Why does everyone hate gamers? Its just a hobby like reading a book or watching tv.
Why does everyone hate gamers? Its just a hobby like reading a book or watching tv
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Look at that girl trying hard to pretend she's playing a game.
>Why does everyone hate gamers
Nothing makes my blood boil as much as fake gamer girlz.
Is it just me or does it look like she's never held a controller in her life?
Me too, Ameribro. I can't stand faux nerd girls either. But what is unfortunate is the fact that actual nerd girls often get lumped in with the faux nerds now.
For example me and my wife had a group of friends who we would play 40k with and my wife is a huge fan of daemons and is pretty invested in their lore. Well, to make a long story short one of the guys accused my wife of not really being interested and there just for the guys.
Well that rubbed my wife and I the wrong way so we stopped gaming with that circle.
gaming was something only nerds or social rejects used to do now it's incredibly mainstream. Because of this the games are dumbed down so that they will appeal to the plebs. And in MMOs like WoW you can just buy your way to the top now instead of putting in hundreds of hours to get further in the game. I had more fun playing at level 40 in vanilla WoW than I ever did playing at max level in the later expansions
>she got her feelings hurt, couldn't handle the heat and we both mutually agreed it was in our best interest
That being said, I can't stand people who are into "gamer culture" because, in my mind, I can't help but imagine a group of NEETs whose idea of self-improvement is going from playing games 18 hours a day to streaming yourself playing games for 18 hours a day. It's disgusting.
Other stereotypes I have of "gamer geeks":
>into traps
>fat and unshaven
>atheist OR pacifist religious
>immigrant or son of immigrant
>into pink haired fat "gamer girls"
>reads game journalism
>ego way larger than their accomplishments merit
>somehow thinks that playing video games while listening to youtube videos is somehow making their life better
one could argue that going to this board is a waste of time as well, but it depends on how you spend your time here. I learn a lot and always select books from the recommended reading infographics. That's more productive than shitposting imo
People who spend massive time gaming are usually social rejects and everyone hates social rejects.
I was reading books, going for walks, playing my guitar, and going out to social events. Ever since I bought a $3000 shitposting machine I've been stuck indoors playing all the games I've been wanting to play for the past 5 years that couldn't run on my previous toaster of a PC.
>Reading a book
There have been gaming masterpieces (Fallout, X-Com), but there is no equivalence between reading good non-fiction and gaming.
Fiction and gaming, I do give the nod to gaming, though it's like masturbation. Only good for you
Gaming takes skill. Chess, poker, halo, dark souls, plants vs zombies etc. There are winners and losers. You can't lose at reading a book or watching a movie and you can't watch something better than someone else.
People who don't like gamers and games hate themselves because they're losers. They are weak and are not willing to try and fail to get good at something and compete.
>like reading a book
Reading philosophy, economics or politics is like playing Overwatch.
I can't even stand playing games for that long. Like I know that you are exaggerating when you say 18 hours, but many of my friends will play for 8+ straight and I need to throw in the towel after just a few hours of games. And then the next day I can't stand playing more. How can people really get addicted to them?
Yeah, games take skill, but they aren't skills that have real world consequences. They don't make you money, get you laid, make you useful or stronger or healthier. They are simply a form of entertainment.
I do get people saying playing Dead Space is better than reading/watching "It" by Stephen King.
Now, comparing Street Fighter to Chemistry, or Destiny to Hobbes...
because they're autistic enough to observe, research, and then speak the truth with little fear for social ramifications. the normies who spend their entire lives concealing their real thoughts and beliefs hate them for having something they never will.. freedom
Red pill time;
Gamers are generally viewed as not contributing enough, they are exposed to a variety of ideas via indie games and otherwise which make them more likely to have been red pill'd.
I have no idea but to be fair I waste many many hours each week on Sup Forums so I imagine it's a similar compulsion for the gamer dorks.
they have a thriving, complex subculture that is inscrutable to outsiders. This triggers anger and envy and jealousy in many observers. It's similar to mathematics department in academia.
>Being good at poker won't make you any money or get you laid. Reading people like a book has no real life applications.
>Playing pickup basketball doesn't make you fit
Try again
>t. gamer fag
Every "subculture" has loads of celebs and inside jokes, gamers aren't special in that regard. Not that I'd expect you to realize that there are people besides gamers in the world. Also, why are you comparing it to mathematics? I have a Bachelor's in math and I never found any of the professors or students as insufferable as your rank-and-file gamer. You probably can't distinguish between math experts and gamers because you fell for the "all isolated people are smart" meme long ago.
Well not really, you can use certain forms in a manner similar to chess, which was used as a self improvement tool for the nobility in centuries past.
>implying that you were including sports
Give me a break, why didn't you mention a single sport in your original comment?
You're right, though, I didn't see poker. I'm hesitant to back that horse because a lot of people are just gambling addicts, but a social card game like poker or bridge can be good for you, sure.
Trad sports / E-sports whatever. Point is gaming takes skill. If someone shits on you for playing magic the gathering, European handball or surfing, challenge them to a friendly competition. When they refuse call em a coward.
I didn't, until people started calling themselves "gamers".
I've played video games since the 70's but I'm don't consider myself to be a "gamer" any more then I'd introduce myself as a reader or a watcher or a goddamn sidewalk enthusiast.
Fuck off. You are not special, incorporating consumption into your identity is an indication of a vapid empty little mind with nothing to say.
Probably was joking with her, there for the man child's come on dude. You and your wife are faaggots
it's alright playing fifa or call of duty when the lads are over but t b h if you play regularly that's pretty gayyy
Gamers are those ones who try really hard and care to get better at the game they are playing (multiplayer). The rest are snigglers.
About the singleplayer games- playing those in 99.99% of the time does not make you a gamer.
If you compete either with your self or (in most cases) other players you may be called a gamer. If you play story focused games "for fun" you are not a gamer.
If you are playing for fun uou are NOT a gamer.
Gamers play and get their "thrill" and satisfaction from competing and beating others. PERIOD.
idk i use to play all the time, but kinda fell out of it.
Because videogames aren't filled with enough jewish psyops yet to be accepted as a social norm
and by all the time. i mean 36 years. kek.
I play games maybe a few times a month these days. I have to limit myself, because if I allow myself to start playing I can easily play for half the waking day and it would seem like only a few hours had passed. Easily the most engrossing time waster I've ever experienced. I could have read a book but I played bloodborne again for 6 hours straight. They are too destructively entertaining.
>but there is no equivalence between reading good non-fiction and gaming.
Beating gooks in fighting games.
>They don't make you money, get you laid, make you useful or stronger or healthier.
Actually FPS improve your vision ability if you play on consoles (TV).
I used to play games. I usually just play the new GTA a few months after it's released and that's about it.
I do somewhat miss the olden days of playing games with friends as a teen.
you are paying money to get brainwashed under the pretense of 'fun'.
Went from need for speed underground to this.
Gaming is a pro-active hobby as opposed to the passive media like tv, music, or a book. Of course (((they))) would try to demonize it and rather have you sitting there getting fed brainwashing messages all day instead.
They hate us cuz they ain't us.
We're smarter than them and faster than them. We can destroy the media just as effectively as papa Trump on a bad day. We're just better than the goyim and they can't cope.
Gamers tend to be socially awkward, that's where the stereotype comes from.
I'm 30 years old, when I was in school I remember gaming being pretty autistic. I remember it being my secret little hobby that I never told anyone about.
I have younger cousins who are 15-20 and I've asked them about gaming and they tell me literally everyone plays games, even the Chads. Then again a modern day Chad is pretty shit tier compared to 80s or 90s Chad.
the answer is simple, is because its a cheap and easy way to entertain yourself so in the end you get your dopamine fix and everyone is happy.
people are mad at gamers is because they don't consume, or consume very little. gamers that got their dopamine fix aren't going to spend 5k on vacations, they aren't going to spend money on movies because they usually pirate everything and they won't spend money on restaurants because most of them are used to fast food/ or easily made food.
woman are mad at gamers in particular, because they see how everything is easy and accessible and woman is a huge fucking hassle. they still insist that men go through hell to chase them because they don't want relationships to lose the chivalrous touch that it once had
Exactly this. Vidya is potent enough to distract betas enough that they no longer chase vaginas, and enslave themselves in the process.
playing games simulates achievement and productivity, replacing these things in real life
you feel like you are doing something valuable in the short term, but you're just moving colors around on a screen
if you make it to your death bed, you will never think, "I wish I had played more video games"
They're manchildren. Nothing worse than walking on campus and seeing those sacks of shit taking up space
>Sit down to study
>Keep hearing someone mashing their mouse button nonstop repetitively
>Look over my shoulder
>Gaymer is playing some game on his laptop
>Mouth agape like a trout
>Eyes are glazed as if he's in a trance
>hunched over like a semi-flaccid penis
>Body like half-filled garbage bag
>Skin like pleather handbag that has been in the elements for a course of several weeks
>They all want to be game devs despite having no experience besides playing videogames
>Keep hearing the incessant clicking of his mouth until he suddenly stops and stomps his feet and slams his mouse on the table in frustration because he lost in his dumb game
Pick a better hobby
The majority of gamers are women.
They all ways hate us. The world is at war with us. We have been slandered, defamed, bullied. Gamers need a nuclear weapon, just like North Korea. We need a nuclear weapon. We don't know why they hate us.
I used to play a lot, but the industry has changed too much for me to be able to justify spending my time on it.
>everything has microtrancations. often for things not irrelevant to the game, mostly core features to the game that were commonly free and completely unlocked in the past. I hated it when the trend become to grind to unlock skins/more weapons/content in games that weren't RPGs. when it started being "spend 25$ to have a chance at maybe getting that thing you want" I dropped anything with microtransactions
>mobas. fuck them so hard. now everyone competitive online game is basically a moba.
>indie games became less of works of passion, and more worthless schlock that focused on the things like story and art styles. not bad in of itself, but few, very few do them right so it's all fucked
>AAA is a joke, not a decent game in years from that
>no such thing as B games anymore, just AAA and indie
>gook shit is garbage and always has been, like all their media
>slav shit is often so fucking boring, it literally puts me to sleep (witcher 3)
>west has problems I've already mentioned above
>left with a few fleeting hopes of future games that I've heard are in the works that could be good
>will probably be bad or mediocre and will regret wasting money/time on it
time to move onto a new hobby
woman don't play games 8 hours a day. they have much better social lives and are not forced into such situation.
men are forced into loneliness. i don't know if you remember highschool but every small quirk or peculiarity can cost you your social life. and this is the real reason why men becomes gamers, because if there was an alternative of having social lives filled with woman that are actually interested in them, they wouldn't spend so much time in front of a screen
No he wasn't joking. He actually confronted me about it and it pissed me off and I relayed it back to my wife and we both agreed he was a douche so we stopped gaming with him.
lol we are faggots for playing a game with little plastic figures? Yeah that sounds faggoty on the surface but its a popular game that is super strategic.
This hits home.
I remember being when I was 14-18 and I got shit on by genetics and fell behind all the Chads n shit that were blossoming into tall and masculine men, meanwhile I still looked 12.
I remember coming to that conclusion around that age that I was genetically inferior to other males around me and that I was 100% invisible to the girls. It made me basically say "fuck it" and I just decided to stay inside all day playing video games instead of trying to keep on fighting a battle I had zero chance of winning.
Now that I am 30, a decade of lifting weights, eating right, I've finally blossomed into an actual adult male, and I see other kids now who are 14-18, going through what I went through, and they're all turning to being shut-in with video games like I did.
If I ever have kids and I have boys I am going to get them lifting and eating right from day 1.
the gamer stereotype. socially awkward geeks living in a fantasy world. it was fun in high school but i don't want to be an adult who plays video games my friends dad plays games every day after work and it's pathetic.
That's not exactly how it went down but it you want to project your past onto my story you're free to. First amendment and all.
My reflexes are sharp as fuck bro. Have fun dying in a car crash
you remember that feel when ya finally made it to tanaris too?
that was 2005
(((gaming))) is so bad now
> muh lifting
Literally a slave to the pussy, fuck off.
So much this! And the identity politics that have weaseled their way into the industry is disgusting.
it's easy for vidya to take over your life and turn you into a depressed, anti-social, fat NEET virgin who spends most of his youth and prime years exploring virtual and non-existent worlds.
You can't say the same thing when it comes to reading books and watching TV.
If the majority are girl gamers then we know femenism is winning ill come out in 120 years probably will die
This thread is pathetic. Everything in moderation, if you're writing an entire story telling medium off, and the first truly interactive story telling medium at that, on the basis that you don't like the people who enjoy said media then I'd assume you don't enjoy music, television, theatre or literature either.
Nobody hates gamers, other than loathsome creatures in the media.
>being a slave to aesthetics
Lifting isn't even fun, and you have to spend hours a day if you want to see any effects, not to mention spend hundreds of dollars a year for a gym membership, or thousands on equipment.
Vidya is much more fun.
Lifting and eating right isn't about being a slave to pussy.
It's about giving your body the stimulus and fuel to actually develop into what you're actually supposed to look like as an adult male naturally.
play good old games. I still play old CoD2 against my friends. Balanced litteraly to 100%, every gun type does the same dmg, only the skins are different. Only thing that matters is your skill. No microtransactions, no updates, dlc-s and shit, just you and your skill.
I find lifting more fun than playing video games.
Lifting is basically an MMORPG that you actually get real world results from.
Normies and women were lead to invade a hobby they had no rights to. Like mudslimes, they were the outcast at first, hiding in the shadows until they gained more power, then tried to turn the scene against those who raised it. Luckily the scene was raised by the power of unfiltered autism, one that cannot comprehend how normies or females think and feel, thus even with the power struggle, an autismos stamina cannot be beaten.
Anyone who was born into this hobby could handle this. Only outsiders are the ones that fall.
you are a slave to pussy dude
admit it
Of all the things you could do to fill fulfilled, such as creating things, learning things, helping people, exploring, etc, you choose the one thing that just happens to increase your value with women.
Pure coincidence, I'm sure.
Because games are much harder to make than writing a book. Games are a book made into reality. They are jealous, obviously. Harry Potter films were great book adaptations because Hollywood controlled it.
Lifting is a third preening and latent homosexual vanity, a third self improvement and a third looking down your nose at people who don't lift and I lift every other day. Let's not pretend that it isn't those things friend. Lifting constantly isn't what you're naturally supposed to look like because if it was completely natural you would have that physique by doing nothing but expending as little energy as possible whilst consuming minimal protein.
If I had to pick from lifting and pussy for the rest of my life I'd pick lifting.
It's funny to me that you cannot comprehend the fact that one could actually thoroughly enjoy lifting weights.
When I was younger I'd be always thinking about video games, and I'd get annoyed and upset if I couldn't play them, that's how I feel about lifting weights. I actually get annoyed if something else in my day fucks up my scheduled and it interferes with my lifting.
You must be really sedentary to not be able to comprehend the fact that someone could actually be in love with lifting. The way I feel when I'm lifting, how I look, the strength, the pump, the endorphin's, the feeling of manipulating your body, seeing new veins appear, just feeling how the body feels all hard and muscular.
You don't even know.
You seem in denial. Either willingly, or unknowingly.
That is one of the most gay things I have ever read.
Oy, so you telling me men love games more than women? So that must be a reason, vagina slavery is losing its powers again.
Some people just hate people having fun with just simple things.
yes, because she doesn't have her fingers on the triggers
Dude, just jerk it off.
The quality of games are decreasing rapidly since women started to play
Gaming is fun until you become an achievement whore and develop OCD over completion rates. Then it becomes legal heroin.
be a cute girl. twitch live while you breasts show. = donations.
Because it's competitive and people get blown the fuck out with no chance of winning so they will call the better player a nerd to make themselves feel better about being a shitter
You just don't get it. You probably tried lifting once or twice and sucked at it and gave up.
You probably just assume that's what lifting is like all the time.
Little do you know what it feels like once you achieve lifting singularity. If you knew you wouldn't even be trying to argue.
Lifting singularity isn't something you just get, it takes some people years to achieve. The best way I can explain it.
I deadlift 240kg at 87kg body-weight, and I feel great after I do it, like I'm gliding. If you attempted something similar for your own strength level you'd probably feel like death for 2 weeks straight and regret ever doing it, why? Because your central nervous system is shit and doesn't know how to handle it.
I pick up 50kg dumb-bells like they're feathers, it means nothing to me, meanwhile you struggle to pick up a 5kg basket full of your dirty clothes and complain about it like it's a massive effort, and you legitimately feel exhausted after you place the weight down, your sedentary body and dormant central nervous system makes you believe that physical exertion is always a bad thing and could not ever possibly feel good.
because most of these spastics dont understand culture, where it begins or how its passed on.well i mean they do play games, just like they jerk off to dicks but they promote a completely defeatist mentality on Sup Forums which only harms them.
More or less true, but it's also the pussification of males that is leading down that path too. Just look at some of the devs of today, and you will see problem hair, piercings, low test, etc, all the markings of being a faggot.
Slightly true, but I would say more so for games that set a goal to achieve, whereas people substitute their lack of success irl for a games sense of such. This is why neet tend to orbit these kinds of games, as it fills the void.
Interesting now that twitch has the IRL stream, they aren't even hiding the fact they are gravitating towards camwhoring as a business.
No need to mock those who are better when you can just pay to be. Shame its become this.
>You just don't get it.
I was a bro in college once too, bud.
None cares about your lust, Narcissus. The fact you can't even see the sides of muh gains is just pathetic, and really shows how much you lack control of your own body you're so desperately trying to evolve. Fell free to jerk off into the mirror whilst eating your own cum, but don't act like that's the peak perfection of humanity, faggot.
Kings used to buy expensive paintings, put them on golden walls, stare at them for years as form of art. Nowadays we have games, it's an art that's better and they don't like it that it's easily available to everybody. Elites want games to only be a luxury to few, but they can't control it. Now elites are frustrated sex degenerates, clinging to sex slave luxury, since that's the only thing they have left only belonging to high class of people.