Why are there no multi-ethnic street gangs in the US

Pic related is a multi ethnic street gang from the ghettos of Marseille that consists out of Arabs and Blacks.

Why are there no such gangs in the US, for example with Latinos and Blacks? Does racism in the United States also exist between non-white communities? And how did you manage to separate those communities in the first place?

It would be very easy to control European street gangs if non-whites fought amongst each other. Too bad they treat each other as their "equal muslim brothers" with white people as their main victims to attack.

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Muh segregation

There is. It's called MS13 you fucking moron. LArgest gang in the US.
Piss off.

Isn't MS13 an El Salvadorian gang?


not a race

Europe Yes! Even your gangs are diverse
/spoiler/ that means no whites /endspoiler/

Well, unwanted outcasts always tend to stick together, makes sense.

Everyone clutches at their wallet every time a nigger walks past, and who even walks near a suicide bomb?

It is or at least it was. It grew too fast and had to start recruiting outside of just El Salvadorians. It still mostly recruits other South American immigrants though.

My cousin was an MS-13 member but was shot when he got deported back to El Salvador RIP Osvaldo

They're all ooga booga mudpeople

Racism exists between other nationalities, but that's besides the point. Gangs for the most part are multicultural. You have things like nortenos, surenos, Mexican mafia, LK, Aryan Brotherhood and such who have their roots in the prison system which is racially divided naturally, but street gangs such as bloods and crips and all the gangs under the Folk Nation and People Nation alliances such as 4CH, gangster disciples, black disciples, AVLN, etc. And those are 'street' gangs who may or may not pledge allegiance to prison gangs and they are for the most part multicultural. There have been nortenos and surenos who were black, Dominican and Haitian gangs that take in whites, but gangs like MS13 are nationalist, although there have been instances where they had white members as well.


Marseille is a lost city, for years already


That is a class photo of what Belgians and French will look like in a few decades.

Most white gangs become explicitly racist if they don't start out that way. Like the DMI group that started out being hitmen for niggers.

White gangs sometimes accept light skin Hispanics and Hispanic gangs sometimes accept whites.
There is a rise in hybrid gangs like the "juggalos" which their gangs are pretty much just a few petty criminals attached to their shitty music starting small cliques.

t. Over 9000 hours of watching documentaries and reading FBI and law enforcement assessments on gangs.

People will stick with there group because they the only ones he can trust

>Does racism in the United States also exist between non-white communities?
absolutely, but when they're hating whites they forget that they hate each other.

Mexicans and nigs hate each other

Also I guarantee the Arabs look down on the blacks, they probably just use them

There are enough niggers and spics here that they can be mono-ethnic in their gangs
Also spics and niggers don't live in the same parts of the country

Because blacks are mostly Christian here, and in France they're all muslims

I've also personally noticed a trend in every gang.

>two to five very close friends
>they usually are in very hostile environment which forces them to get tough or die
>they adopt an identity
>some kind of big act of violence or something gives them high reputation
>membership explodes
>if prison gang law enforcement tries moving members around and it actually makes the gang spread
>if street gang members move into other towns and gang spreads
>gang degenerates into more drugs
>younger generation of gang is disrespectful and more nigger tier/degenerate

These are all fairly common characteristics or typical stories I see that is common across all gangs in America.

no its that blacks in US have been domesticated for 200+ years and have been mixed with whites, while African niggers are pure bred chimps

>blacks here
>mostly Christian

Islam believe in religious brotherhood that why you will find Muslim organizations with different races and groups they view each as Muslims but the question why don't Christians do the same thing

> Does racism in the United States also exist between non-white communities

Absolutely. There are Latino gangs in California that have attempted to ethnically cleanse neighborhoods of blacks. It was in the news a few years back.

Latinos fucking hate blacks.
Blacks fucking hate Latinos.

White gangs are typically white only, but some biker gangs have whites and Latinos in them.

fuck multi-ethnic gangs. those guys are absolute morons with no loyalty.
in chicago we have all sorts of gangs. back in the day you had the Assyrians taking whole parts of the city and whooping black, white, and hispanic ass nonstop. they kept their neighborhoods safe from violent congolians and other unpleasant people. a 'gang' like you're talking about is a group of retarded 18-24 year olds in addidas wear that run around shoplifting and attacking people for fun.

REAL gangs are about protecting small ethnic and cultural communities, and doing the dirty work so that the people can live worry-free. your stupid media has fooled you into thinking gangs are about crime, when in reality a neighborhood group is usually 25-40 year old men who protect their elders, wives, and children from retards like the pic in OP. every small ethnic village needs some tough bodyguards.

Juggalos aren't a gang. A lot of people with bullshit charges like shoplifting or vandalism or drunk and disorderly or whatever ended up being processed, and what happens during that is that they note tattoos you have just so they don't (or do if you piss them off enough) put you on a cell block with enemies of the gang. So a lot of idiots had the hatchetman tattoos and random juggalo bullshit, and by the 100th juggalo the law enforcement thought they were dealing with a legit street gang, because on documentation it looks like one, so they designated them as such.

Basically the corrections department dun goofed and designated a bunch of white trash as a criminal element since they processed them the same way.

Honestly the answer just hit me.
In the US , spics speak Spanish and Spanglish, while niggers speak English and Ebonics
So naturally they don't work together

>naxalt bro!
Yeah no I agree but as I said Juggalo "gangs" are typically cliques of friends that form independent crews. Also as more juggalos get locked up they will get into prison gangs.
Also you can't ignore the fat founder of ICP writing in his book that they started as a gang and meant to be that way.

>full kit wanker
>has the training bottoms on and everything
>not even spanish

They dress like total fucking faggots, I would rob them naked just to sell them their gay clothes the next day.

I don't think juggalos have the numbers to make it in the pen, and quite honestly I doubt the peckerwoods would want to let in a bunch of drug addict clown make up degenerates in, not to mention that I kind of doubt most juggalos have the propensity towards violence that is required in prison gangs.

I guess they can be drug mules or something. Worst comes to worst there's segregation housing unit or protective custody.

Most gangs start out that way. You have 2-3 close friends protect each other, earn a reputation, capitalize on that reputation by getting into petty crime, and if their numbers and reputation grows they will be noticed and either be assimilated into a more established organization/crew, solidify their own organization (which is rare) or disband entirely.


>Latinos fucking hate blacks
Mexicans hate blacks. Puerto Ricans and Dominicans can get along with them since they have some nigger blood in them.
>Blacks fucking hate Latinos
This is divided, a lot of blacks view brown as allies against white, even if the feeling is unreciprocated.
>White gangs are typically white only, but some biker gangs have whites and Latinos in them.
This is mostly true. All the big biker gangs have Hispanics in them.

>no white
it's rather just that they formed a "gang" with the closest guys, and a gang who takes itself in photo isn't a very advanced gang. Mostly bullshit, selling hashish or other drugs

Arabs have to be the least physically threatening race. Are europoors actually intimidated by them?

What you said is what I said here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Juggalo_gang_subsets

I didn't know blacks and muslims in france get along well. because in the uk they fight each other.

They get along a little bit too well. Not just in france, but in the entire mainland of Europe. In Belgium, Netherlands and Spain you will also find such gangs. This is most likely due to the fact that muslims in the mainland of Europe are predominantly North-African while in the UK They're Pakistanis.

This is hilarious because none of that shit really existed until they got designated a criminal organization by the police. Then they just had to back it up with cutesy names of gangs they found scribbled on picnic tables in the suburbs.

Until one of them decides to blow themselves up. Pic related is a good example of a community where actual jihadists get recruited.

All gangs in Europe dress like this kek.

This is true. Them being muslim is one of the main reasons they stick together.

It'll be a self fulfilling prophecy. Many of juggalos were petty criminals anyway.

You mean this is what Europe already looks like for a few decades, kek.

Not just Marseille my friend.

British gangs then and now

Still, throwing them in the mix like that was kind of uncalled for. Graduating to organized crime is usually a natural process.

I know bro, your' brussels is also in a bad shape and lisbon too. About France, Marseille and Paris by far are the worse cases. Lyon is a big city but is not that bad.

All of Latin america hates blacks. Look at the Dominican republic, the blacks in denial.

only in Marseille
Arabs hate niggers more and more

BTW that's not a gang, only guys who think they are, they are thugs who snitch on each other whenever they can

I used to play pool with a black domenican girl, god her hate for niggers was legendary, she used to call them niggers right in their face and hatefully not like joking, weird fucking niggers domenicans are.

>Only in Marseille
Takes a look at Paris...


Mexicans hate blacks far more than even the most literal nazi white men do.

As a spic, who grew up around spics, who even spent a year in the most spic city in America(Brownsville) let me tell you something right now. Spics hate the American negro.

. I thought it was just a meme, but after thinking about the way family, friends, acquaintances talk about them they really do loathe them and the "around blacks don't relax" thing literally happens in public. When I think about violence against blacks by Latin gangs, and how brutal they are it's the upbringing being taken to its extreme. When I think about sosa bleaching his skin, or black Latin TV personalities they don't act or have a trace of African culture, or even mention it ever.

I kind of fear what will happen if Latinos ever do take power in the US or even white liberals ever catch wind of this. The language barrier serves as a, well, barrier. I'm sure the CIA has looked into this. It's a different kind of a racism, i wouldn't even call it that it's more like cultural supremacy that takes all as long as they assimilate

No! They will mix with whites and their grandchildren will end up looking like this.

it's a neighborhood, not a gang
they hand together because they live in the same place
gangs are what the US anons explain above
all the guys you're posting are like jugaloos
they are violent faggots but they are not organised and have very little discipline and most of the time they have no leaders
the only thing they do all together are drug deals, the rest of the shits they usually do they do it in little groups without the others knowing about it
the little groups are mono ethnical for the most

Because they have nothing on real gangs.

pics of young kids skipping school to protest about whatever
they are in the same school, they move together, that's not a gang

In Puerto Rico lighter spics often take up arms with darker spics (so the lighter skinned ones fight with the darkies and even the immigrants from Haiti or some other shit negro country from the Carribbean).

Rule of thumb is that Spics no matter their mixture do not care for Blacks unless they literally are Negros.

Also when i meant arms i meant against not with.

So you deny that there are gangs in France who consist out of Blacks and Arabs? It's ridiculous how fast i can find evidence on Youtube to disprove your claims.

France is even too cucked to arrest these fuckers in this clip.
>In b4 bu.. bu.. but they're not a gang, kek

we do the but we call it business and foreign aid derp

>i just wanna go home
>its cold out

you are confused about what a gang is
you are also confused by those faggots who sing rap music
they are wannabe gangsters, they are not gang bangers
gang bangers exist sometimes, they are older and generally are not stupid enough to show their faces,they rob banks, deal big quantities of coke or hash, attack trucks, they make money
only scared virgin faggots are impressed by the guys you posted,
they really got into your head,most of them are mommy's boys
you're young I guess and easily impressionable


Confirmed North-African gang. One of the robbers is now helping film directors in Paris making movies. Also look up "le milieu".

Because we do not fuck burros or goats ahmed

What are white, black and asians, a race?

exactly what I was talking about
mono ethnic and 25 yo +
small teams
not guys that hang in the street

Is he flipping off the ground?

Sure there are. Just look at these authentic gangsters.

Oh, and these ones.

With all those hordes of arabs and blacks in France, all together with all the crime that is going on there, you're not gonna tell me there isn't any gang activity going on there.

Paris for example is literally surrounded by Arab/Black ghettos. The chances of no street gang activity going on over there is extremely small.

And street gangs are different from organized crime, you should know the differences between those two.


Back when Katrina hit New Orleans, there was an influx of Hispanics that came in during the cleanup afterwards, and they were killing the SHIT out of black people and taking their neighborhoods over.

To answer your question, I think it's just 'African-American' blacks are not very popular with other groups of people.

I can't blame them for wanting to stop it early.
I agree that this would be like labeling skinheads a gang because a few of them did make gangs.