Funniest ones you know pls
Tell me Nigger jokes
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There's a good one about natives in Alaska (they're our nigger equivalent)
What did the native girl say upon losing her virginity...?
how do you save a nigger from drowning
take your foot off its neck
What is the difference between a nigger and a pizza?
A pizza can feed a family of four
A nigger walks into an employment agency.
> a lil niglet died and went to heaven
> and god looked at him and said, "you've earned your wings"
> and he gave the lil niglet wings
> the lil niglet looked up and said, "am i really an angel now?"
> and God looked down and said,
How many cops does it take to screw in a light bulb? None they were too busy beating up the room for being black
>American jokes
why white people cant make good jokes ?
What do black men do after sex?
15 years to life.
Niggers are the biggest joke
Q: Why are aspirins white?
A: Because they work.
Q: How did the black girl know her mother was on the rag?
A: Her brothers dick tasted funny.
>How do you stop niglets from jumping on your bed?
Put velcro on the ceiling.
>How do you get them down again?
Get a good, solid stick and hit them like they were piƱatas.
> Dipshit who clearly doesn't know what a Tundra Wookiee accent sounds like
What do you do if you have enough money to send half of the niggers back to Africa? You send all of them halfway.
What's funnier than 10 niggers nailed to a tree? One nigger nailed to 10 trees.
How do you starve a nigger? Hide his food stamps under a job application.
Did you ever hear that joke from Peru?
Neither did I.
Bwaahahahahhahahaha good ones.
I met a llama who claimed he was from south america. I said "peru-ve it!".
What do you get when you crossbreed a nigger with an octopus? I have no idea, but you can be sure, it can pick cotton very quickly
best one I ever heard so far
A good nigger is a dead nigger
What do you call a black airplane pilot?
A nigger
What would you call the Flintstones if they were black?
Why cant stevie wonder read?
Because hes black
that's shitty jokes are the reason of your extincion
What do you call five black people having sex?
A threesome.
ok thats funny as hell!
Your mother should have sterilized by Alberto, fucking faggot.
I don't get it
And what's the deal with black people?
They're not black, and they're not people!
White woman meets black dude at a club. She takes him over to her place. Once they are in the driveway she puts the car in park and says "show me its true what they say about black guys." So he stabs her and steals her purse.
How do you get a nigger down from a tree? Cut the rope.
How long does it take for a black woman to take shit? Nine months.
All I could think of.
3/5s law you dolt.
A Chink walks into a bar in New York. The barkeeper is black. Chink says: "I'm having one beel plese."
The barkeeper says: "That's not who you say it. It's called beeR. R."
The Chink repeats: "Beellll"
The black shakes his head in disappointment.
"no, friend, just repeat. One. B.E.E.R"
The black has an idea and offers to switch roles. He pretends to be a customer and the chinese pretends to be the bartender, maybe he will learn it then. The Chink agrees, the Black walks out of the bar, comes back and says:
"One beer please."
The Chink says: "Niggel ale not allowed in hele."
Why is a pile of shit better than a nigger?
>because a pile of shit eventually turns white & stops stinking
>A woman is dancing in a nightclub with some nigger
>She's getting hot so she takes him out back
>"why don't you show me if it's true what they say about black guys?"
>So he stabs her 12 times then runs off with her purse
3 fifths compromise
>be black 1st grader
>take piss with other 1st graders
>notice i have the biggest dick
>go home and ask mom why i do i have the biggest dick
>is it cuz im black???
>mom says "no its because you failed the first grade 5 times already"
I'm not racist, I think everyone should own a nigger
Oh yoir just jealous leafless one
A black pirate with a parrot walks into a bar
The bartender asks where you get him
The parrot says africa
>White people
Why do black people smell bad?
so blind people can hate them too
If Johnnie Rebel wrote dad jokes
do you know that sudden feeling of panic when you see a nigger carrying a new LCD flatscreen and you think "Fuck, isn't that mine?"
But then you rush home and feel relieve when you notice that yours is still there - he's in the hall, polishing your shoes?
What do parents and toast bread have in common?
If they are black you got nothing to eat.
How are niggers different from a set of snow tires?
Snow tires don't start to sing after you put chains on them
my mother gave me 3 pickles and the pickles are niggers
No. So here's a white joke instead.
>Why do they call whites crackers? Shouldn't it be whippersnappers?
We'll they snap, they whip.
U wot?
what do you call 50 niggers hanging from a tree?
a good start
Why do police dogs lick their assholes?
- To get the taste of nigger out of their mouths.
What do you call two black people having sex?
Fucking Niggers
I'm a nigger and I have a dad.
/Our joke/
underrated post
How does a pregnant black woman fight crime?
this is good.
Whats the difference between a nigger and a bench?
A bench can support a wife and 3 kids.
This ones for abos but wprks great for niggers.
How you call a family of niggers on a beach? A litterbox
How you call a nigger with a screwdriver up his ass? Black & Decker
That video
cracker is already referring to cracking a whip, nigger
a black man is going for a walk and sees and chinese man skipping stones in a lake. The black asks what the chinese man is doing. He says hes skipping stones in the ancestor lake, the lake tells you the names of your ancestors. the chinese man gets a stone and throws it on the water, it skips three times and makes the sounds "CHING CHANG CHONG". The chinese tells the black man " Ching, Chang, and Chong are my ancestors. Black man gets a stone and throws it in the lake. It skips three times and makes the sound "CHIMP-AN-ZEE". The black man was infuriated and got a big boulder and threw it in. The boulder made a loud sound and splashed. "BA-BOON"
Former waiter here. This is 100% true.
Best part? Their code word was "Canadians".
Why do niggers get sick a lot?
>They're too proud to pick the cotton outta the top of aspirin bottles
Why are there no nigger astronauts?
> At 30,000 feet their lips explode
What do an apple and a nigger have in common?
Both look good hanging from a tree.
I win for sure, your welcome
jewish baby stroller
slide thread
report and sage
What do you say when you wake up in the middle of the night and see your TV floating in mid air?
Drop it nigger.
Did you hear about the black Jews?
They had to go to the back of the oven.
What do you do if you see 5 niggers raping a white girl?
>Throw em a basketball
How can you tell if a blackass has been in a computer?
Its not there
Why are pills white?
Because they work
Why is every black white in the hands and feets?
Because God painted them while they were in 4
What does God says everytime a new negro is burn?
''Fuck, I burned it again!''
I painted my computer black so it would run faster but now it doesn't work anymore
a new negro is born*
Fuck mistype ruined the joke
What does Pontiac stand for?
>Poor Old Nigger Thinks It's A Cadillac
Horry shit
What does it say on the inside of a niggers lips?
> *Inflate to 90lbs
these aren't shoop'd either
What did the nigger boy get for Christmas?
> My bike
Why did the bigger wear a tuxedo to his vasectomy?
> Cuz if I is gonna be impotent, I's got to look impotent
what happened when the nigger looked up his family tree?
a gorilla shit on his face
what do you say to a floating TV in the middle of the night?
Drop it nigger!