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There are very few true Christians in the US.
liberals using the bible and its verses as an argument in politics is even worse than the protestants who can recite any bible verse off the top of their head without being able to tell you its real spiritual meaning, only the literal interpretation
its cool when the verses are taken out of context too, like every single single one is supposed to be taken at face value like the ten commandments
I'm not a Jew, so no thanks.
Tell that to the quartering act that the British imposed on the colonies and you'dve been jailed
If they think we should do everything in Leviticus, why not kill gays?
I was a foreigner in Egypt? Really?
Because this does not seem to be written to me.
>That's why I ignore the bible completely!
> Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, "Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!" > When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number.
checkmate, atheists
I am not a Jew and never was a Jew so I don't see how my people were foreigners in Egypt you evil fucking KIKE
>Christians are foreigner lovers and traitors
Well, yeah, everybody knows that.
>Liberals claim to know the Bible
>Cite a basic passage about hospitality that doesn't really apply to their argument.
>Completely don't know about the book of Nehemiah, a story of a man forced to build a wall around the city of Jerusalem to keep out hostile invaders and non Jews
>no sweetie, my denomination doesn't follow those bits of the bible.
>Old Testament
Christians don't follow that retard.
Holy shit I love Leviticus now
you beat me to it user
op is a faggot
Christians believe in Jesus words. The new testament. The OT is considered as the jewish part of the bible.
If you have to follow the texts of your religion, how are people saying islam is the religion of peace?
Doesn't the Bible also say to stone gays to death?
You can't institute Bible law halfway you know. If we're going down that route, we're going ALL IN
>This is how little I know about God.
They're still considered foreigners in the Bible. Nothing says you have to hand them citizenship and let financial migrants rape you economically and literally.
AND if you're going to throw the Bible in my face, why don't we talk about what it has to say about homosexuality and other choice leftist perversions?
"Let there be light."
--Jesus of Nazareth
You papists are so cucked.
> Let me, a non-Christian, tell you how Christians should feel
Pretty sure this verse isn't talking about ILLEGAL immigrants, essentially Invaders. This is talking about respecting foreigners in general.
Yeah, it's basically "if someone wants to pretend they're a part of you, let them."
>Christians are foreigner lovers and traitors
This subversion of Christianity had been warned of in the bible.
Isaiah 1:7
Your country lies desolate; your cities are burned with fire; in your very presence foreigners devour your land; it is desolate, as overthrown by foreigners
>Jews and atheists lecturing people on what "real Christians" would do.
Hmm. What is "the Tower of Babel," by the way?
Oh NOW you want us to behave like Christians?
Funny how this didn't apply when we didn't want to bake a cake for your lesbian weddings.
It's good to see more Jews recognizing Christianity as a superior religion
This. Not a Jew, never lived in Egypt, doesn't apply to me. GTFO.
Also the word "foreigner" actually means "stranger" but it's poorly translated from Greek.
Stranger has the connotation of unknown person OF YOUR PEOPLE, while foreigner would be a person of a foreign people
it should actually say stranger, not foreigner
Ah so it's civic nationalism cuckoldry
I've got just the meme for that feel.
Literally the Jew part of the Bible
Carl Schmidt wrote a neat essay about it called "roman catholicism and political form"
If they're not in yet, there's nothing wrong
Also, fortunately the Bible can be discussed and disagreed upon, because we're not m*slims
Also, while the Eternal does not forsake His old Alliances, you're still reffering to the OT
Good thing I'm not a christian, then
These people aren't strangers, they're invaders using progressive politics to gain entry.
This quote here is exactly why Christians killed the Roman Empire. We need to change the faith again or else western civilization will fall.
being a hypocrite doesn't make you wrong
repeat it 50 times a day if you have to
it's not an argument
Jesus never said anything about wetbacks .
>one quote is THE BIBLE and overwrites all others that would contradict
It's no wonder that I believe leftists should all be rounded up and exterminated at this point, what shitty people they are.
Western Christianity has been infected by the sickness of the left completely. Fellow Christians, join the true Christian warriors and become an Orthodox Christian today!
You will never hear a true Orthodox Christian spew this garbage out of their mouth.
Orthodox Christians are taught from a young age that we should defend our faith with our life and that we should obliterate anyone trying to change us or destroy us. Join the greatest religion of all times and let us destroy anyone who stands in our way.
If you had actually read the Bible you would know that it advises one to be gracious to TRAVELERS through your country. It specifically warns against letting them bring their false gods to STAY.
See these Orthodox monks? Just one of these old guys can completely fuck up at least 5 of those leftist cucks that roam around the world like cockroaches.
You wouldn't know a true chirstian is he was your best friend.
>quoting the Old Testament
I just love it when libtards try to quote scripture. They always take it out of context and know nothing about what it actually says.
>another cucklics heretic
You can believe in your cucked version of Christianity, we'll see who's right
Protip: Protestants.
If you claim to be a Christian and you're not out on the streets killing gays and converting non-believers, you're a hypocrite.
Do you think posting a false prophet that's doing everything in his power to destroy Christianity, represents it?
Deuteronomy 7:3 Also says not to marry those outside of your race. If we are going to follow the Bible like you are saying we should then "Muh Diversity" is not something we should be going after.
fuck off, no one cares about your backwater
By that logic we're allowed to round up sluts, homosexuals, and trannies so we can toss rocks at them until they die.
So your choice libtard, you want me to be a secular conservative or a christian fundamentalist?
Buddy there are dozens of Protestant derivatives of Christianity and pretty much all of them are just as cucked.
After all, it's the Protestant churches that are employing female pastors and marrying gay couples in church. Catholics still haven't done that.
Name 1 Protestant denomination that is actually un-cucked.
We care what the old testament says now? Bad news for fags and witches
lol I triggered an anarchist. You are sooooooo edgy, wow! When are you gonna start acting like a man and not like a filthy parasite?
>meme flag calling out anyone
Kys retard
Just a reminder that the old testament no longer counts
Organizational forms are important.
>t. Anarchist
>aethist 1 post by this id tells god fearing christians how they are suppose to interpret their holy book.
lol cucked fags livid
how's it feel living such a restricted life?
>Handing out billions and billions to immigrants and refugees is mistreatment.
Pssh I was already a hypocrite when I found pr0n
I'm not Jewish though so this doesn't apply, the only thing this source is saying is OPEN BORDERS FOR ISRAEL
Leviticus is entirely a Priestly source and the Priestly source is garbage.
Unironically this. Leviticus was Israelite law.
>according to the law of the land
Kek no. I don't believe the statement. I just wondered what pols reaction was. Very entertaining though.
When _A_ foreigner, not a standing army ready to ignite.
Christcucks are not white nationalist.