Body Positivity Gurus Literally Shaking

>Scientists collected data on the patients for a little more than five years.

>While the study's participants were initially healthy, researchers found that obese people were 96 percent more likely to develop heart failure.

>They were also about 50 percent more likely to develop coronary artery disease - a symptom of which is high cholesterol - and 7 percent more likely to develop cerebrovascular disease.

>The CDC has estimated that about 36 percent of US adults are obese. Black Americans are most likely to be obese, followed by Hispanics, white people and Asians.

>Middle-age and older Americans are more likely to be obese than younger adults. And high-income families have a decreased risk of obesity compared to low-income families.

Disgusting racists will defend this smdh.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw 120 pounds
>tfw want to gain weight
>tfw eat a lot
>tfw I shit 3 times a day
>3 pounds in 2 months

How do fatties even do it?

how much time are you spending NOT eating?

Well I eat whenever I am hungry..

So far today I ate, a big slice of cake, half a bag of chips, a granola bar and a full place of pasta with meat sauce and red beans. Probably gonna eat a few apples later today and another meal.

THIS. If you have time to relax, you have time for snacks

It's a self-solving problem

Just eat more Pasta, you'll get fat. I hope you're a woman because if you're a male at 120 pounds I think something is just wrong with you and it's probably hopeless. My 15 year old brother is 6'2 and 170 pounds kek.

I like the idea of spreading "fat positivity" as white privilege

Nah I'm male. It's probably actually genetics, my mother has never been able to stay long above 100lbs (she's 160cm) and her brothers have always been very skinny as well. The ONLY advantage is that I have visible abs with almost no efforts, I do my 100 pushups a day, plank a mere 2 minutes and a few dozens pull ups and tadaa, abs.

But when I wear clothes it's not helpful at all so I still want to gain at least 15-20 pounds.

fuk I'm dumb

you're not really eating a lot

>a big slice of cake, half a bag of chips, a granola bar and a full place of pasta with meat sauce and red beans
nigga that's my dinner

>>tfw I shit 3 times a day
shitting 3 times a day is not normal, i would get that checked up because your body is doing something wrong.


The only hispanics who are fat are the mestizos

I've never seen a fat spaniard

You're going about it backwards
you don't constantly eat, that keeps your metabolism high.
Instead focus on large breakfast and dinner with normal lunch. Don't snack. This is very important.
For breakfast you want high protein and a healthy amount of carbs and fats
two eggs with buttered toast and a yogurt (dairy is very important)
For lunch, anything as long as it's balanced. Sandwhiches are great, especially PB&J with a glass of milk.
For dinner you want a large meat portion. Normal portion is 4-6 oz (quarter pound) but you'll want to increase it to 8. Stick to high protein meats with also high fat. Dark meat chicken, or a nice fatty salmon are ideal. You'll want decent roughage because fiber is very much needed to keep you regular. Mashed potatoes are a great side.
Lastly, you'll want to make sure you're pushing your muscles. Short excersize routines with weights, or otherwise strenuous activity that you can't perform for long is ideal. Never work the same area two days in a row.
At that rate you'll do at least 5, if not 10 lbs each month for the first 3 months. After that, you'll have to get serious about increasing your weights.

Oh, and get 8 hours of sleep. Very important, that's when your body repairs itself the most, i.e. building muscle mass

How do you do it man, I could barely eat all my fucking pasta

he's probably just drinking too much soda and eating too much fatty foods. That'll make you go more often.

Thanks my /fit/ friend

Eat until it hurts, but don't eat so much you barf.

Just track your calories, that's all there is to it. People are (obviously) very bad at estimating how many calories they are taking in when they've never tracked it before. Go buy a cheap kitchen scale off Amazon and start weighing every single thing you eat and converting the grams to calories, and write it down. Then look up a calculator that tells you your TDEE, which is how many calories you need to maintain the same weight. Now just add 300-500 calories and make sure you eat that every single day without fail. You will easily start gaining weight. Just remember to adjust up the calories as your weight goes up, as you need more to maintain higher weights.

I did the above and went from 140-160 in a couple months.

you arent eating enough carbs and you arent sedentary enough

fatties get fat because 1. they dont move most of the day and 2. they eat shitty things. even if they dont eat a lot of it, its enough to stay fat

no prob
at 18 I was 125
now at 35, I'm 160, and hoping to be up to 175 by this time next year.

Well I do walk 1 hour 30 minutes daily and work a standing/walking job

Just do GOMAD for a few months. Maybe lift, if you want.

Fat people hate thread

aye, I shit once every three days

Cut out the granola bullshit and the apples, for a hardgainer like you, they are not calorie dense enough.

Replace with peanut butter and olive oil and you're good to go.

To prove a point: chug a pint of olive oil every day and tell me you're still 120lbs. It will never happen.

shitting twice per week is the norm for most Sup Forums users

Jesus I don't know if I'm sleep deprived but I'm tearing up over this.

You don't actually eat a lot you just think you do.

i feel like these might be fake, but i don't feel like googling them. it would be fuckin hilarious if theyre BOTH true. anyone want to do the honors??

this always makes me smile

as does this one LOL
Maybe we can push all these people to go overboard and have heart attacks faster.


Dem jelly bellies be quivering.

drink alot of beer and youll get fat easy

I'm glad to see this
If it wasn't for every board on 4ch I would never know the true secret feelings people have toward the fat and disgusting because the ones I know are treated with respect and many treat me with scorn, a runner with an 18 BMI
Must suck to wake up feeling gassy, bloated, and heavy with normal movements causing elevated heart rate



This. When fats are hateful, just wait for them to become too ill to leave the house

No one, and I mean no one, respects fat people. Many of them are loved, and many of them are good people. But the only people who love them are their immediate family and maybe a looong-time best friend. Society at large despises fat people. There is a deep, hind-brain instinctive knowledge that a fat person is taking more than his/her share, and also cannot run to save their own life. The tribe rejects the fat fuck. They only thrive today bc our society is so fucking spoiled and detached from the natural order.
See: Lord of the Flies, how the tubby boy is treated

>Tfw functioning alcoholic
>Still 150lb at 6ft (68kg at 1.8m)

I once ate nothing but Costco sheet-cake for two and half weeks to see if I could turn it into a fad dieting program called the Marie Antoinette Diet

Most intelligent post I've seen today

>How do fatties even do it?
Drink beer and soda on top of calorie dense foods

What does an average number human bean poops have to do with fat?

Gotta respect the guy, though.

Not for OP, at least not in my experience.
> 5'10, 145 pounds
> Start drinking every day after work, 6 - 8 beer
> This goes on for 6 months
> Now 160, with about 12 of those directly in my gut.
After years of eating whatever I wanted and never worrying about what I ate, I now look like a hillbilly thanks to 1 summer of drinking and have to exercise daily in an attempt to not look like Cletus.

How old are you? The second you get to your later twenties keeping that 150 is going to get a lot tougher

1. You ain't eating as much as you think, twink

Yea good luck with that, turned 27 and on the weight came, currently at 180 and 5'9

Holy fuck my lungs hurt from laughing.

I'm fat cause I like beer and pizza.


>Fat people get fat people diseases t. Scientist man
Im literally shaking as i read about this scientific breakthru

why?! how can you respect a guy who has a fat gf? how can you even love or be tender with a fat bitch? he's pathetic


it wasn't that funny.

Cake and bread were made from different flour back then. So eating cake when no bread is available was a stupid thing to say, but it may have been technically correct.

25 going on 26.
Beer is just so good though.

>all these people telling you to eat crap like pasta
Eat meat/eggs and lift weights.

Give it a year and you'll have to lay off. I've packed on 35lbs in about 8 months, trying to lay off the drink as a result

What do you mean?
>inhales mayonnaise
Heart failure?
>breathes Doritos dust
Why me?
>sweats margarine

you have to lift

>sweats margarine
i just threw up in my mouth

Pasta is great to become fat. Meat and fat is great to become fit.

Yeah but you shouldn't want to become fat.

100% guarantee she resents him, not herself, everytimes she sees this photo.


GOMAD is my favorite meme, along with 2 scoops.

You're not drinking as much as you hype you are if you dont have a beer gut.

> Fruit
You aren't even trying.

>how can you even love or be tender with a fat bitch
This, fat sex is awful. Trust me.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary

If you'll fuck a fatty, what won't you fuck? My logic at least

This cannot be true for everyone. I drank 2 gallons of whole milk a day for 6 months and did not put on a pound (already fat).

please use proper trigger warnings next time user


*Refuses to forfeit your eggo*

If you're fat, your TDEE is higher and thus you will get fatter with more difficulty. But for 2 gallons to equal your TDEE, you must be doing exercise and also be over 900 lbs, holy shit!

If your bf% is too low, it's also harder to gain fat. This is why it's recommended for bodybuilding purposes to bulk to 15% or so and then cut to 10-12% but no further.

Umm, try again sweetie. The Democrat Party is the party of science and they have found that Health At Every Size is The Truth. You are a fatphobic (same as nazi/sexist/racist).

What is wrong with white women?

jealous cunts?
thats been a problem since women were created

How do you develop a heart failure

How is any of this news?
Literally known this forever.
How hard can it be to plot cause of death/desease vs weight?

>How is any of this news?
It's news to fatties in denial.

2? TRY 5


dumb leaf just count your calories and eat more than you're expending.

not how it works with us skinny fucks
you need to lift

fake that cunt is still alive sadly

read the /fit/ sticky and stop being retarded. You don't magically bypass the law of conservation by being skinny.

rich left his humanity behind too soon

i sit on my ass 10 hours a day and eat 5000 calories a day and i never gain weight
you are a fucking dipshit

Even if I believed that for a second you can still expend more than you're taking in, shithead. There's ways you can calculate this shit but you're too bumfuck retarded to even understand that mass being put into your body doesn't magically dissipate through some faggot entropy.

shut the fuck up retard

ok keep making fairy tale excuses for your shitty lanklet life. Can't help people who don't want to help themselves.