I'm in a physics class and I found out Einstein was one of (((them))). Why should I believe anything that (((they))) wrote?
Einstein Was Jewish
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Good news and bad news.
Good news is that you have a hefty dose of skepticism.
Bad news it that you might actually be stupid.
It may cost you the war.
Simple: because other non-Jewish physicists were working on the same problem that Einstein was working on, and they would have arrived at the same conclusions sooner or later. If Einstein had never been born, physics would only be set back by 10 years at most.
But he did arrive to these conclusion. We can't trust anything he says because he is one of ((them))).
It's almost as if the scientific community debates and releases peer reviewed articles and counter critiquing articles to discover the truth and the one that turns out to be find the answer first is rewarded.
And yet (((scientists))) says vaccines are good for you.
He knows what he is talking about. Nazi Germany thought relativity theory was jewish physics. So no nuke for them.
t. tyrone
Also this x 6 million
nigga you dumb
Yeah right. I know Jewish statistics when I see them. Polio wouldn't go down that quickly. Also notice that the 1950's was when the (((civil rights))) movement kicked off.
Yep, (((they))) dominate in science, media, entertainment, comedy, finance, despite being
Now overlay cancer cases...
Now include the vaccine fine print linking to cancer...
Okay. Not seeing a connection.
Oh, so 1 time vaccines will later give you cancer?
>Sup Forums science!
> 0.5% of global population
i really doubt this number. sometimes it feels like these kikes are everywhere you look
(((they))) counted money for 3000 years, so math is second nature to them.
the soviet spy
I see this shit constantly and I wanna see blood. The guy was jewish sure but was he a zionist, did he want a free state for the jews and did his jewality contribute to the jew. did he d things specifically for jewish gain and did he think he was better than everyone else. aBomb = jewish plot doesnt count. his life and his work.
U faggot don't need relativity for nukes
ashkenaz jews had reason to reveal their secrets to the goyim: Hitler
What the fuck is wrong with you?
einstein stole patents just like zuckerberg, all jews are kikes user
Ten years?
Maybe a few months to a year at most.
It's because they got their spOoOooky webs spun all around us. Global jew population is less than 15million.
Einstein did 9/11
If it wasn't for the relativity theory the plane pilot might have miscalculated the trajectory and missed the tower
You can confirm his predictions if you have two very accurate clocks. Leave one at home and take the other on an airplane and measure the difference. Only beta cucks don't have two atomic clocks laying around. Jews only turn to their dark master for help when they feel threatened but they feel threatened constantly.
Good news -- everything he said that was important is verifiable mathematically. Everything he said that wasn't, isn't.
is that why nazis are always giving our masters hate? So that they can get magics from their Gods?
Fuck of a lot better for you than polio and smallpox, nigger.
Let me tell you what the Jew is it's a plague, that has contaminated everything, it has single handily enslaved mankind through porn, central banks, video games, sports and everything under the sun. That is what the Jew is. Take it from a psychologist who has devoted his whole entire life to stopping the Jew no matter the cost. Earlier today I was working on my book about the porn industry/ rap industry. Both at the core are the same they promote degenerates. I'll leave you with this advice out Jew the Jews at all cost.....
You shouldn't. Relativity is a huge lie. Look up Tesla's electric universe theory.
It doesn't matter. His wife was the one who came up with his great ideas. Once they split, he ever had another idea
Einstein stole all of his work from his wife and the patent office. He was staunch Zionist as well.
You barley found out he was Jewish? Lmfao that's fucking elementary shit.
(((They))) stole everything and choose when to unleash 'breakthroughs' in (((science))).
sure thing bro, cuz womyn are so smart.
How the fuck did you just figure this out? Are you 9 years old?
Einstein was a Jew, a fraud, and a rampant Communist who stole all of "his ideas" from German scientists. He also pushed to get the A-Bomb dropped on Germany.
>citation needed
Einstein defected from the new world order jew scheme
remember the magic words when you're feeling impolite, or if you've just killed someone
>This thread has been pruned or deleted
(((Gravity))) is a jewish hoax.
For once in your life how about you go look for yourself and learn first hand
find a real constant..
do math..
be the next einstein..
Einstien is making that face like "sucker goyim I stole all of your research."
my man
The kike stole everything he "knew" from Tesla
If I wasted time researching every retarded bullshit comment I came across on the internet I'd have no time to do anything else. You made the claim, you prove it's not bullshit. otherwise you get dismissed like the bullshitting retarded that you are.
Einstein was more or less a fraud, and was selected for his (((assets))). Most pf his work was copied from others over his time as a patent agent, and now under consideration of an electric universe is failing to hold up.
Plus, married his cousin. Total jew.
Anyone got an opinion on the Saudi Prince making a secret "convert" visit to Israel?
If it took you this long to find out Einstein was Jewish, then I'm impressed you even made it into a physics class.
Wow senpai like literally use a search engine lmfao how can our search results be real if our keyboards arent real...?
he worked at a patent office.
someone did the same thing with gravity..
einstein used light..
tesla was all about numbers and logic
tesla was a feared man
nobody understoot him.
gps = einstein
wifi,radio, AC and the induction motor = tesla
youtube it noobs
>makes retarded claim
>can't back it up
>Sup Forums.jpg
>patent office
That's how you play the great game with physics
Copyright infringement. Ha!
I just put a curse on my property.
Einstein just stole credit. He didn't actually discover shit.
Electric Universe theory says otherwise.
Why is Sup Forums so stupid?
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Fuck the kikes, they'll get what's comin to them sooner than later.
only when the virus/disease is active..
Are u child? Must u be spoon fed like baby?
Or are u JIDF?