How does anyone take this board seriously? All of you would literally be killed within 5 minutes in a fascist state.
How does anyone take this board seriously? All of you would literally be killed within 5 minutes in a fascist state
Other urls found in this thread:
>queens, ny
>all of you
you're right, the retards would be the first to be gassed
pol is full of virgin losers complaining about interracial couples
>complaining about interracial couples.
>from germany.
>How does anyone take this board seriously
We still haven't figured that out tbqh.
But liberals seem irrationally afraid of jokes.
See pepe and charlotesville.
If you ask this question, then you're the one taking Sup Forums seriously
You're right faggot. You shouldn't take us seriously. Now gtfo.
>in all fields
Who takes this seriously? Are you triggered?
My point. Your lifeless virgin degenerates LARPing as fascists. Actual fascists would have killed you on sight.
We're not larping as fascists. We're just anti-social nerds practicing the art of satire and OTHER PEOPLE larp us as fascists.
Trust us, we are as baffled as you as to why liberals are so hysterical about a bit of internet goofing.
>All of you would be killed within a Fascist State
You mean Communist State, the word Fascist comes from the Italian "Fascio" meaning "The Group"
Fascists treat their fellow countrymen like their extended family.
Try harder cointelpro
you're trying WAY too hard
>all of you
>internet goofing
I know there is a more serious respectable side of Sup Forums, but it is growing slim due faggots like you becoming the majority. I should have said how does anyone take this board seriously ANYMORE.
So discard the rest of the ideology.
K faggot.
It doesn't matter who we are. Only the propaganda matters. Look at Goebbels.
New York city is a hollow shell of it's former great self.
show flag
>you can be as degenerate as you want as long as you make shitty memes
not an argument
No one ever took Sup Forums seriously, you stinky, dumb, newfag scum.
>No one ever took Sup Forums seriously
tell that to /nsg/
They're memeing too dumbfuck. They're just better at it than we are
>implying fascism has anything to do with race
>implying even the nazis would've killed all the non """aryans"""
>he thinks people come here to take Sup Forums seriously
/po/ is sad tire
It's just a meme calm down
Doing what's right requires sacrifice.