Fuck you racist assholes. This proves it's not just blacks who loot. Whites also loot during a tragedy. Get fucked you racist little dicked white idiots. It has nothing to do with race. People loot because they need the necessities to survive in an apocalyptic situation. Looting has nothing to do with race.
>Only black people loot
Truth hurts doesn't it white boy?
Didn't I just see the same thread like 5 minutes ago? Are you faggots even trying anymore?
Can you circle the white people?
I just see a bunch of black hair and nigger-brown eyes behind poor people clothes
Fucking niggers
Can't they behave for once?
Here you go
Bunch of mestizos
they arent white
>You have to go all the way to chile to find any proof.
>These aren't white people they are mixed.
>its a pharmacy not an electronics or sneaker store
Truth hurts doesn't it nigger?
The one in the gray is the only white guy, the rest are shitskins, you nigger.
I don't see a single white person, except that one ambiguously white woman.
Stop being a retard.
a boy, its a single picture. how profound.
really makes me pause for a moment and go "huh"
>all those beans
you're trying too hard.
White btw
this post summarized:
ayo hol up we dindu nuffin whitety be looting too
ooga booga
south americans arent white you dumb blackie
they're not stealing sneakers and jerseys out of a footlocker, you race baiting shill. saged and reported
>Uh uh uh uh
STFU racist bitch. You own this.
They don't look white to me
I am perpetually cleaning up after buzzfeed sjw Asians, but someday it'll go to far and I'll be helpless and watch everyone get cucked.
All I see is a bunch of dirty spics.
Or is that what passes for white in your shithole country.
> White
> Chile
Are you sure you are not mistaking Chile with Argentina or Uruguay? Even Argentina has spic problems though...
Only non-whites steal items that arent essential to survival. Get mad.
#11,#13 are white
The are latinos and therefore not white.
Ok, fuck I'll own this. These almost white people now represent me and I reprimand them for their actions.
Now I don't think I need to go out of my way for the dozens of examples of niggers looting in the last year, do you condemn their actions? Condemn them as a race as I have just done?
For what? Fracturing your preconceived notion that only blacks do bad things? Guess you can't even hurt a white persons feelings.
The Zimmerman effect?
When spics do something bad they are "white"?
I guess Trump is not a racist after all, since all those DACA kids are "white".
So is everywhere whites colonize considered white?
You just circled Mestizos
This is exactly why us white folk want to build the wall.
lol they are not white XD
This Bolivian depigmented spic is white according to the nigger OP
Anyone who isn't a nigger is white if they can use it to make white people look bad. I've heard people refer to Mexico as a white country as proof that whites aren't better than black people. It's retarded.
I guess it had to happen eventually. Where did they find white people in chile?
> necessities to survive
> most pictures with american looters show them stealing televisions, sneakers and such
Fuck off
White people are capable of doing bad things, it's just that niggers are multiple times more likely to do bad things.
Chile has 18million people and 12 million of them are white.
Are Chileans even white?
What are they?
>comparing stealing stuff from a pharmacy to stealing stuff from a jordan shoe store
really jumpstarts my walnuts
>White people are capable of doing bad things
Oh so it has nothing to do with race than...hmmm?
Of course they are.
>Build the wall
Chile is like 4000 miles away.
>yeah i know those pure aryan chilean genes
are you literally retarded?
look at the pic
You don't see them loot TVs, cellphones, sneakers like dindus. At least not that much comparatively.
>Chile whiter than Argentina confirmed
not white.
White is right!
shoot looters no question asked.
> Chile
> White
Look at their fucking faces, stupid nigger.
>White people
Most of those blacks were stealing bread and peanut butter.
Wait, are hispanics white too? Doesn't that mean whites are the majority in Latin America too?
>Oh so it has nothing to do with race than...hmmm?
and reread those post until you learn gooder
>Chile is like 4000 miles away.
And Mexico is 0 miles away.
Look at the pic in the OP, dummy. Clearly white.
Pick one
wheres it at in the sneaker boxes?
Doesn't that just mean all brown people end up lighter skinned and more similar to whites while you remain the darkest?
So you might as well call Asians white too, as they are very light pigmented anyway.
You really don't have any natural allies, you stand out too much. If the westerners don't kill you off, the Asians will, trust me, they are now all about Chinese expansionism.
Looks white to me.
We used to own you
They sell bread and peanut butter at Foot Locker?
Now we own the white pussy.
yet all of them have black hair superior whites have diverse hair colors looks like youre wrong
oh shit
OP is stumped
Well, I bet the R.E.A.L White Chileans weren't looting shit either;Only avoriginal and mestizo scum
This can be easily proved, just look at Op's pic for god's sake
>Fuck Arian (((Chen)))
This is actually great, even the fucking aztecs are naturally lighter skinned, only the blacks look like ancient monsters. Just seeing that skin color, lack of curly hair, evil, dim eyes, makes me more comfortable.
I praise God for never seeing one of the black monsters in real life.
All the races are light skinned, even the Arabs get light skinned and the blacks know it, they have no natural allies.
You borrow
They are a hybrid race of whites+mestizos+indios and some even are part black.
They are the mongrelized future that is in store for all of us if we don't change course.
Why would I care if Trump sent back a bunch of Mexicans? I voted for Trump I'm just sick of all the racism here towards blacks when whites clearly do the same shit.
Not according to dating statistics.
Also, are you aware that as a race you are dying off in the US faster than whites? Mexicans are replacing you and the only difference is people will regret getting rid of us.
Chileans are latinized incas and shit. You find me a chilean with non-black hair and non-black eyes.
>whites clearly do the same shit
alright find us some whiteys looting in the united states
those motherfuckers in the OP arent even white
They clearly don't on the same level. If you want whats best for your race, you will vocally condemn these people and try to influence a cultural shift. Instead you defend them because you lack the conviction to stand up to them.
If you just removed the 'white boy' from your statement, it would've been good bait.
But you failed miserably, you fucking nigger.
Oh so they are white. Thanks.
The racist media only wants to focus on the footlocker and Metro PCS looting and not show the majority of blacks were looting bread to stay alivs.
>whites do it a handful of times
>niggers do it all the time
Well, I guess it's true that American law is built upon precedents
I wanna point a few things out.
>these "people" aren't white.
>theyre looting food
>niggers loot shoes, clothes and tv's.
>brown people
At least show white people chimping out
theres really no excuse for them to be looting literally 30 mins after the "hurricane" hit they werent even that bad off i could understand if it was days after but no they did it immediately and theres no excuse for it " trying to stay alive " as if they were starving
>Chile is in the United States
Media only shows one of these people. Really makes me go hmmmm
>Oh so they are white. Thanks.
Are you retarde-
oh wait your a nigger, nevermind
1. not white
2. looting food while burgerniggers are looting slave labor nikes
White Chileans(German/Spanish descent) didn't loot.
Only aboriginal scum and low tier mestizo trash looted during Chile's earthquake. Those in Op's pic are ugly mestizos.
I wish I could tell that to that fucking libcuck chink faggot
no joke i'm surprised white people didn't beat out blacks with regard to embezzlement considering the employment aspect of the crime.
Those people are not white. Also the niggers tend to steal things that do not increase chances of survival, like plasma TVs and flashy shoes. It's because they are stupid, OP, just like like you. They are just looking for excuses to steal random things that they don't even need, just like the antifa losers are looking for any half assed excuses to riot and break stuff.
Blacks were seen keeping air Jordans safe from destruction during hurricane Irma.
Suuuuuure they do.
Every looter is black prove me wrong.
Your picture is people getting rations. Notice the diapers and rice.
Evely flucking twime.
good luck with that.
Not one of them are white fucktard! I even looked. Every one of them is a wetback you fucking nigger.