As you can see, many white women are being taken by negros...
What's with white people to let this happen?
As you can see, many white women are being taken by negros...
What's with white people to let this happen?
that's not a white woman
statistically, most people who race mix are already mixed or the scum of society (fat, ugly, dumb, poor)
like i give a shit, i jerk off to jap girls all day long
this. fuck white women.
Typical gay niggers.
Looks like a dude. why do asian look so androgynous
White women prefer Black men(leads to higher divorce rates).
White men prefer Asian women(leads to lower divorce rates).
So yeah white women are fucked.
Black men take white females, white men take asian females, Asian males take black women and everybody's happy.
That is one stupid hair style.
fuck human women
Why can't Jaden be more like his father.
>What's with white people to let this happen?
we had jim crow laws for that but that was oppressive for them
Said by a fucking leaf
>libertarian socialist
a fucking leaf
do you even want women that select a guy with a palm tree haircut of you as a white man? its women signaling to their own race they consider themselves inferior and thus unworthy for men of their own race.
what about Hispanics? who do they get?
I would say that Asian men get Latinas and Hispanic men get ebonies
White women realise that blacks are superior and so we are conquering by destroying the inferior white DNA.
Dat pineapple head kek
>what about Hispanics? who do they get?
they get back to work, those lazy fuckers
We're the open source like the gnu license
latin culture is too stronk
everyone can take but it takes you
>A woman took a picture with a dude who happens to be black
>This somehow means that they had sex
Jaden Smith has a studio in the office building I work at
what do
Is it me or are millennial keeping more childish facial features longer? Isn't he like 20 at this point? why does he look 12
Tooooop lol
Gtfo of here with your jaden smiff pics batty boi
They were dating.
Hispandex are already a mix of black, white, native Indian, and European depending on the country. There's white Hispanics too though. Like many of them have non-Spanish European last names.
President of Chile is part French, president of Peru is a 1/2 Polish/German-Jew.
It's a great ideology. Only through voluntary participation in a collective can a communist system thrive while strictly adhering to the NAP
That fag painted his nails
They're together
I've had many women of all races. But I always come back to the asians. They know how to treat a white man.
Niggers and white women were made for each other.
They're both garbage. They have garbage children. They have garbage lives. They fuck one another over. Their glorification of self is a SHIT explosion.
Who I kind of feel for are the nigger women.
Nobody wants their rank pussies. Except nigger men that can't get a white woman.
Might as well push nigger women off the edge of the flat Earth for all the value they are awarded.
99% of all pictures of Sup Forums with a black male and a white female, is either where the female is being paid, or where the male is rich.
Litterally 99% falls within this category. Women are semi-prostitutes, get over it.
they are a teen couple dating what do you think?
What if no one wants to contribute to the collective?
Is his hair growing an arm?
>WW prefer BM
kill him
Did someone say "human women"?
she looks braindead
t. asian female
>Might as well push nigger women off the edge of the flat Earth for all the value they are awarded.
that would solve the nig problem
you don't know where the left hand is OwO
shut it down
wtf is this? an alien?
How do I get my hair to look like a used mop?
That's a great question, it depends.
If they sign a contract and they don't fulfill their promises, then at least they will be given a warning to contribute and if they don't at minimum they be asked to leave the collective and to "hippity hoppity get of our property". If the contract states that we can kill them if they don't want to contribute (and they no it and sign it voluntarily) then we can kill them and not violate the NAP.
Stop mating with asian women, pol. It's equally degenerate and your children will look nothing like you.
I dont think we have to worry about that black guy. He's going to find out she doesnt have a penis and lose interest.
>most people who race mix are already mixed
no fucking shit... idiot
Gas the nigger anyway, that hair should be enough of a reason
Lets say you get elected and I decide I did not want to partake in your collective and refused to sign any contract. What would happen to me? Gulag?
Wait her eye has something up with it. Didnt we point the same condition out with elites?
Check confirms user much be right.
>27% of white women don't have a preference
No because it's voluntary, and also there is no state. I won't be elected as head of the state, more like head of my collective in the stateless land that we have as our property
white boys cannot compete, simple as that
>many white women are being taken by negros
Less than 1% of US white women will ever get BLACKED let alone become pregnant by a black.
However, 60% of Jewesses will get BLACKED.
Those "white" women you see with black males, they're almost always Jewish.
All the far-right women are going far-left and dating superior black men.
Evalion is a communist now for example.
It feels good to be on the right side of history.
She's neither of those things though.
1 in 5 white women marry a black man.
I am soon going to be included in that statistic
That is correct, white girls hate white boys so much they will get with anything else they can. This little girl would probably rather the monkey than a snot nosed little white boy
check again
Funny cause all the best looking white women are jewish