Childhood crushes thread?

Childhood crushes thread?

Misty was definitely my first. The official Pokemon comics made her even more slutty.

I had a major crush on Naru during 6th grade though.

>tfw used to tell my mom how Dora the explorer was my gf and would kiss the tv when my mom left

That's one of the lamest childhood waifus

This is the closest thing to a waifu I've ever had.


Granted I was a teenager by the time May was introduced but that was still over 13 years ago so...

Was 6 when may was introduced raw. Still my fav out of all the pokemon girls.

i remember being like, 7 years old and very torn between the middle 3. it was confusing working through that alone

This cute tomboy.

Sailor Moon ain't got shit on Salor Sweden

not Sup Forums but still good tastes


>all this shit to average taste


What are you, 17?

My waifu for laifu.

2003 - 6 = 1997
2016 - 1997 = 19

Probably the reason I like monster girls.

my brother from another mother



Muh niqua



back when Sy Fy was Sci-Fi
back when I stayed up to the wee morning hours to hit the 'record' button on VHS
And when I thought anime was really fancy cartoons

30 years ago...

my negev
