Is stealing from a corporation really a morally reprehensible act?

Is stealing from a corporation really a morally reprehensible act?

If you own (a share of) that company, they're stealing from you, whats the difference?
But I guess Greeks do not value private property rights, which is also why they fuck up

I see no problem as long as you only loot companies trying to jew up the country like walmart, i shoplift from them all the time


nope, fuck banks and corporations

yes you fucking retards
youre using commie logic because "BUT I WAAAANT IT ITS FREEE"

stealing is wrong you subhumans

Eh, you have to understand how blacks think to know why they steal the shit they do.

For most Blacks it's either you're a pro athlete/rapper or you're living off the government. Having a pair of Jordons is obtaining a bit of high class for them and we all know 99.99% of them are going to end up living off gibs. So stealing 600$ shoes is absolutely worth it to them.

The real shit part of the looting is these are the people that rescue operation resources are wasted on when their shitty section 8 house gets destroyed. It's hard not to see them for whom they are when shit is going down and they choose to make it hard on everyone else instead of just behaving.

I do not think it is bad to steal from multinational corporations. But I personally only steal from individual people because a corporation has a lot more money to press charges than the poor girl I just jacked. (Yes, I am half gypsey. Half white. I need to steal and I'm sorry about it)

Well corps are dumb enough to trust blacks so they deserve what's coming to them

No, it's good. All corporations are leftist, so they deserve to be looted.

is killing wrong?

Taking from a corporation is not stealing because no person owns that stuff.

Theft is for niggers. If you want anarchy go live in the congo.

>Taking from a corporation is not stealing because no person owns that stuff.

The Supreme Court has decided that corporations are people. Ergo, a person does in fact own that stuff.

If you do it like that, yes.
If write off a couple of thousand bucks every month or so, then no.

The Supreme Court doesn't matter. The supreme court was created to protect Jewish capitalist property.

Nah, you don't need to steal. You choose to, just like the other thugs. You are no better.

Just having that kind of demand for shoes where people loot stores to get them goes to show corporations aren't as dumb as you think for marketing to blacks specifically.

Whatever loses were had from the looting it pales in comparison of all the years of selling Jordors at 500% Mark up.

>is stealing wrong?
>even from corpro-shits
because if the corpro-shit shrinks, people lose jobs and benefits.

welcome to the world of business.

>t. lunatic
Please stop coming to this board you make us all look like your 50 IQ subhuman bullshit.

No, but being so brazen about it is niggardly.

So nobody owns that corporation? Kill yourself, your brain is useless.

if its a (((corporation))) yes. If its a small family biz, no.

corporations can handle the expenses-- people usually steal when they have to in order to survive/live more comfortably than what they can handle.

If you're stealing to steal, you're a dumb edgelord. But corporations steal all the time, no one bats an eye.

If you incorporate a business and I steal the goods you plan to sell for a profit, have I committed a morally reprehensible act?

As soon as a black thinks they won't face consequences they'll do whatever the fuck they want. True animals. zero moral compass.

Stealing makes the cost of all goods go up disproportionately to the loss that the one company incurred due to how insurance works. Socialist schemes suck all around, and that is just one more reason why they suck, but also another reason why stealing sucks even more.

Businesses incorporate as a way to keep lawsuits against the business from being able to touch their personal assets. Like if your employee sexually assaults a customer, they can only take the business in the lawsuit, but your house is untouchable.

>from a corporation

keep in mind that if that store was a family owned sneaker store those niggers would have done the same thing, it just happen to be a chain store this time. . . this time.

No I wasnt saying corporations are jewish im saying jewish corporations.

says the white supremacist who wants to deport and kill non-whites

yes, it is morally reprehensible to steal from any company or individual. But is is also morally reprehensible to overprice consumer products, and the same goes for the manufacturers, the transport network, and the licensing companies. You can't simply argue this in a black and white manner, --is this wrong or is this right---. You have to deconstruct the whole entire system of profit to cause any changes.

>giving more than enough
>giving nothing at all

for the product(s) you have...

what do you think?


How do you determine this, exactly? What is the "right" price for a good?

>is being a nigger really a morally reprehensible act?