Is watching sports Sup Forums-approved??

Is watching sports Sup Forums-approved??

As long as you heckle the black players or any stray faggot, I don't see what's wrong with it

>heil hitler

No, bread and circuses nigger.

sports are for kids to play to get them ready for war, adults play war

Whoever tweeted that is retarded. They arent worshipping they are heckling, that's a FSU player at UNC or Duke

exercise is gay

All forms of niggerball are completely degenerate

>Is watching sports Sup Forums-approved??

No, it's degenerate. You willingly take part in the bread and circus of the Roman empire times. You do sports yourself, you don't watch them (except for very important championships as means for social gathering maybe).

Not even a little bit. You could make a case for fighting sports & strategy games.

>ACKSHUALLY according to my deep knowledge of sportsball
100% autism

Only people with arrested development track the stats of sports teams. Adult sports teams are political parties. Its time to wake up, grab that brush, and put on a little makeup.

It's more degenerate than video games imo, but socially more acceptable because boomers love it.

Even korfball?

Would be more fun if they involved politicians heads instead of a ball.

>watching niggerball

lmfao, even racist republican grandpas watch niggers play sports and know their stats and shit, its pathetic.

Personally, i don't get it. I can enjoy watching highlight reels or gamechanging plays as much as the next guy, but the idea of sitting down and watching a game from start to finish just sounds so dull and unrewarding. I have never cared which team wins (so I usually just bet against my friends and pretend to know even less about sports than I do to bother them when their team is losing).

I'm sure many people feel the same way about quotes and books though.

>implying knowing common knowledge is autism
Kill yourself brainlet


I know only one faggot, and a really insufferable, cringegod degenerate faggot, who uses that pathetic larp term to signal how he's "above it".

Why the fuck are you asking a political board on a Hungarian basket weaving website for validation

Those are Dookies, literally the most autistic fanbase in sport.

God knows what the fuck they're doing.

watching a bunch of african americans make money for jewish americans?

yeah, that is definitely up pol's alley

>I never noticed this phenomenon which as existed for the entirety of history and is actually the basis for mythology and heroism.

really made my jingles jangle