I find it ODD that Jim first exposed the illuminati in this interview:
> www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG9i7d8yfKQ

Later starts twitting things like
> "They say mercury in fish is dangerous but forcing all of our children to be injected with mercury in thimerosol is no risk. Make sense?"

And then his GF is (((suicided))). Isn't this strange?

Oh, and now he gives this weird interview where in minute 1:03 says "Shut it down now!". What did he mean by that?


Other urls found in this thread:


aper hreanerehnen areh

No but somebody killed his career

When did he last star in a movie?

His "comedy" drove her to suicide.

jim carrey is a major known drug fiend.
any oddities can be discounted by the fact that his brain is cooking in a stew of poison.
go the fuck to sleep.

Has he really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

is he dead or something, why he turned comletly insane?
Did (((THEY))) do this?

Jim "You are a cluster of floating tetrahedrons" Carrey.


Really makes you think.

Pic related is a tetrahedron. Reminds you something?

I grow tired of seeing this cocksucking hypocrite open his mouth

>jim carrey is a major known drug fiend.


Sorry, i meant star tetrahedron

He's a scumbag that gave his girlfriend STD's.

I hope something bad happens to him. People suck his dick because he looks "sad" or went viral making shitty paintings.

Everyone in Ireland knows he fucked up that girl. He's a major scumbag. Its crazy how quiet the media are about it. Hollywood has legit power to keep it quiet.

She killed herself because of his actions. And to be clear I'm not making threats. Irish law could interpret this as a threat. I merely think he's a bad person. Not going to do shit to the prick

Everytime i see that fcuking smile, i see the dude just screaming for help.

He is a good actor, but he knows what is up and what those dirty jews are doing, that Jimmy Kimmel clip is creepy AF.

Not all artists are souless fuckers that sold their soul to the devil and the jews, some of them want to stop (((them))).

Quick rundown?

He's a shitlib and his world has fallen apart.

Him making his paintings.


He's been indoctrinated in to new world (mystery religion) spirit science garbage where he believes he's just a collection of energies surrounded by sacred geometry.

He needs saving ASAP.

>"I don't believe you exist"
Yeah OK.

He gave her herpes, possibly syphillis and she also got hooked on a couple prescription meds. Possibly from a shady doctor all the celebs seem to know.

She found out she has std's, and realized no one would ever want her and it could even harm a pregnancy.

He didn't give a fuck denied all blame. Implied she was whore.

She killed herself.

He gets away with it because he makes funny faces, is a movie actor and people worship celebrities in America can't see them for what they are.

Is Jim Carrey next level of woke after Alex Jones?

He admitted to Space Ghost that they didn't have to use any CGI in "The Mask" because of all the coke

complete wank. art is not subjective. 2/10

That's really cool.

I don't want to spoil anything ,but there's a show where something similar happens. That crazy star life make miserable a lot of people.

>personal agency plays no part in judging the actions of the woman

Let the poet speak!
Stupid woman!

He's healing his soul. Do you ever doodle? I wouldn't hang his art on my house, but in his case the process is more important than the final product.

He's overdosed so badly on redpills that he's become incapacitated

this is jim carrey's jesus painting that embodies all the different races of mankind

more like Jim Carry

That's 2 tetrahedrons superimposed

t. Finite element analyst

He's a shit painter. Talk to anyone with artistic knowledge and they are rolling their eyes at him. People wanking over him cause he's "deep". He's a scumbag. No one cares about the harm he causes.

Women are always to blame.
You some kinda white knight faggot?


It's litterally a star tetrahedron as I posted here t. shitposter

he's obviously right on the same level as alex jones

All ((?modern art))) is shit.

His most recent role was playing some mute wanderer in some shit movie called The Bad Batch. Nobody even knew it was him until it was pointed out. His career is JUSTed.

If an ex knew she had std's gave them to you, denied she did that then cut off contact leaving you with your shitty life would you blame yourself for fucking her?


Don't forget this OP:

>If this former A+ list comedian/movie actor wants to make all his troubles go away, all he has to do is go on television or even make a video saying how much he likes a certain group. If he did that, all these stories about him leaking and that messy lawsuit would vanish. Jim Carrey (Scientology)

>pic related

(((THEY))) killed Brian Jones.

He's a better painter than Hitler.

I hate when spirtierlists use technical jargon wrongly to give thier new age realigon a scitiftic sounding basis.
"we are't chirstianity, thats bullshit, our stuff is real"

Truman Show - Top kek for irony.


>Oh, and now he gives this weird interview where in minute 1:03 says "Shut it down now!". What did he mean by that?

... I'm pretty for sure that's drugs. That dude couldn't give a single fuck. He was trolling the reporter because he's become obviously disillusioned and disenfranchised.

There is videos on youtube explaining it. But I feel this is the very blue-pilled socially acceptible explanation.


Probably, knowing the industry (I have some experience in it both acting as an extra and doing stagehand/crew stuff) he probably got too fucking weird to work with. The industry is tolerant of drug habits if they don't effect the work but when they do, they just cut people off kind of quietly and systematically.

I also believe they pull the "don't call us, we'll call you" to prevent stars and actors from telling the world what kind of evil shit the studios do behind the scenes, because they keep them thinking they're not getting work for legitimate reasons or that the work is coming later...

The weird thing is when he was on Kimmel and they were both making NWO jokes . Ever since then Kimmel went full blown libtard Hollywood spokesperson . This was years ago . Kimmel changed after that because he had to .

He didn't tell her he had herpes.

>shut it down
>its not our world
He knows.

Can't heal something that was sold to Mr. Scratch. Dude was about as funny as genital warts and looks about as good.

Friend just sent me this. Now I used to love Jim, then, the dead Bill Hicks said it best, all will be better when the LA and he whole of California just sinks into the ocean and all that's left is Arizona Bay. Jimbo got sort of nutty in his beliefs and way dumb in his politics.
I like this though, obviously been reading some Liebniz or occult shit from Pythagoras and Plotinus, or maybe he has been ayahuasca touring and still hasn't returned.
Nevertheless, id love to see Jimbo drop more metaphysical red pills and have his career destroyed until he winds up on infowars or Joe rogan.

What he says in the end of that second video

"Here's the thing it's not our world, we don't matter, we don't matter, that's the good news.."

Makes me feel not great.

Read my comments. Hollywood blacklists you if they think you're about to go south. There will be a big trial about his GF in a couple months. The press is going to be brutal on him. Like what happened with Mel Brooks after the antisemitic shit

>not having a "pirate ship"
>not saying what you actually believe

Yup. You read this and wonder how many of these uber-liberal ones are even genuine. Especially the woman, they'll all come out in support of the same thing, posting the same videos at the same time. But we're lead to belief it's the individual celebrity girls cause.

Which would be easier to shallow if you didn't notice them all doing the same copy pasta basically. Asking to donate to the same foundation or something. That's how you know the studio/media company/whoever sent orders for them to endorse something... or else.

I think the women are more complaint, because they're women and are naturally passive-aggressive, shill-out cowards. The men go along with it but some of them snap and try to resist.

Once you realize you don't matter it is up to you build something that does. The only thing that continues on in this world are you genetics, your family. Fight for it.

Yeah I don't know anything about the particulars of his girlfriend, but you're right about the blacklisting. I'm saying they cover up the blacklisting with some nicer sounding shit like "there isn't a market for this actor's work anymore and there movies underperformed" which is code for "we lost control of them and we're blacklisting them and cutting them off."

I have no idea how Nazi magic makes three pyramids look like three triangles when viewed point-on.
Truly a miracle of modern science. ty nazifag.

>Talk to anyone with artistic knowledge and they are rolling their eyes at him.

Way to prove you don't know what you're talking about

Any cited sources?

3D JEWS!!!

From the comments, people think that since the skank said he was there without a date, he likely was reminded of his ex and just got sick of it all and started going on the way he did.

What if you have bad genetics?
>pic related

where is my Armenian genocide video huh?

I bet you're thinking he's being philosophical & artistic & abstract & saying "All humans don't matter", which could be the case, but I like to be more pessimistic than that & think he's talking about people like us who's not in the inner circle.