Brazil's Flag literally says "Order and Progress"
Sounds like the slogan of an Orwellian dystopian superstate.
Brazil's Flag
Bro, you have masonic symbols in your money and get circumcised without a second thought, you are LITERALLY the orwellian dystopian superstate
>Portugal talking shit
Last time I was there I looked at a church from the late 1700s. Beautiful building, kept up very nicely.
And then I looked out the front door and saw a sprawl of basically shacks on the hillside. Surely have not been there for even 100 years. Progress? Order?
The brazilian definition of progress and order is a bunch of apes killing eachoter while having sex
Obviously they need more Jews.
Spain with those fucking BANTZ tho.
Uma Delicia?
Uma Delicia
If you're talking about the Eye of Providence, it's existed long before the masons. Represents God's presence.
>The only two criteria for Orwellian dystopia status are weird symbols on money and cutting off the tips of penises.
It's funny because they have neither of those.
lmao this
Indeed, every Brazilian wants to get out of this shithole.
If Hueapes could actually achieve an Orwellian superstate, I'd be extremely surprised and impressed.
Understand that the underclass in 1984 had a much higher standard of living then a large portion of Brazil's poor.
It's not that I don't think that Brazil could collectively slip into the harness of a monolithic state, it's that they're not actually smart enough to come anywhere close to achieving one in the first place.
Big Brother would actually be a step up from their current kleptocracy.
Who has the pasta about how Hueland was a globalist test case about how to turn a proud people into a DNA melting pot where everyone looked the same?
As it has brought us and the world unparalleled prosperity and cultural revolution
Our republic is a freemason project, it is being exposed in recent years by some historians.
The republic started as a coup against the monarchy we had, it was all planned by the freemansons back then.
Then they started building a narrative that Portugal was the bad guy, they even faked some documents to turn Brazil into a "colony" from Portugal, which in reality it was just an extension from Portugal's territory.
We are told about this narrative since we are born, they even teach us that Portugal got here "by accident" while trying to sail towards the south of Africa and also they teach us Portugal stole our natural resources, etc.
The same thing happens when they teach us that Americans want to steal the Amazon from us.
Because of this we grow up with very few things to have pride about our history, they basically erased everything history wise pre-republic, they hide everything that can gives us some kind of national pride.
To give you an idea, majority of the 20 year old bluepilled brazillians don't even know we had soldiers fighting in Italy on WW2. They hide everything that might generate some kind of patriotic pride. It leaves the average brazilian with very few things to be proud of in our history, only shallow things like "we must protect our forests, we are good at soccer".
sounds like how brainwashed people are becoming here in leafland
First time I saw a Portuguese Fag acting like a Brazilian Fag
It's positivist bullshit.
Best part is that "order and progress" in the same sentence as "Brazil" is the finest irony ever. Those huehues sure are good pranksters.
We got these shitty colours in our falg thanks to the republican ans freemasons too.
The blood for red and etc was just afterwards the New State justification and propaganda.
So this giant bowl was made to sopa de macaco?
Lots of macacos in hue.
Sounds badass to me.
>traitors changed our glorious imperial flag to that
Our country slogan says by reason or by force and that's exactly how we roll.
Every star represent a state ( and they have a real constellation for base )
The colors are just Green and yellow royal standards.
The blue is the sky "In truth, the creators of our republican flag intended to represent the stars in the sky at Rio de Janeiro at 8:30 in the morning on 15 November 1889, the moment at which the constellation of the Southern Cross was on the meridian of Rio de Janeiro and the longer arm [of the cross] was vertical."
>order and progress
Pick one
white make progress, niggers are put in order