Nono, I totally get killing for viltforvaltning. the problem is that everyone makes it about sheep
Ryan Rivera
How do they get so many likes?
Why are we so cucked? I never se right-wing highely liked comments on twitter, facebook..whatever..
we're so shielded i norway
Kevin Stewart
Ryder Cox
Får nesten lyst til å prove bdsm når jeg ser det der.
Jackson Martinez
twitter er venstrevridd som faen, det gjelder både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. jeg slettet kontoen min for lenge siden, det er helt håplǿst der.
Tyler Watson
Det er ikke sosialt eller politisk korrekt å tilhore hoyresiden. Sånn er det bare.
Jeremiah Lopez
It's the same shit for americucks
Benjamin White
Look at this beautiful Aryan specimen
Owen Morris
Hvem faen stemmer på SV?
Christian Brooks
I wish, jevlig tvilsomt at noe blir gjort i heletatt. Det fortsetter vel med 1% av befolkningen som blir byttet ut i det stille som for.
Oliver Foster
Logan Sanders
Grunnskole-lærere og generelle kommunale arbeidere. Også unge söte jenter.
Caleb Nguyen
Dylan White
The mudslides is not the main problem. Why would I go after the symptoms and not the disease? You are a disgusting civic nationalist
Michael Cook
innvandrere som vil melde norge ut av NATO sånn at russland kan ta over landet, og de arktiske områdene. fra ost-japan og nordover er det kun russland og norge som har de arktiske områdene, og når isen smelter sprarer båtene fra kina asia 26 dager på å reise den ruten.
Russland har planen klar. Har norge?
Jayden Flores
So, Hoyre and Fremskrittspartiet will not be able to govern, right?
Ryder Wilson
Ethan Bailey
Josiah Barnes
Xavier Hernandez
What the hell is the deal with KRF? They are refusing to work with FRP, how are they going to form the coalition?
Blake Mitchell
Leftest just love to virtue signal I don't see that as often with right leaning people
Ethan Miller
They will continue in the same coalition as before.
Technically, Hoyre and Fremskrittspartiet are the government, whilst KrF and Venstre are supporting parties not part of the government.
>tfw no rightwing-liberal Fremskrittspartiet in germany
Aiden Ward
Lurer jeg også på, men er jævla mange av dem i Tromsoistan
Logan Watson
sorry man, dont have it
Austin Davis
fy faen. dette må det være sosialister som står bak nasjonalidtr er ikke så dumme
Sebastian Rivera
Knut Arild Hareide forsǿker å gjǿre så mye som mulig med sine ~4 prosent. Og han er faktisk en fryktelig god forhandler.
Ayden Jackson
Anyone who voted Alliansen are traitors and degenerates.
Chase Carter
>Ikke nok med at hu stemmer på Rodt, kjorer kampanje for dem. Fy faen du skal være blåst om du stemmer på Leninist kommunister.
Mason Nelson
What difference does it make? If you have way to many predators in a specific area and they're killing wildlife like moose and deer, they even kill livestock and pets for sport too. What do you do? Seriously, what do you do? Of couse you shoot them. It's common sense.
Levi Martinez
they will support the formation of H/FRP government
down the line, their support will be decided issue by issue
H/FRP might have to reach over to SP on certain issues
Eli Jenkins
danke dir. ich werde es sagen: eines Tages wird Deutschland gerettet werden. ich glaube an euch (unironisch)
Carter Parker
So with Hoyre and Fremskrittspartiet having 40% of the seats, which party will they go for to form a new government? Is a minority cabinet an option at all?
Daniel Torres
>mfw I my own brother tells me he voted SV. I forgive him because hes dumb, but I have never been more disappointed in him..
Ayden Rivera
Blake Butler
go go FrP!
Adam Torres
If that is the case then sure, but that shouldnt warrant a carte blanche for wolves everywhere
Carter Smith
>tfw swedish and norwegian are mutually intelligible Bara de döda vet frid från detta salt
Bentley Bailey
What political party were Breivik's victims associated to?
Alexander Powell
Hareide knows that the entire nation is watching him right now, and he is staking out his independent position, looking ahead 4 years.
Grayson Walker
God natt, gutter og jenter. Det har vært ålreit å shitposte under opptelling. I morgen blir det en bra dag!
Luis Martinez
From previous thread: Reminder that current (and new) government is prepared to close all crossings from both Sweden and Russia, if we think too many immigrants are flowing across our borders.
It's in violation of both the Schengen agreement and the Geneve convention, but they can all go fuck themselves. Our police will arrest, and at worst, shoot anyone who tries to cross the border.
Departementet vil foreslå et nytt annet ledd i utlendingsloven § 32. Dette vil gi hjemmel til å beslutte at ankomst fra nordisk naboland kan være et selvstendig grunnlag for å nekte realitetsbehandling av soknad om beskyttelse etter utlendingsloven § 28 og i disse tilfellene å gi politiet beslutningskompetanse
Departementet ser behov for en regel som gjor det mulig å håndtere eventuelle store tilstromninger av migranter over grensen fra våre nordiske naboland. I tilfeller der det er utfordrende for norske myndigheter å håndtere tilstromningen på en forsvarlig måte, foreslås det en bestemmelse som gir departementet hjemmel til å beslutte at ankomst direkte fra et nordisk naboland er et selvstendig grunnlag for å nekte realitetsbehandling av soknad om beskyttelse (asyl). En beslutning om å nekte realitetsbehandling vil gi grunnlag for bortvisning etter utlendingsloven § 17. Departementet anser det som klart at bortvisning til et nordisk naboland, ikke vil komme i konflikt med våre internasjonale forpliktelser.
Owen Baker
Same as the previous 4.
We will get no change, and thank God. Because a change would had been bad.
We get christans in Kristelig folkeparti and some pro-climate people in Venstre. that's all. same as the last 4 years.
Julian Flores
What's happening with KRF and V
Are they backing out?
Joshua Foster
Er det deg Dieter?
Angel Powell
The ones who lost.
Austin Morales
Why does she wear a leather jacket?
Nathaniel Ward
nei, jeg er norrǿntanon
Adam Walker
Hareide hores ut som en cuck
Hudson Barnes
They'll negotiate with Venstre(Liberals) and KRF(christians).
Eli Turner
The Labour party
Labour party won in 2009 Breivik dual wielding terrorist attacks with no penalty to hit in 2011 Labour party loses in 2013 Labour party loses again in 2017
Chase Garcia
Brody Martin
Arbeiderpartiet, who are now on suicide watch.
Zachary Gutierrez
That's not too bad. Keep up the good work.
Grayson Howard
They know that the country is watching.
Now they will go to H, FRP and say "we want climate change", we want "pro-family" policies...
and..we still got things going.
Sebastian Hughes
Nolan Gonzalez
Yeah I figured that by reading this and previous thread but wanted more specific info.
Thanks. Did Breivik himself ever express support for any party?
James Gomez
>when pro family policies means family reunions for muslims
fucking christcucks i swear
Jason Scott
Twitter and Facebook are leftist central.
Jackson James
>Did Breivik himself ever express support for any party?
He was a member of the youth faction of FRP. They've been in government for 4 years for the first time ever, and they just won 4 more years.
Angel Martinez
Jaxon Lopez
Anyone who seriously supported alliansen should kill themselves.
Cameron Garcia
He was a member of FrP for a few years, but quit saying they were too "liberal". Which I actually disagree with, especially since there is no better alternative. You can throw away your vote on a meme party like Alliansen. But why do that when it just increases the chance for a socialist government?
William Torres
>Arbeiderpartiet Workers party? Let me guess border line commies...
Leo Lewis
Nice, I remember doomsayers claiming that right wing is dead after this attack (or preaching the end of Brexit after death of Jo Cox) Apparently the people don't give a shit about dead leftists
Henry Rogers
Breivik left FrP because they were too liberal / left-wing / nonviolent / compromising for him, thank god.
Hence leftist attempts to smear them with him have tended to fail.
Jaxson Thomas
Socialists. But some of their coalition partners are literal communists.
Angel Foster
3280 stemmer som kunne muligens gi flere mandater for blå regjering. Jaja, idioter får være idioter.
Aaron James
Bernie Sanders style.
Chase Allen
There was only one good party in history that had Arbeit in their name.
Julian Smith
I heard their leader is like a billionaire
Jaxson Collins
that's what I do, I vote for FrP because there are no other options, literally every other party loves immigration more than they love their own country
Robert Roberts
Christian party no longer supports FrP in government. I think they are just threatening but here's what will happen broskis,
FrP wants much less immigration and muslims. KrF wants as much immigration but Christians.
Look forward to migrants from christcuck Congo and Uganda my goys
Sylvi might be kill too
Parker Gonzalez
Nope, they're real bolsheviks who had connections to USSR and Eastern Germany back in the days. I'm not even kidding.
Adam Williams
They probably care a bit, but then realize the leftists were promoting muslim nigger rape gangs and decide that caring a bit isn't enough to help out with that.
Luis Baker
"kristne afrikanere"
funfact, den slags ting eksisterer ikke.
jeg kjenner til eritreiske flyktninger som har fått opphold i norge kunn pga. at de er "kristne", alle snakker arabisk flytende... Arabisk er ikke hovedspråket i eritrea, kun muslimer snakker det språket.
Levi Powell
>Liberala Venstre-ledaren Trine Skei Grande säger till NRK att hon vill ha en blågrön regering. På frågan om hon vill få ut Fremskrittspartiet ur regeringen svarar hon: >- Vi ska prata ihop oss med den borgerliga sidan, och vi vill ha en blågrön regering
Oy vey!
Jason Gutierrez
Sosialister og folk som driter i okonomi, med andre ord millenials
Robert Long
Nasjonal Samling come back! For Norges gjenreising!
Jaxon Rodriguez
Did Breivik shoot up their indoctrination camp? I know it was some leftist party.
Isaiah Young
How do you think I feel about it being a NEET? Still support FRP.
Joseph Sanders
Ja, noen illegale, men de fleste skal integreres inn i det norske samfunnet. Lære seg norsk, komme i arbeid, bli aktive politisk og kulturellt.
Hunter Cox
The leader of the Worker's party is worth like $10 million. The leader of Rödt (literal communists) lives in a $2.5 million mansion in a white-only neighborhood. Pic related.
Practicing what they preach isn't really leftists' strong suit.
Dominic Martinez
>KrF wants as much immigration but Christians. don't kid yourself
they've been on FRP's ass for making family reunions and shit harder, and thats 70% muslims doing it
they're complete fucking cucks and bend willingly over to anything coming out of the third world. literally CINO's
Angel Cook
he shot up a summer camp for youth faction of the labour party (AP)
Jayden Cruz
What the fuck? Store was supposed to win, we need to recount the votes, there is something wrong here I am so fucking mad right now
Noah Price
Adam Sanchez
reddit has been burn down. wow.
Chase Myers
det er statistisk bevist at mindre en 20% av alle flyktninger som har kommet til norge i lopet av de siste 60 årende har i det hele tatt PROVD å skaffe seg en jobb.
mindre enn 9% har greid å forsatt være i jobb.
jeg kjenner personlig til ~30 stykker som er i arbeid, alle er iranere.
sånsett, så er det stor forskjell mellom dem som faktisk integrerer seg.
Ayden Davis
they severed those ties in the 30's mate
they're your average run of the mill european labour party, ie selling globalism by handing out gibsmedats and talking about feels.
Kevin Ortiz
Det er så jævelig mange i Norge som stemmer for sånne småpartier fordi de personlig identifiserer med det. Det de selvfolgelig ikke innser er at det er en bortkastet stemme ettersom det oker mulighetne for at et parti de i hvert fall ikke er enige med faktisk kommer til regjering.