Hmm, why didn't she say the same thing about Muslims?
Hmm, why didn't she say the same thing about Muslims?
It's the next stage of fake media
>here is the real problem
>over there is a socially accepted problem
>when wanting to talk about the former, I'll use the emotions it grows and pretend it's the latter
Ergo, the vehicle and gun attacks in Europe were perpetrated by white supremacists.
>victoria wraith
They aren't even bothering to hide it are they?
SHe's right. White people are the original terrorists. Back in the day, they sail around the world and go to different countries and kill and terrorize the locals. British Empire terrorized a lot of colonies. Other European countries terrorized Africa.
White people terrorized the Native American Indians, reduced their numbers through genocide.
>checks flag
Seems legit.
who did they choose as miss america
>why didn't she say the same thing about Muslims?
Because there are very few muslims in usa? and even fewer who chan't death to all niggers?
White supremacist on the other hand threaten blacks on a regulary basis. Fuck off with your whataboutism
It's "Waith" like baby talk.
Wrong, it's okay to fuck with sub humans newfag.
Except the world is nothing without those of European decent. Seriously bro if this is such a big deal we should be prioritizing commercial space ships so we can just kick all white people off the planet. The moment we get off this rock the sooner everyone else can wish for us to come back.
>White supremacist on the other hand threaten blacks on a regulary basis. Fuck off with your whataboutism
Black on black violance has nothing to do with what I say, the question was not "why this nigress complains about white on black violence while ignoring black on black violence"
White supremacist in usa are quite vocal about their hatred towards niggers, muslims are a-quite few compared to white racist b-do not harbor the same amount of hostility towards negroes.
Waah waaah what about mudslimes stlye of whataboutism is always brought up to sweep white racist bullshit under the rug
>reddit spacing
Native Americans died mostly from disease not genocide. Medical technology had not advanced enough for people to realise diseases Europeans had built immune responses to would be devastating to those of the Native Americans. Smallpox was one of the largest culprits along with measles, influenza, diptheria, typhus and cholera.
Again for the average negro, a white supremacist is far more dangerous than a muslim, do not fucking pretend otherwise
I doubt the nigress would deny black and black violence but most of that violence is criminally motivated not ideologically motivated, like white supremacist. But as I said what you are doing is cheap whataboutism, as you instantly changed the argument into black on black vs white on black violence even though you claimed no such thing at your original post.
>waah why this nigress see white supremacist as evull waah what about mudslimez what about niggers shooting each other
talk about delusion, have fun in your thread.
Every race on this planet committed slavery, conquest, seizing resources, etc.
The only reason people are mad at white people is because our ancestors did all of these things much better in the past couple of centuries. They conquered the world bring many parts of the world out of the fucking stone age and into a new millennium with advancements of science and medicine.
All those colonies are far better off than they had been.
Look at the average black person in America, they have it much better than the vast majority of blacks in Africa.
>wish for us to come back.
Sure a shit love the idea of constant nuclear threat and my resources stolen
For the average negro, the average negro is far more dangerous than a white supremacist. Just fact. Black culture crumbles on itself.
Black on black crime not ideologically motivated? WTF do you call gangsta culture? That is the shit that is pushing more and more black kids into crime against mostly their own people. You're a fucking idiot if you think otherwise. There is just as much ideology pushing black kids into violent crime as there is with Muslims and the problem is NEITHER side wants to admit the problem. They always want to blame someone else.
Is that the best ND has to offer?
You fucks need a good brown wash for sure
White supremacists don't commit terror.
Muslims do.
99% of the time whites are following the law. Blacks are terrorists, because their culture of hate towards cops.
Sounds a lot like Muslims spreading Islam across the Mediterranean if you ask me.
coming from texas, why am i not shocked?
Very few mooslums, but very many mooslum attacks.
Really peels my bananas.
>a black person hates white people
wow so empowering111!!!!111!!
>one person dies
>oy vey all white people are fucking cancer
>100 people die
>*sob sob* not all muslims *sob sob*
people like this should be thrown into the oven
> Blacks kill someone for a car stereo
> "muh bad environment"
But someone who grows up being taught a divisive ideology is not given the same excuse? I think being taught white supremacy or being subjected to it can really mess up a person.
Unless we just admit that all blacks believe all whites are racist/oppressive as default, so any kind of violence or rhetoric they do is Hate.
>Black on black violance has nothing to do with what I say
You only think that because you're a retard.
You are forgiven.
Every race has enacted genocide and slavery at one point or another. This meme
>white people did thing 10000 years ago
>therefore white genocide is cool!
should die with its propagators while they are lined up against the wall
uh huh. As i sit in my ergonomic chair, with my HD screen and ergonomic mouse, talking to strangers from around the globe using english, via the magic of the internet and all the associated physics, math and hardware, I'm grateful my ancestors knew how to subjugate hut dwelling savages. I'm just sad that others then let them forget their place.
I wonder what had the higher viewership: miss America virtue signaling or Pewdiepie saying "nigger"
For niggers, niggers are their own worst enemy. They kill more of each other, rob and rape each other, and regularly assassinate and shoot up each other more than any other fucking race on this planet. Where ever there is a large concentration of niggers, high criminality and corruption reign.
A white supremacist would actually want nothing to do with a nigger, while another nigger will eagerly kill each other over fucking chicken or $30s. You fucking niggers are retarded and more of a danger to the entire world than white supremacists are to anyone else.
Two wrongs making a right is always the liberal strategy.
i thought you liked progress? those savages didn't tolerate gays and women now did they?
Thanks. I was trying to find that on PC, but couldn't.
what? She looks good
>there are very few muslims in usa
And yet we're here where we are now with everything here being how it is.
> Doesn't even mention that black people are 13% of the population.
America's standards have really gone down.
>Muslims are the same as Nartzees
>Muh Islamofascists
Fucking die boomer poster
>White people terrorized the Native American Indians, reduced their numbers through genocide.
You spelled war wrong you idiot
>t. Abdul Muhammed Achmed
That filename though
Looks like a "sheeeit" meme without even trying haha
Or more like the Dems doing their best to shift the real danger to blacks.
You realize black people killed off all other sapiens right?
I hate how you faggot niggers always start History where you want it...
Maybe if you niggers weren't monkey fuckers you wouldn't have made a more evolved species that makes you look bad.
>>Muslims are the same as Nartzees
You're right, they're a much more prevalent threat internationally.