The CEO of the ADL is doing an AMA tomorrow
Would be a shame if Sup Forums hijacked it don't you think?
The CEO of the ADL is doing an AMA tomorrow
100% of Sup Forums is 50% reddit users, 50% stormfags my dude
Bump for lulz
Bullshit because I am neither.
Don't worry, you and your racist army of virgins will never stop progress.
>Don't worry, you and your racist army of virgins will never stop progress.
Everything always comes back to "Muh Dik" with you liberals doesn't it.
Hey greenblatt what's it like being the biggest cuck in the world? Does your wife ever have sex with you?
>100% of Sup Forums is 50% reddit users, 50% stormfags my dude
Not true.
I'm a freelance shitposter.
It would be better if /pol role played as j e w s and shamed redditors for random shit they say
You're the insignificant bystander. Go fuck yourself.
>going on plebbit for any reason
i'll pass user
Kek. These fucking subhumans are getting desperate.
It does because their views are infantile, it's all dicks and anus. Quite surprising given our affinity for peepeepoopoo Pepe's, but there you have it
He's obviously roleplaying faggot.
Alt-righters lose their virginity way later than average, its one of the reasons they have so much hate in their heart
My wife has never cheated on me and we have a health relationship with three kids, something you will never experience
"What would you do if I walked around with a USSR and Nazi flag?"
Your loss, reddit is like pol with enhanced features to such as upvotes and downvotes, plus they have non virgin posters
Hold on. Cumming in your wife as I type this. She's a boring fuck m8.
repost this tomorrow 15 minutes before the AMA so we can all get comfy and shitpost
10% Cucked;
20% Shill;
15% Normies seeking the Pill;
5% Discussion;
50% Bait.
100% Reason to not post. Think, and Wait
All Stormfags and Reeeddit fags need to go back, and patiently wait for their murder on the day of the rope.
All white trash must die, blue-haired or shaved head alike.
Don't have the numbers.