Why are americans so melodramatic?

why are americans so melodramatic?

>a man wrote that


how bout you go fucking kill yourself, eh, fagboy?

This nation really does need to move on. It's been 16 years.

He said it

This is who Jules fucked that very same night

> not
> "Sup bitch, this is user. Some raghead shitskins are trying to highjack this plane. I bet Soros is behind this BULLSHIT. Daddy may not make it home, but I am going to try and take at least nost of these camel fuckers out before this plane touches earth. Let my dad know I'll let Jesus know to save a spot at the table for you all. DEUS VUUUUUUllllllllt....."

Y-yeah... this is totally gay

Meanwhile his wife was cheating on him with Jamal.

wouldn't surprise me. liberal america is as bad as sweden

>googled her
>julie sweeney (((roth)))
what did she mean by this

ITT nobody could possibly be happily married and everyone's wife is fucking a nigger

you guys are bitter pathetic fucks

They can't keep getting away with it

>t. mod of r/blackfellas


Hi honey, I'm too much of a pussy to stand up for myself. I'm probably going to die and I don't have enough balls to fight someone with a knife. I'd rather die than get knife wounds. Goodbye

>my wife cheats on me behind my back but I am blissfully unaware
the post

>france flag
>that awful two thumbs up equivalent with the bottles as your public photo
God she deserves more sadness

That's actually pretty sad to be honest. Goddamn OP you are heartless.

>saying goodbye to your wife is melodramatic
Super autism

Maybe that was the real message

Because they're a nation of children. They never developed proper, adult emotions. It's the same reason they all have those dumb, fake smiles, all the time. For Amerifats, everything is either "THE BEST THING EVA!", or "THE WORST THING EVA!". They don't understand subtlety and nuance.

What a cuck.
Message from Brian to Jules one week before:
"Hey Jules, this is Brian. Ah, listen...my chastity device is causing a lot of chaffing...there's a lot of flaking around the affected area and I'm worried there may be some blood. If I can't jerk my useless meat button tonight while you're getting slammed by the bull while I listen in over the phone, I want you to have a good time, same for Tyrone. I'll try applying aloe vera but it looks like I won't be able to do more than prep you and clean you out afterwards. I totally love you. Bye, babe, hope this flakiness clears up."

>dying words

tragic shit man
couldnt imagine having to leave a message like that for my wife, i would sooner die fighting

It's not melodramatic if the situation actually calls for it. He was telling his wife goodbye before being flown into a building by terrorists. It wasn't melodramatic, it was incredibly honorable.

True thing mate, being sad over your countrymen dying is totally only for children. Why are British people autistic?

Yall would do the same if you actually had a wife.


>our airplane has been hijacked
>things dont look good
>I'm not going to fight back

you're supposed to keep your phone switched off (back then they didn't have flight safe mode)
no wonder the plane crashed

i bet he didn't return his tray table to the upright position either

They used an in-plane phone. They were very common in 2001

because everything they consume is processed commercialism and just normal everyday things if they don't have hyperbolic significance to them they feel alien and they avoid it. Literal shit hole commercialism = Merica

Every American believes they're in a movie starring themselves.

4cuck is cancer, what else is new

fuck no i'd tell them to speed up and send her a message telling her i buried $50000 in the backyard so the bitch digs it all up and gets nothing

Test have shown that the cell phones could have made sporadic connections.

Also, the hijackers were flying pretty low at some points.

this is true desu

its a phone message you dolt, no one writes like that in a text.

Daily reminder

All these cell phone calls are fake

Classic, Australia I forgive you for being the worst country in the world. You're all right.
The passengers on the 9/11 flight were sheep though, fuck em.

>Australia I forgive you for being the worst country in the world
awww thanks man :^)

Better than being an extra to Abdul's game of thrones remake

i traveled to europe 6 months after 9/11 and they were already telling us to get over it.

>Nazi flag
it checks out



The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary

Yeah it couldn't have been the Jews because an Israeli Special Forces soldier was on the plane and he was the first one to be killed by the terrorists. It was like another Shoah, very much an oy vey kind of moment. What a hero.

Gas yourself kike

I did not know that, thank you for the interesting information

it says it right in your pic
>acquires lease
>legally obligated to insure it
>most insurance policies include that kind of clause as standard
>hurdur muh magical jew who knew about the attack durr

Meanwhile in Eurabia
>We just got van of peaced for the millionth time and ISIS is poised to take over Germany, but let's not be racist and just let it happen

Ya but I wouldn't be such a bitch about it.
>honey if I don't see you later I just want you to know I love you
>no mention of the hijacking
Why make her worry about something you don't have control of?
>the virgin heartfelt goodbye Vs the Chad last text

Daniel Lewin is a hero and a saint and I won't have any one suggest an Israeli-American soldier on the plane who spoke arabic had anything to do with the hijacking, he was killed trying to save you ungrateful g-...people.


>Why are Europeans and leftists such human garbage?

ftfy, kiddo!

Because we're not a continent of emotionally stunted, attention-seeking children. Shit happens. Life goes on. 100 million Russians were slaughtered over the past century. Do you ever hear them complaining? No. But 3000 Amerisharts die in some controlled Jewish explosions and we have to hear about it until the end of time.

Please stop, literally every thread with you

She looks so happy and independent now. Good for her. :)



Are you kidding? Self-pity over WW1 and WW2 deaths is a fucking institution in Europe. Isn't there a bong holiday where you guys wear ribbons and flowers and cry about the Somme?

>life goes on
Ever lost anyone in a tragedy?

Part and parcel

Pip pip achmed when youre done with my daughter will you please submit your unemployment information...sorry


>text messages
u n d e r a g e d

>3000 Jewish bankers die due to nanothermite paint
Dude come on, no one fucking cares about Jew Yorkers. Literally the worst people on the planet and 3000 new crusty jews took their place by now, easily.

it's funny cuz a bunch of ((them)) didn't show up to work on that day.

Imagine being the one Jew not let in on the secret and hearing the planes hit the building, knowing you were doomed to die with the goyim....now that's a tragedy.

Spoken like someone too young to remember.

>Do you ever hear them complaining?
All the fucking time, yet rarely about the rarely about the other Russians who were doing the killing.

For one minute, on one day, we hold a moment's silence, to remember our war dead. Americans on the other hand, have made 9/11 grief into a fucking industry, like the slimy Jews they are.

This, sadly. Too many things changed to
ever get over it possibly.

He should have wrote.
> "I'm about to kill this camel nigger who thinks he's in India or some shit, I hope he's not larping lol I ain't going back to jail. Steaks tonight. Get beer and my smokes while you are at the butcher.

Well, digits confirm op must suicide

Jews don't do suicide missions.

Hello niglet

You're biased and wrong

>cost of WTC One and Two: 8 billion dollars
Golly, look at all that money he made!

There's nothing subtle or nuanced about coming home to Ahmed fucking your wife.

>Bases opinion on America kikeness based off britbong consumption of American kike news media
Literally no Americans I met today gave a fuck about 9/11, Nigel.


Exactly, it was pure happenstance and it's silly to say he was involved since he was instantly killed by the hijackers who happened to be sitting right behind him, silently Hitlering waiting for their chance to strike!

>a non-american buttupset that he's not important
lol what a surprise

Well unless the guy had a parachute and jumped out before reaching Manhattan I'm certain that he didn't engage in a suicide mission, so how do you think he fits into this?

Not to sound like some GI JOE faggot but why was it that the passengers couldnt coordinate and aid the crew in reclaiming the plane? The sandniggers only had box cutters right?

They're a weak, dumb, emotional, easily manipulated people.

This is why you lost us and the rest of the empire, ya vapid bitch.

Why do cattle walk calmly into the slaughterhouse? Because they didn't know what was going to happen.

He died heroically, proving that Jews are good guys and couldn't have possibly be involved.

did you slurp that out of Sam Hyde's dick personally, you fucking faggot

>getting your throat slit by some paki while the rest goes back to cowering

So you're saying Jews do suicide missions.

So Americans give a fuck when their countrymen die horribly to foreign agents and Euros have grown beyond such frivolties? Dang bro, how many levels of tolerance would you say youre on right now?? So progressive!

if the people rushed the terrorists would they have been able to save themselves?

Infected by Jewish lies for over a century

>Oy vey goy just stop asking questions, get over it already, forgive and forget

Building 7 always looked like a controlled demolition.

That was before America lost its balls.