Thoughts on Faith Goldy?
Thoughts on Faith Goldy?
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i swear i don't know any of the cunts you idiots post
If you follow her twitter you know she is low-key redpilled af
pretty hot for a 40 y.o.
she's a shitskin
Nice DSL's, but her accent makes me want to kill myself. It's like nothing I've ever heard before.
Hotter than LS.
inb4 the british mummy poster
Seems pretty redpilled I hope now that she does not work for (((Rebel Media))) she will be more explicitly redpilled.
I'd fuck her brains out
>literally got fired for talking on an alt right, anti-Semitic podcast
She's /ourgirl/, or at least on her way to becoming /ourgirl/
I'd lick out her ass
those lips must be photoshopped right?
I concur would like ass and suck toes, not gonna age well though got a leathery skin look,
she's 28, Hans
All Canadians sound like that. You have no one to blame but yourselves
Politically sound, but something is terribly wrong with her face. Always though she was 40+.
tragically, no.
I'll marry her and make a lot of white children
this. lip injections were a mistake. negros trying to meme their lips and somehow worked. I like DSL but these look like tranny lips
In OP's pic her lips look like those of a nigger.
whats with her lips and hair? disgusting
She looks like she was born tan.
God tier dsl. Was ballsy enough to go on TKR. I like her.
(((((Faith Goldy)))))
best DSLs
Leather face shill for Israel, or not smart enough to know she was being used as a tool.
Is she a (((Goldberg))) or a (((Goldstein)))? Pretty much all of these e-celebs are jews or good goys practicing a jew version of taqiyya, I don't trust any of them. Plus she was in the heart of the crowd for Charlottesville and yet didn't get any good footage, just started asking for literally a "safe space".Just makes me wonder about her.
One state solution goyum.
The Jews need a homeland all Europeans don't.
If there was one girl I had to pick as being genuine white nationalist it would be her.
She has been shitting on Israel now that she is free from Ezra's grasp:
>yet didn't get any good footage
Lolwut? News networks actually used her footage of the car crash
I know a family of goldies who aren't Jewish
Her lips make me want to puke
Goldie/Goldy is a surname of Scottish/English origin. People assuming it is jewish because it has "gold" in it are retarded.
her lips make my dick want to puke
OP's pic is photoshopped btw in case you are judging just based on that
A fucking goober face, but better than most altlite shitheads
she looks like pic related
Canadian Journalist Praises Israel
Faith Goldy says her trip to Israel was "myth-busting" and tells the world how her opinion of the Jewish state has changed
Her conclusion is that the only solution for the ongoing conflict is a one-state solution under the full authority of Israel which she praised.
Short for (((goldbergstein)))
She's Greek you moron
> Goldy: The “Jewspapers,” the “Jew World Order.”
> e Jews, especially in big cities, are giant Democrat-donor losers, who don’t understand that that party stands against their interests, especially when it comes to Israel and taxing them, because by and large, they’re frankly wealthier and smarter than us; that’s just, like, a fact. But I don’t understand where you get the, like, hate for the Aryans, so to speak.
Single-handedly brought down The Rebel with her female stupidity. Ezra, Gavin and Faith all made their money by pandering and flirting with the alt-right but would claim to not be white nationalists when questioned. Goldie's dumbass went on the Daily Stormer's podcast after the Charlottesville shitshow and pretty much outed herself and The Rebel as white nationalist sympathizers and destroyed the companies image. She got fired, Gavin fucked off somewhere else and now Ezra is left with Loomer. Women ruin everything.
That fucking kike was never a white nationalist supporter. He was jewing attempting to be the voice of the right and ensuring support for Israel.
Rabbi media was just another Jewish media attempting to control the discourse and gathering money and power for another Jew owning media politicians crawl to cap in hand.
her face is creepy. I think she's a couple years away from michael jackson level dysmorphia
If she truly has named the Jew and is redpilled she is indeed Wheatfield material.
Lauren wouldn't say Jew if it was her safeword.
>saying the trugh is antisemitic?
What ridiculous nigger lips. Is she the next Dolezal?
Best blow job lips
no it isn't. it's directly from her Instagram.
Watch the video of her their with McCuck, saying that seeing so many Muslims makes her want to deus vult. McCuck looked shook.
Look at them side by side moron. OP's is obviously shopped to make the lips bigger.
I need to see her nude or in a bikini. She just looks anorexic.
Yeah. He bent Gavin over (though I doubt Gavin minded very much) for voicing some less than glowing opinions about Israel after his trip to the land of the chosen. The whole 'Rebel' thing was always transparent and corny as fuck. If it were still the 1990s he probably would've been very successful.
Glad to see the puppet industry is still alive and well. Sage
Send shekels goy as we scam you with the dodge hoax
I wish she'd stop with the horrible aging suntan and the lip fillers..
Goldy has not asked for a dime.
Anyone who gets fake lips shouldn't be taken seriously.
They're always obvious and quite gross. Only autism would lead a person to believe they look better than what they originally had.
how do you know? so the dodge scam is ok?
I have a gift for you.
cute bimbo
Slide thread? Slide thread. 1 post by this ID
Her legs are like sticks.
That's my fetish.
i bet she would look good covered in my semen, even yours.
i like the cut of your jib
Lord have mercy...
I met her IRL, she's very obviously aneorexic, she's at a very unhealthy weight. Her entire face is plastic. She looks like she's in her fourties because she has so much plastic in her face. 1/10
This fucking leaf is correct.
>giving a fuck about what some dumb cunt thinks
>as though cunts were capable of anything resembling wisdom or rational thinking
Holy shit you're so fucking stupid.
Her fat lips pribably feel amazing on your dick
It's just spam/disinfo. I don't know why the mods don't take care of it. It has nothing to do with politics.
damn straight