Jumping out of the building where you have a 0% chance of survival

>jumping out of the building where you have a 0% chance of survival
>instead of running through the fire and risking burns where you at least have a 1% chance of survival

Are people really this stupid? What mindset do you need to have to do something like this?
I would have been fighting for survival until the bitter end. Why did they all throw in the towel and give up so quickly? This is something I will never understand.

I'm not trying to be edgy here. Obviously I will never know what the situation was like up there, but instinct tells me to keep fighting for my life as long as possible instead of pussying out and jumping.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's pretty clear you have never been burnt before.

The fire melt steel beams. It could melt you!

Have you ever been beside a raging bonfire? Before you will ever reach the flames your clothes will start smoking. Its unbearable. That brave man chose a better end.

I hope he's in a better place. God bless him and the United States of America. They will never, never never win.

Are you really that ignorant? My uncle was trapped above the explosions and all of the stairways had collapsed or were completely gone.

Not too mention the heat from the smoke burns your lungs, he had a 0% chance of making it out of that building and decided to take the sweet release of death.

Would you rather die instantly or burn all your nerves off and watch it all happen to everyone else around you? Get out of the basement and stop daydreaming

>burn to death
>fall and hope you somehow live

Needless to say some stumbled out in the smoke and fell out because people were pushing and gasping for air.


How did he know for real tho?

9/11 was an inside job

>not convincing everyone in the office to give you their clothes so you can make a giant parachute and slowly glide to safety

Fire is an awful way to die. You should know that if you've lurked threads on this board.

Pol's version of the golden gate bridge thread.

Black caustic smoke kills you.
1200 degree jetfuel accelerated flames cook you in 20 seconds.
Staying in a building with temp rising to 300-400 degrees, pass out and die anyway.
I'd jump, save myself 5 minutes of getting broiled while conscious.

>it's raining pigs
>it's raining pigs

That's the guy playing The Fool.

>Before you will ever reach the flames your clothes will start smoking. Its unbearable
I never considered that user, but you're right
real life is not a movie

I'm taking it you've never been in a life or death situation. Let's check:
>run through suffocating smoke and burning fire and explosions and hot metal and fracturing stairways and a collapsing building and surely be impaled, suffocate and burnt while the building is actively collapsing
>jump out of the window and greet your death with open arms

He will burn in hell for comitting suicide. He should've tried to escape instead of taking the cowards way out.

>had 6 cups of coffee and an entire gallon of water before breakfast
>urinate all over myself and office staff
>jump through steel melting sized inferno with office staff to lobby
>take elevator to bottom floor
>casually walk past firefighters while soaked in urine
>never speak of it again until today

so how is 8th grade treating you?

Falling for hundress of feet is a much cooler death.

They should've done what Robert Langdon did in the Angels & Demons book: jump out with a jacket above your head for a parachute and aim for a body of water.

Guaranteed survival.

why didn't they just jump off with a table underneath them and then jump off the table before it hits the ground

Enormous, raging infernos are not like the action movies make them out to be. You don't approach a huge gust of flames and simply wince in slight pain, your skin would literally start bubbling and fall off the bone well before you even got close to the fire.

>Die in a less painful way
>Die in a way more painful way 2 minutes later
>God will toss you into a pit of hellfire for all eternity for choosing the former.

Sounds like a retarded god.

>Doesn’t take suffering into account

What are you 15? Would you rather chop off your dick and balls slowly with a 5000 degree hot razorblade with a 99% chance of death and be dickless for the rest of your life or just kys in 1 second?

Person is going to die regardless



Fuck the jews, fuck the muzzies Muricans the fact that you have not tag teamed your government and killed every fuck complicit in this crime is the most beta shit your country has ever done

>not lifting the table up at the last second to save yourself

He dressed better then 90% of the wiggers on /fa/

>Are people really this stupid?

Fuck off, punk. If this happened to you you'd probably urinate yourself to death.

Rip toaster dude

People have survived legit falls like that, no parachute or anythin'.
So it's really not 0% it's just about being smart and using your body to spread out to decrease your speed as much as you can via air resistance

Why didn't they at least hold their hands to the wall? They would be slowed down and might survive

>freefalling as your final experience
>burning alive as you wait for death to take you out of the fire that's consuming you
Tough choice

Obviously low IQ and died for a reason good riddance

crisis actors???

What about making a parachute out of his clothes or some cloth close to him user?

That would actually work, if the chair weighs 3 tons.

what did he mean by this?

Americans will be anything to avoid even the slightest bit of exercise

People who "jumped" were actually people running who couldn't see because of the smoke.

Burning to death is proven to be one of the, if not the most painful way to die. Soldiers with flamethrowers were targeted for a reason.

the heat will smake your clothes smoke , wich is already unbearable but you may be able to tolerate it with the arenaline rush
your skin starts burning , wich is also unbearable , at this point you have tunnel vision and you have only your instinct telling you to run
there is a massive amount of smoke making it difficult to stay on your feet
if you survive all of this , you still have to deal with the carbon monoxide poisoning wich has 80% fatality rate

>seeing the ground get closer and closer as you piss yourself and regret jumping
>LARPing as an action hero through falling debris while you attempt to make it out alive (you know you won't)
Yup, very tough choice

The upper floors of those buildings were the closest thing to literal hell on earth back then.

You'd jump too, OP.

His body would still be going at hundreds of km/h, table or not, even if he was fast enough to jump off the table at the last moment he would still die.


it's just common sense

> not emerging from the bonfire with your dragons
Fucking amateur hour in here

that dude was riverdancing all the way down. what then now bitches.

Burning to death is the moat painful way to die

I would know

A t shirt isn't enough to slow the fall of a 150+ pound man at all you brainlet

>Not putting multiple layers of clothing on for extra resistance


Pretty clear you've never jumped out of a 90 story building before

It's not suicide if you don't have a realistic option to not die. In that case it's choosing how to die.

he doesn't know the staircase was destroyed and there was no possibility of escape unless you brought your climbing harness and ropes.



Fuck off with this metric shit

Option 1: Die Horribly
Option 2: Cross skydiving off bucketlist and die instantly

oh well done

Oh look, this same thread again.

Every faggot who jumped like a pussy probably regretted it the minute they did it. Just look at the Golden Gate Bridge jumpers who survived.

>faggy american office worker:"gee wizz, given that i'll die either way, i sure don't want to suffer being horribly burned alive !"
>god: "ye nah cunt lol im gonna burn you in eternal hellfire though ay"
This god fella sounds like a real dickhead.

>multiple layer turns fire protection into MORE FIRE!

Woke Bieber approves

>suffer a horribly painfull death being literally melted
>fall for a quick death bonus: enjoy the ride better than any bungee jump


Personally would have tried to get to the roof and take my chance during the collapse

>he's not dying the way I say it should happen

The reality is people have fallen from higher up and lived. He had a better chance of surviving the fall than not being cooked.

It's just like in my RPGs.

You should try it, I bet you would fall like a leaf

its an iranian that i think has some shit he .has too.
he says he's against the illuminati, and has a side for muslims and all the shit is all just different cultures, like that are simiilar really. but jsut watch his shit, caue he's an iranian.. who ..makes videos on this shit. but i said he's got some shit too


surely this has been done before

the real question, why didn't the masters of the universe ceos in that building stuff their office with paragilders for just such an emergency

JUST such an emergency

OP: How stupid do you have to be to realize they were forced out from 1500 degree heat? They didn't jump so much as fall you idiot....

Try running through a 2000°F fire. See how well you survive.

is there a way to petition for a banner

>Jack, this is where we first met!


Jet fuel can't melt steel beams

couldnt find the original one it

I don't think that's worse than instantaneous death with 0% chance for survival. He was a cuckjumper

do americans not have sunscreen or something

The North Tower stairwells were gone. There was nowhere to run. Everybody died above the impacted floors.

>Dying of suffocation or roasting to death


>jump out window

Pretty easy choice desu



>implying the intent is survival
I'd rather go splat instantly than endure minutes of excruciating pain and a distinct inability to breathe, especially if my odds of surviving are so small.

>Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
It doesn't need to.

Since the goal was to drag the US into unwinnable wars in the middle east, resulting in a loss of global influence and a huge mountain of debt.

Sounds like they won already..

>He works in a tall building and doesn't have a parachute under his desk just in case

deserved it desu

I was unaware that the average human could jump upward at relatively the same speed as terminal velocity for most objects.

watch out for lying archons.

I dunno, lets put you in a room with a raging fire and a pile of clothes, see if you can make a parachute before you burn to death.

Checked and kek'd