Is Lovecraft fiction degenerate? His writing style isn't classical and was written right around the time of the post modernist movement.
Is Lovecraft fiction degenerate?
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>reveals eldritch truth about the universe and the greatest threats to us
>hates minorities
Who the fuck cares. You can enjoy a piece of literature without being influenced by it you fucking faggot
> Implying he wasn't one of us
Decide for yourself you dumb sheep
He married a Russian Jew.
He wrote some stories after moving to new york and he talked about the many subhumans that walked the streets with their many smells and loud archaic noises from pagan languages. He hated multicultural city living like I do.
Lovecraft wasn't racist anymore once he started traveling about and meeting his fellow authors. That being said, in today's time he'd definitely hate niggers.
No he's pretty based, Jonathan Bowden once did a talk on him:
Isn't marrying a jewess a prerequisite for being alt-right?
Sit's on the cusp of romantic and modernism, it's a romantic in its sense of how it creates a background and sets the scene, it's modernist in the sense the themes are dark and neomythological, modernism itself having an interest in paganism and mysticism, from purely secular artistic source of course (since Nietzsche sets the atheism of modernism well).
>was written right around the time of the post modernist movement.
You're making the strangely common mistake of mistaking modernism and postmodernism.
Postmodernism means post, or above and beyond, everything modernism. This means the dark themes as well as the artistic styles and conventions it inherited from romantic and classical.
Postmodernism began in the 70s after the Frankfort school ideas were mainstream in American universities but ultimately began in the 40s after they fled Germany and the American government was too busy to look after them. Postmodernism peak was in the 90s, which created a similar state of false comfort after the wall fell.
The decline of postmodernism is now. Bad art for the sake of making art a more accessible career, especially for minorities, is no longer appropriate. Issue is what's replacing it looks like fashy neomodernism.
don't you dare insult my lovecraft you fucking faggots
If you don't know that Lovecraft is /ourguy/ you don't know enough enough about him.
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
na he sounds pretty /ourguy/
Degenerate? Nah. His writing style alone is above the patience and understanding of the modern media loving cretin.
At the time his stories were viewed as heretical nonsense for a warped mind. Now they're the inspiration behind the watered down horror genre of today.
Personally I think S.T. Joshi is a faggot who took it upon himself to destroy Howard's legacy.
>fashy neomodernism
Sincerity in irony show us the power of opposites, the strung bow points to Christianity.
You forgot
>married an Eastern European jewess
>work shy autist
What is degenerate about his writing is in its hopelessness. It destroys the will, why fight for anything if we're all just going to be eaten up by a big space monster and everything we know is ruled by secret societies who play with our fates. Proof lies in the legions of NEETS and wizards who worship the guy.
dont you know how to think for yourself you fucking faggot? if you dont know you're useless to us, leave NOW.
>reading books, let alone fiction
I wish...
Making Christianity popular is a fantasy only held by a minority of the alt right and some anti Fedora trolls here. Very few people are either genuine or approaching this sanely. Unfortunately atheism has been the artistic fashion the entire 20th century.
I can see monotheistic inspired art making a combat as the initial reactionary neoclassicism against postmodernism, especially in music since Bach lines have been used in children of bodom, opeth and other metal since the 90s. If Christianity makes an artistic comeback, it will be because atheist aesthetics are extremely repugnant.
Another issue here is the overlap. Modernism only "ended" when people started calling the 80s violent, whereas postmodernism has had a presence since the 30s and whatever this next stage, which the joke seems to be that we'll refuse to name it, has existed easily since the 90s. But never mistake postmodern and modern.
When did he start doing that? I thought he died before he got even remotely famous.
>A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure
Came to post this.
I fucking love his work, and it's even better he hated niggers.
I can tell that you're gay.
Neomodernism is already centered around bringing back the idea of universal objective truth and morality which is the common factor in all monotheism. God is back and He's angry at us for letting everything go to shit.
Like you said postmodernism is pretty much over now. The last two decades were the most apathetic, nihilistic, "just ironic man" decades that will ever be, the blowback is clearly leading to truth, sincerity, justice, responsibility, tradition, faith and Christianity. The stuff that's already right there sitting dusty on the shelves and works.
I'm pretty sure he was correct in saying that monsters lived underneath Boston
>marry a Jewess
>have multiple kids
>pressure them all into marrying non-Jews
>for every male child you have, you destroy one more Jewish bloodline than if you'd never married your wife at all
Oh Enoch
>Neomodernism is already centered around bringing back the idea of universal objective truth and morality
Which is not consistent with modernist absurdity! This is a reaction against postmodernism, especially the extreme patronising relativity, which itself is actually a reaction against the objectivity and stylistic demands of all other art movements besides postmodernism.
Neomodernism means strictly bringing back modernism as a reaction to postmodernism, this means dark themes, it means a little absurdity at times and that almost awkward aesthetic that comes naturally here.
The real reactionarism is against all the elements of postmodernism that were not strictly against modernism, as was almost acceptable (it's still an adversarial, aggressive and hypocritical movement), but against all style and convenient and techniques popularised between the renaissance and 20th century. This is where religiously inspired art will come from, but many of these artists will believe in God only as much as Lovecraft believes in Cthulhu.
Since I heard of it I have been thinking of the term neomodernist as pretty reactionary more than as a return to modernism itself, we can't really go backwards of course we just have to stop destroying everything on purpose and step more carefully going forward.
>destroyed a kike bloodline with his superior anglo genes
Fucking based
>What is degenerate about his writing is in its hopelessness. It destroys the will, why fight for anything if we're all just going to be eaten up by a big space monster and everything we know is ruled by secret societies who play with our fates
>t has only read call of cthulu
What has S.T. Joshi said about Lovecraft??
He writes about degenerate things, but that is the way of horror and I fault no man for indulging in the bizarre and profane if it is intended to invoke fear and disgust like Lovecraft's work does.
>we can't really go backwards
I think this is postmodernism, that artistic movements have to be "relevant" or that there's "progress" to it is postmodernism, it's making art a fashion statement which is very appealing to only one group of artists and completely alienating to everyone else.
>step more carefully going forward.
The argument here is that by rejecting too much of the past, the way forward is stepping back. It means bringing back the best stuff from the past. This is why neoclassicism (the general interest in the past) is part of the very beginnings of the next stage.
Seeing as I'll only ever be distantly associated to the alt right, can I have a qt that's only distantly associated to Judaism?
fiction in itself is degenerate
>artistic movements
I'm talking more generally though, neomodernism is a label for a philosophical trend not just artistic movement but I see the philosophy of art as intertwined in the trends of the wider society. We are always moving, maybe not "forward" but things change, social structures exist and they also change.
As I see it the core of postmodernism is the idea that truth is subjective, that we can create contexts justifying anything and we should. Society is now rejecting this as useful or even any fun, the contexts we already have are what's relevant and the natural place to start again is where we left off, somewhere around "modernism".