When will virtue signaling end?

When will virtue signaling end?

>Ugh, I hate it when a political leader tells the truth. Please make it end!

Hate must not win!

These muds must be allowed to rape your wives and daughters. Do not get hateful about it!

he should go back to doing his job as mayor

>perpetrated by trump

They really believe that shit huh

How many false narratives can you possibly conflate in one retarded tweet? Wowowowow




Part and Parcel

You're asking when people will stop doing the bare minimum to feel like a virtuous crusader of good to feel better about themselves and look great to their friends.

Its not virtue signalling when its done by a pooface.

Never. What is considered virtuous on the other hand...



Fuck off you upside down Canadian!

nice comma splice, faggot

Checked and this

Sorry Sadiq neo nazis are part and parcel of living in a big city

>Mudslime kills several people in terrorist attack
>"We have to respect the culture and religion of Islam #notallmuslims"

Ahah nice

Meanwhile muslims discriminate against every other religion, and reduce them to the catagory of second class citizien, if not worse, in every nation with a muslim majority.

>I despise hypocrisy and double standards.