The absolute state of 2017 video games and (((star))) wars

The absolute state of 2017 video games and (((star))) wars.

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Remember when the writers for Rogue One said the Empire was a white supremacist organization? Neither do I.

mfw i play nip games because the jews fear the samurai

>tfw the future is so black even white supremacist organizations have to recruit niggers

The one black woman who enjoys star wars will be very happy

Its mainly American houses that are shitting the bed. European dev studios haven't gotten poisoned yet
>Fucking FIFA how can you fuck up FIFA

>blacks are cannon fodder
don't see the problem, this prevents the needless death of a droid

I wonder are all the black stormtrooper black and the white stormtrooper white ?
Anyone who has paid to see rogue one is a cuck btw

dunno man, samus returns is about to drop on friday, seems like a good game.

The concept of a woman being in the special forces is far more retarded than a storm trooper being black.

these are supposedly elite troops

It is curious that even in this one image you can sense the total lack of spirit and character in the art design.

Lose a groid, save a droid.

t. sub-nigger who can't afford a gaming PC

Is there any hobby left that hasn't been royally fucked by people who don't even participate in it?

>A fucking leaf

Making a red-pilled arma3 campaign right now nigger


Wait why is that black chick in the white supremacist Empire? Ow wait I get it. She's a traitor like Finn...

sounds fun

Fucking kek

>this is now considered black

isn't that just a TIE fighter pilot uniform with a cardboard mockup of death vader's chest panel taped to the front?

>this is not considered black in the European Union


I'm honestly more bothered by TIE pilot flight suits being used for Storm Trooper special forces armor, especially when we already have at least one set of Storm Trooper special forces armor in the new canon.

TIE suits always had their own chest piece. They may have slightly changed the buttons.

It's about the main island of the game being over run with immigration and crime being rampant, you play both a cop and white part of a rag tag militia force against the nig horde

Star Wars is fucking terrible, anyone who enjoys it is a brainlet

They aint Stormies though. More like marines.

The original Star Wars trilogy had black people in it. I don't get the problem?

White men are going to watch Star Wars no matter what Disney does with it. Now they have the freedom to go after broader demos. Rogue one did gangbusters on brand recognition alone.

I haven't bothered buying a new game in a long time. Too many coloureds and weird SJW crap in games. Went back to play Dragon Age Inquisition and that's full of SJW crap, too. Only other game I've been playing is Battlefield 4 which is mostly whites. Next game I'm buying is a remake of Dragon's Dogma.

I liked the extended universe tho :(

La mestizza space WAR GURLL!!!

He at least had character.

It gets a pass because she is one of the "Bad guys"


theres none, The empire was always a stand-in for nazi germany and white supremacists.

But now its a stand-in for multculturalism and (((those))) that promote it

I'm pretty sure she's the singleplayer character who switches side because muh ebil embire !1

she looks really stronk
i bet she dont-need-no-man

>European dev studios haven't gotten poisoned yet

I didn't watch Rogue One. The jewishness of it pissed me off. Won't be seeing the next lot of films, either.
Battlefront Deluxe Edition was just £5 on an Xbox One sale and I didn't buy it. Not giving money to Disney kikes.

>star wars

fucking slavs, man


Same here, I love the older movies and the games but everything that happened after Disney is non existant to me.
You'll never see Sev again ;_;

Looks way better than Ogaboyega at least.

>developed by mercurysteam
>the same guys who made the shit 3ds castlevania and the snoozefest god of war clone

yeah, I'm gonna pass

Classical music

just don't buy AAA games where they put niggers into everything, same way you can choose not to watch TV or movies, listen to the radio or popular music, follow team sports, etc.

I find hobbies and interests related to the outdoors (fishing, camping, hunting) have much fewer minorities interested in them. Grand strategy games are like a 99% white male hobby.

You just know they're gonna fuck up Lord of the Rings next

I thought SJWs had made it so that only white people were allowed to be villains?

Rogue One was a lot better than New Hope 2: Hope Harder.

>You just know they're gonna fuck up Lord of the Rings next

Haven't you seen the micro transaction up the ass of the next game ? Its already done

I liked the Vong War series especially.
>Ebil Empire is defeated by the (((Alliance)))
>Galaxy goes full multicultural disbands it's military to pay for it
>The Vong go full jihad
>Star Wars galaxy gets rekt

Isn't this counter intuitive to the master plan. Making video games fun escapism keeps basement dwelling white guys pacified and happy. But instead they choose to shame them for getting boners over buxom cartoon women and shove unattractive mulattoes in everything. Jap games with big titted anime girls keep white men more distracted but that's not progressive enough. I feel like hideous groids will just hasten us putting down the controller and losing interest in video games. Have we gotten to the point where the left's hardest efforts are actually counterproductive to their end goal? Or maybe I'm fooling myself and the stupid goyim will just soak this filth up too.

Star Wars is so fucking wack. I can respect the original trilogy when it was just a bunch of coke heads making something original but this shit is just soulless, mass marketed pop-media now.

If we keep importing migrants and refugees, sure as hell this will become the European standard.

I don't really care what role they're suppose to be in. Having them in TIE suits is dumb.

Also Storm Troopers already fill the role of marines for the Imperial Navy and anyone who says otherwise can get fucked.

Nothing makes a game lame like a 40 something ugly Michelle Obama looking nigger

Physical fitness.
Now that the normies are sucking the life out of "nerd" hobbies it's time for us to become Chads.
Even though there's tons of retarded fitness advice like veganism and meme exercises. Things aren't bad enough that it's illegal for men to go get swole.
I think some leftists have realized that they fucked up by taking away our last refuge but most are too stupid to stop themselves.

The new Star Wars films, comics, and novels have been shit since Disney decided to discontinue the expanded universe and start over. Just throwback clones of the original films.

You're no longer a nerd for caring this much about Star Wars, you're now the guy who can recite the Taco Bell menu from memory.

He's right tho



i havent even watched TFA, and i consider myself a fan of SW.


Powerpuff girl got a new member so hmmm ???

Considering most players are minorities it merely reflects reality.

we should thank them for sparing us that dead future

thank them posthumously I mean


It's too late.

>oldfag here (48 years old)
>remember when Star Wars came out (1977)
>Was Stormtrooper for Halloween. I loved them!
>Went to see Star Wars with my brothers and dad. It was a HUGE bonding experience
>Had Star Wars posters all over my room.
>Had Star Wars action figures and trading cards.
>Had Star Wars t-shirts, sheets, pillow case and blanket cover
>Had every star wars video game
>Read every star wars book I could get my hands on
>had all the movies (VHS, DVD)
>Had Star Wars Beer Steins, shot glasses and a Stormtrooper Helmet
>Always loved the Empire. Always hated the rebel scum.

Fast forward to when they made episode 1 - 3.

>Still enjoyed Star Wars. They were not as good as Episodes 4, 5 and 6 but they were still fun.
>Enjoyed playing Star Wars Galaxies (happiest video game experience in my life). Would love to go back in time and re-play everything I did in that game. I wanted to live in the Star Wars Universe.

Fast Forward to when Lucas sold this franchise to Disney

>Knew what was coming. Sold everything Star Wars related I had.
>Found out that Disney killed off the extended universe (their product now - their rules)
>Knew everything was going to be cucked.
>Said my goodbyes to Star Wars as it is now dead to me.

Fuck Disney. Fuck EA. Fuck Star Wars.

The social justice train has no breaks. If some of the higher minds had their way, they probably would leave some avenue of escapism to keep the majority of their possible opponents nice and pacified until the outcome they desired was inevitable. But their foot soldiers are rabid, unthinking animals. Antifa and the blue-haired, hornrim glasses wearing hamplanets. They're going after everything at once, and thank God for that, because it's going to galvanize people who would otherwise be content to sit around and do nothing. Gamergate was demonstrative of that, whatever you think of it.

All clonetroops are spics, at least two first order troops are black.

But a lot of empire officers were British men.

Nah, you're right, the 2016 elections were a symptom of the left pushing his luck too much. but let them continue, we grow stronger thanks to it.

The Taco Bell near me when out years ago so now I'm stuck with Sonic. The banana shakes are pretty good though so it's whatever.

You enjoyed the glory years at least.

Lando was not shoehorned in. He was a natural fit. He was charismatic and fit the part of another scoundrel smuggler like Han Solo.

>grand strategy games
Far too triggering for liberals

I can see the racist huffpo articles already if they even got to the end of 1837 in vicky 2

The transformation is already taking place and Netflix is at the forefront.
Expect more anime drawn by Japanese studios but produced by kike directors and starring niggers as well as Hollywood live action adaptations of well known series.

stormtrooper =/= clonetrooper

the ( ( ( gamejournalists ) ) ) were more stupid than the tumblrinas , they were straight up shitting on gamers, with that kind of attacks even the most bluepilled faggot would wake up to the truth.

>what is Ubisoft
fucking idiot

The Jews have created their Frankenstein's monster with the left. And he's on a rampage right now. They have no subtlety and don't understand incrementalism like the Jew does.
While the Jew slowly boils the frog, the SJW takes a flamethrower to him.

Yes. Yes I did! Thanks for putting that perspective on it.

(I am also old enough to remember when Boba Fett was white)

Jango Fett's actor was Maori. He was in a movie about how they beat their wives and are alcoholics like every other group of indigenous peoples.

Considering it's practically nigger ball now they really don't need to do anything.

Reminder that Star Wars takes place in the past. It's normal to have niggers.

Our guy will take care of it

First movies then videogames, what did you expect? whites being deleted everywhere. Some day they will say we don´t exist. sooon

All brown people rook same

This is true.

Gyms have been called "the last bastion" of maleness and dudebros for a while now. They can obviously dominate planet fitness but I think it's one hobby safe from longterm infection.

Once were Warriors? Funny how when a shitskin beats his wife it's because they're poor and oppressed but the group least likely to do it (white males) are the ones demonized as horrible women abusers.

so you're mad that the Empire is no longer a white supremacist thing?

You miss the point, that the main character who betray the empire during the campaign

>not posting best girl

Jeremy Bulloch was the original Boba Fett.

Boba Fett was a clone of Jengo Fett.

Jengo Fett was white. It was only when George Lucas started listening to the critics talking about diversity that he changed the race of Boba Fett.

No, watch this.

what the fuck is wrong with her lip?

Thats good, Sonic is objectively better in every way.

Rogue One was pretty okay tbqh
>Faction of rebellion that is literally space taliban
>It's run by a black guy
>The faction of rebellion that are actually good guys is run by white people with european accents