Nu-Male Goes On Shooting Spree

>Spencer Hight, 32, was shot dead by police after killing Meredith Lane Hight and seven unidentified victims at a home on West Spring Creek Parkway during a football viewing party. On Facebook and DeviantArt, he used the name Kal Hight, short for Kaltaris, a nickname he used for his art and in video games. Meredith Hight was a huge Atlanta Falcons fan and devoted fan of the band 311, traveling to dozens of shows each year.
So this nu-male killed his estranged wife and six of her fiends after she took his house and dogs. The cuck even let her be a traveling groupie during their short marriage, but apparently he couldn't take it anymore when she started bringing football Chads to the house. So you guys think we are going to start seeing this more often when liberal "men" get a harsh reality check and start realizing that women want strong men and not white knight feminist allies?

Other urls found in this thread: hight

>kills generate whore who took his livelihood
>still being called a cuck cus green hair and shit

The guy had more balls than this whole website filled with larpers combined

True. He might have been a cuck, but this time he did something right. A+

I wonder what his story was.

A man can only get so cucked before he has to break out of his own shed.

>Meredith Hight was a huge Atlanta Falcons fan

Beat the bears, died happy

Guns don't kill people, Democrats do.

>was a huge Atlanta Falcons fan
explains it

What a fucking poseur.

He should've just not been a cuck in the first place and this could have all been avoided. I agree that he didn't go out a cuck though. This was his redemption arc.

Why would you not link the article you read? How dumb are you?

one less roastie, good job

The politics don't matter when it's a white male. All we will hear is "another white male does a mass shooting"

Top cuck

I bet he was reading threads in here before he snapped.

This place is no good for weak minded people who can't take the bantz, but anyway, nothing of value was lost, except his house

Dont hangout with a bitch in a stolen house. I read that in a fortune cookie.

>browse /r9k/
>see them talk about the beta uprising
>'haha, fucking weeb NEETs, they won't do shit'

>mfw beta uprising

you probably think the Columbine shooters were cool too, faggot
fuck this numale, he was weak.

>tfw doing the house cleaning while wife is on the couch with her male friends she met on the road

How do we stop football fans from becoming radicalized?

>How dumb are you?
>see OP flag
Are you still suprised?

Here you go.
Archived link:

He was a good boy who was just turning his life around and about to become a gangsta rapper astronaut--

Oh wait. I don't need to do this. He's white.

Yeah we have a shortage of houses. We need more so that chinks can buy them out.

This. Nothing wrong with dyed hair either, the Roman Nobility used to do it.

up 8/0 on the week. geeks arent even trying nowadays

When the kike string pops...

Balls is not getting yourself into said situation.
Lived a cuck, died a cuck. Feel nothing for traitors.

... hight
Fucking lazy faggot.

>she owned 2 nigger dogs

this is literally a roastie nuke siren


relax kek

311 sucks

Comparing a bunch of closet faggots who's only way out of social pressure was killing each other and everything around them, to a man who snapped the fuck out cus the cunt he trusted rob him off everything he ever achieved through a government he also trusted cus why not miright?

I wonder why this type of news don't happen on a daily basis, the fucking government is fucking it's citizens for private state profits and the only thing we can do is take it up the ass

wtf I love people who look like faggots now

>and people say we don't need gun control
How much more do you need?

wtf I love cucks now

>a man who snapped the fuck out cus the cunt he trusted
my mistake - he was weak and he was stupid

I keep telling people democrats shouldn't own guns. They always laugh at me. Now who's laughing.

Ha, this is like 20min from me.

Never fuck with the dogs.


>when you overdose on redpills all at once and snap

Don't do this

>every1 should be as gr8 as me :DD

fuck off

This is literally a mile from my house. I drove by where it happened this morning and wondered why the street was closed.

any way to verify his voting record?

i have his voter ID, but can't find any Texas records that show his affiliation.

Well sounds like he got his vengeance. The redpill was too late to save him. Had he taken it he could have at least mentally prepared for that to happen instead of living in a fantasy world.

Is there a link my good man?

Ya, try looking at him.

Just google his name and there is a bunch of articles. The one I quoted was one of those shitty slideshows that why i didn't link it.

>i...i...cant explain it. Suddenly my feminism just "disappeared" and i killed my wife. Please forgive me, as a White Male i can not control my basic instincts

true. the redpill will save your life.

>Live in a system
>System looks upon you at birth
>It sneers

>System acts surprised when people sneer back

This shit is only gonna get worse and worse. What the fuck do young men have to live for now, besides alcohol, porn and video games, which the system is desperately trying to take away from them? This isn't even just a matter of making their own bed, it's more like going to every single house in the world and stealing every single mattress you can find.

yeah, kinda redeemed himself before death

She posted that while he was still living in the house and she hadn't yet filed for divorce, ruthless.

His (few) drawings aren't that bad

Sorry, actually 4 miles, so never mind...

He took it but way too late

wait...she took his dogs?
there are lines you dont cross

Owns pibulls, confirmed needle dick.

I truly hope our cucked bros are waking up, we need them whether we like it or not

Women LOVE to rub it in. They even feign ignorance (or just don't care) and unconsciously do it.

One of the biggest redpills is realising just how heartless and unbelievably cruel they can be.

If you don't backhand them, they WILL step on you, rub their foot in, then enjoy getting all their friends to point and laugh, then forget about you while they immediately flit elsewhere.

>killed 8 people
>8x more based than James Fields

Is it just me or does every radical Liberal have dyed hair? fuck me


>Californian to Texas

When is Texas going to build a wall?

This guy gets it. Spencer had a good paying job as an analyst for a technologies company. His wife literally worked at a fast food place. They had no children and you know he was the one taking care of the dogs, why the fuck should she automatically get the house and pets? He probably got tired of his wife getting gangbanged by musicians and when he asked her to stop, she probably accused him of being controlling and filed for divorce. This system is broken.

This "women get everything in divorce" attitude that courts have has to stop.

Good for him. Seriously.

He took the black pill instead of the red pill


Sure, give women the house. And kids. And pets. And pretty much all your money; when you are the person who got it in the first place. I should move to the Middle East where I can rape a girl and get her arrested for being raped and can buy an AK-47 for 6 pubic hairs and a suicide pack.

Scary how it just seems so natural for them.

>So this nu-male killed his estranged wife and six of her fiends after she took his house and dogs.

Doesn't sound like a cuck to me.

Divorce rights for women have to stop completely, they brake family as societies smallest cell, thats how Rome and Babylon died.

Do you ever think it's weird in the era of social media that even twisted fucks have a lot of baggage about being absolutely cringeworthy? Not just this guy, but also the tranny danny phantom shooter too

He got to keep the gun, she got to keep the bullets.

Fake news. No real news websites are reporting this shooting.

Women who act like trash should be treated like trash.

I like my women to ride me and I'm pretty beta in general, but I have no homo desires. I wonder if it'll think I'm gay.

>unironically worshiping elliot rodgers

they'll ignore the fact that he's a leftist cuck and say he's just another white terrorist.

Also, 311 is still around? shit I had no idea.


A green haired numale faggot will always be more genocidal than your LARPing faggot ass.


Yeah but he loves oks gay as fuckin fuck dude.

Well that's one way to swallow the redpill. He at least redeemed himself in the end, but this could've been avoided if he had realized what's what sooner...

If Europe really does go Islamic, the future is going to be pretty messy.

Yet anoter Democrat shooting spree. Color me suprised.

Democrats are the real racists.

this dude is already better than Elliot Roger in that he actually completed his objective and wasn't cucked by a door

Romans also used to fuck other men. Doesn't make it not degenerate just because the Romans did it lad.


This. I learned from a young age that most women are evil.

It's all over the news in Texas. Add one more to the list, the one in the hospital didn't make it.

He looks like an autistic retarded maggot just like you probably do since you are defending his ugly ass hair. Do a self kill.

>Spencer Hight
311 lost their last fan. Press R to pay respects Sup Forums.

I like my women how I like my wine, stomped until a red goo, put in a barrel and kept in a cellar for years.

Now he pulled that look off to be honest

Cunt had it coming, if you break a man during a divorce by abusing the existing unfair anti-men laws things like these are to be expected. I honestly don't feel a shred of sympathy for the murdered woman.

>greentext story with no sources whatsoever, not even the most cursory of digging, and a convenient appeal to traditionalist prejudices

Seems legit, I'm going to unconditionally believe that this is all both true and representative of normal behavior among liberals, nevermind that if the typical rainbowhaired metrosexual acted like this every college town would be more dangerous than Baghdad.

>Meredith Hight was a huge Atlanta Falcons fan
Killing her was merciful then

You are a fucking retard, it happened and was all over the local news this morning, I live a city over.

>part-time model
>part-time x
>fast food manager
>entire list of "jobs" that aren't real to make her look like a good person
>groupie of a band
