40% of Poles live outside of Poland

You have to go back.

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t.Polish American


t.knowledgable person that can do math

If you kick every pole out of your country then who is going to be cleaning your toilet Kevin O'leary?

We don't want them too. Send them to Africa, pls.

t. Pole living in Poland

This image is somewhat incorrect because in Poland, there are precicisly 36.4 million poles out of the entire population of 38.7 million.

Simple division, 36.4mil/60mil equals around 60% of all Poles living inside of Poland. Meanwhile the other 40% live outside of Poland.

No you have to take them back and make Poland a 60 million populated nation.

3 million aqui? where? False graphic

> Irish in Ireland
4 million

> Total population of Irish
80 million

Your polish diaspora makes up 1.5% of your nation so just because u haven't seen any doesn't mean they aren't there.

Although they're probably part monkey by now. They're still Polish though.

>t.polak in Ireland

3 million Polish Brazilians

i dunno man

Why don't Polak diasporas go back? Poland could use the extra workforce to strengthen their economy. Polish diaspora are probably more intelligent and workable folks than regular polaks.

Aren't Poles part monkey by default?

See here.

I actually identify as a farmer woman in the neolithic, FYI.

Are Poles beneficially to Brazil or are they an unneeded people?

Those Poles from United States are either grandpas or can't even introduce themselves in Polish. Which country did your ancestors came from anyway? You have to go back.

Good you guys too need to smell these superior polish genes

>inbred genes

look at the Irish. The diaspora is larger than the population of that island. Pretty much every Euro people has millions or tens of millions of diaspora abroad, Europeans were migrating all over the world for centuries, moron.



pic related is how white people in your country are going to look soon

Yes. Normal """humans""" have 96% chimpanzee dna, superior polish have only 50% of that.