's waiting Sup Forums
Not yet, not yet.
What's waiting user?
No need to kill myself just yet, Trump will make anime real.
do people actually believe this? If anything people on Sup Forums should hate trump since his policies mean more trouble for neets
Trump is a meme candidate. It's hard not to like him, even if you hate everything he wants to do. I'll support him, and then not vote for him.
Who cares about the candidates everyone knows Presidents are just puppets and spokesmen.
Neets love Trump though.
>implying the creation of a third world class of state dependent babymachines won't fuck us harder than a few terms of strict policies
nah niggu
>implying the candidate running entirely on economic populism would enact strict policies
The man has no plans to touch entitlements whatsoever.
I'm not going to argue against that, but his meme platform is strong.
Oh, absolutely. This is the most exciting election I can remember, and I really don't care where it goes anymore, because no matter what it's fun. I'm hoping the FBI indicts Hillary before Bernie drops out, just so we can have the two candidates who everyone says are unelectable running against each other. Someone has to get the job.
>not Kumiko
Asuka isn't worth death.
Just wait 1 sec and............... we go
Don't begin this shit. Fuck you for reminding me this.
who is dat?
Why do people like her? She's an awful human being.
>just d/led the corpse party LN game thing
Am I in for a good time? Have read the manga and watched the show. Is this better?
You fuckers will even turn suicide into something sexual.
I can't believe you all.
I'm gunna go jerk off to that doujin of lolis and shotas fucking hung bodies now.
Fucking weirdos.
Jung is weird too though.
Why does she stand like that?
Maybe her sphincter is sore through repetitive use (such as anal sex) or she pooped too hard and it tore a little.
I want to come so bad Sup Forumsnon.
but I want to go to amagi brilliant park
Who cares, she isn't cute. Girls need to be under 165 cm to be considered cute otherwise they are a freak show. I can already see the betas responding "I love to be dominated" kek.
>being so manlet that tall women frighten you
Asuka a shit
I want to share ES with Kumiko.
>not cute
go get your checked out
Can I get a Sapphire instead?
No. She's already taken.
Sapphire will vote for Trump
i'll do it for Illya
But she's a lesbian
Why the hotel rooms? So that your parents won't find your hideous corpse?
anyone got the chart for this? would love to know how to build something like this in gimp.
internet is the only thing stopping me right now from doing it
Install Adobe Photoshop CC
I would like to think it was because I was getting high, and fucking whores in Mexico before I killed myself.
Right? Every neet piece of shit should vote for Bernie because he wants to expand government programs that I assume they already take advantage of. But they're gonna vote for Trump because "Durr politics are a joke, nothing matters, I operate outside the system man. If he won it would be an epic troll!".
I have a two of these suicide things and the colors are different between them for some reason
>less mexicans and dindus around stealing our shit and leeching our autismbucks
>more trouble for neets
Someday, but not today. I still have a shred of hope that my life won't be just another shitty meme.
worst hibike
>nothing waiting on the other side
Too existential for me.
This guy gets it
NEETs will get a job building the wall
I'd rather live to be 100 than go wherever Azusa is.
Don't forget to say "Tadaima"
Other side have subtitle? Pretty neet.