So, life is basically pointless, how can we start red pilling people in a way that will ally them rather than cause them to go crazy.
Advice on how to mass redpill people?
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Shill for Pewdiepie
The real redpill is to kill youself if you are a racist, sexist, homophobe, or any other bigot
Normies are normies for a reason. These people walk around so brain dead from all the social engineering they never have the motivation to even scratch the surface because that's all you need to see the kikes and their shenanigans. Not to mention that everything they've been taught is to block out ''wrong think''.
there is no red-pill. There is nothing but you and empty space. You are only of a dream
I have progressed to phase 3 of my redoill journey: give up on normies and use what I know to my advantage. He only question is... how do I profit from this forbidden knowledge? Sometimes I wonder if people like Hillary Clinton are basically secret Sup Forumstards but level 100 or something, which is why they're all milking Haiti and other nigger countries for millions of dollars and running for president and being lying sacks of shit in general
red pill is nazi propaganda. Stop swallowing it.
I was at your point once. Angry at the world and lashed out at women, minorities, jews, etc. etc. to try blame others for my misery. Then life got better. The true redpill is that the "redpills" aren't real. They're ways to reinforce confirmation bias to keep the illusion that you're not why you're miserable. But it's all a lie. You need to change yourself or you'll be miserable until you die.
We must push the left farther left to scare mommies into the open and loving arms of the air right
It would be easier to kill off bluepilled people.
You're a loser.
Pick it up and try again. Don't be a cuck for others.
Become a winner.
It's all a lie? So the jews don't run the world?
Sorry, buddy. Nope. There's some wealthy and powerful Jews who are part of the same social elite that laughs over their caviar at all the other poor fuckers. But there's also just as many poor Jews laughed at by those elites. You think every dude in Israel owns a castle? Someone's gotta shine the shoes and pick up the trash.
So how can you explain the insane over representation of jews in fields such as private banking, movie production, music production, television production, basically any mass media consumption and anything to do with financials?
Rich, successful, and closely knit community helps their friends do the same? And it's a fraction of a fraction of Jews. You think WASPs are any different? Or the House of Saud? Or the Chinese upper class? Seriously? Please tell me you don't actually believe the LARPing on here, dude.
Do I think they are different? Yeah I do, because you can't take any other race or religion and take it down to the numbers and realize that the random chance of all these jews controlling all this power RANDOMLY would be a 1/4857966124895162743126789 roll of the dice. You simply can't, you faggot kike piece of shit. Get gassed.
Jesus, you're an angry little faggot. There's what, 12 million Jews? If you took every single one in the sectors you mentioned you've got what 10,000 tops? Great job, Sherlock. Truly a conspiracy for the ages!
Flood their nice, white neighborhoods with nogs. They'll wise up quickly.
>helps their friends do the same
unless you're white and will be crucified for not hiring Tanisha
If you break down the % of Jews who live in America and then cross reference that with the positions of power they hold, it is simply not able to be explained unless you admit that the nepotism and corruption within the kike ranks is out of the ordinary. White people are told that nepotism is illegal, and diversity is the true key to a successful business. But look at you kikes, you have your wall, you have your nepotism, but when the white man wants the same, YOU are the ones who spread the diversity meme. Jews are the #1 pushers for diversity and open borders. HMMMM wonder why.
Like I said before, get gassed you fucking kike.
>life is basically pointless
Fuck with this blackpill shit
>All the white screenwrites, actors, bankers, CEOs, doctors, etc are fake
>You lost your job to a diversity hire, you're easily expendable then
Lol, what a fucking delusional little faggot. I hope you're LARPing and not actually this dumb, because I pity you if so.
>g and not actually this dumb, because I pity you if s
Alright schlomo, so why don't you tell me the % of kikes in America and then tell me the % of positions of power they hold in all the sectors I spoke of before. Go ahead, I will wait.
>implying diversity hires are more qualified than the people they replace
wew lad, now I'm not sure if you are a nigger or a kike.
1.67% of the population.
5,400,000 / 3,231,000 * 100% = 1.67%
Now accounting for their intelligence and retention of wealth and status through generations, they probably account for 5-10% of the upper echelon. Congrats dude....
Actually it's more like 40-50%, congrats faggot.
Citation needed, buddy. Show your work.
>united nations
Also Ashkenazi are the only type of jew to have any above average IQ... God damn they really need to start training you kikes better when they release the shills.
Does anybody have any good infographics or a well done page talking about something redpilled that can be shared with normies or even posted around town?
Cite your source, buddy. I'll wait for you to stop sperging out. Keep moving those goalposts. Ashkenazi Jews are the vast majority of the ones in the states.
Thanks Jim Carey.
Yes because CNN and FOX do extensive coverage of the Jewish over representation in positions of power...
You fucking retard. Hey why don't you show me the top 10 most powerful people at Fox and Cnn?
we do wait we were trained for. we will not talk about it here.
Show me evidence that they're 40-50% of the upper class. I'm still waiting, buddy.
That's billionaires. That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about the entirety of the upper class. Your article says only 18% of Jews have over 1 million....
>Jewish Americans are the most powerful and influential ethnic group in America. Jewish Americans make up 2 percent of the U.S. population yet comprise 40 percent of U.S. billionaires.
Money = Power you fucking idiot., but of course you already know that don't you shekelberg?
>hurdur muh larping
>2% of the population
>massively overrepresented in media and finance
kill yourself
What is more upper class than being a billionaire? Go back to mossad for training faggot.
Pirate Radio stations spouting red pills 24/7 in every major city.
Came to post this.
Am I wrong in thinking he has the largest reach of any 'alt light' figure?
Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, etc are just preaching to the converted.
But they're not, lol. Your own buddy just posted an article showing only 18% have over 1 million. That's 5,400,000 * 0.18 = 972,000. There are over 11 million millionaires. So Jews are less than 10% of the upper class using $1,000,000 as a cutoff...
So Jews are only
>According to a 2014 study by thePew Research Center, Jewish ranked as the most financially successful religious group in the United States, with 44% of Jewish living in households with incomes of at least $100,000,
What I posted also said 42% of the top 1% are Jewish and jews make up 48% of us billionaires. You really need to work on your jewish tricks kike.
get rich first, then redpill
So you keep just changing the income bar because a 1 million cutoff doesn't confirm your bias? Given that only 18% of Jews have over 1 million, you're now including random ass engineers and lawyers who make roughly $130,000? Jews are educated. That's known. No duh they'll have people over the 6 figure spot. But over 1 million cutoff shows they don't have as much as you think...
>"W-Well the are the richest religious group and do make up nearly half of billionaires and the top 1% but they all arnt millionaires!"
Why are you moving the goal post now kike?
>1 post by this ID
Mossad data mining thread
Billionaires /=/ upper society as a whole.... Most the people you cry about on here are not billionaires. They're multi-millionaires. Meaning, if they're Jewish, are only in the upper 18% of Jews even if they just barely break 1 million. There are more Asian millionaires, hispanic millionaires, and white millionaires. Jews are more educated on average, as you cited. Meaning that no duh they'll likely hit the $100,000 income. That's doable with a college degree....
Yeah but if I remember correctly, Saudis jew the saudis, chinese jew the chinese, but jews jew the west.
China owns half our bloody country and has bought so much of Africa they own half the thing now. Saudis funded 9/11 (inb4 9/11 was le JOOS) and dragged us into wars that have lead to this fucking "refugee" crisis. China is prodding North Korea to fuck with us so they can steal more shit. Seriously?
Actually, was waiting for someone to actually post something helpful.
However it seems everyone here is either unaware that the Redpill is a concept rather than specific attributes.
It also seems like a majority are cucks who simply think they should change themselves in order to fit into a society that hates them regardless of what they do.
I must admit, that this thread seems to confirm my suspicions that Sup Forums is just a bunch of cucks unwilling to actually take action or suggest methods of actions.
I created it in the hopes that at least a few of you would provide suggestions, but instead everyone seems to be retarded.
USA is not the west
Its so funny how one attack is the worst thing to happen to your faggot country. Its so irrelevant and blown out of proportions. most of your population consider it to be the worst event in human history. 9/11, 9/11, 9/11... give the world a break already and stop whining.
>and dragged us into wars...
Yeah, china (china, china) "owns" you but they dont pretend like they dont (unlike the ones who really own you)
>China is prodding NK to fuck with us...
Stop fucking around on the borders of world powers (Ukraine,Poland, NK, Middle East). You didnt like the cuban missiles, did ya?
your thread got derailed because you're a fucking dumbass.
Who dragged you in to this war?