The most accurate one to date
Tier list
OPM and Kill La Kill are just as normie as SAO and AoT
>names it "anime tier list"
>doesn't realize it's about the audiences, not the anime
You're not the brightest, are you?
Good job editing that in Paint. Next time try produce something with more polish, wouldya?
>he doesn't realize op did it just to trigger autistic people such as yourself
>inb4 other autist comments on the text not being aligned properly
nice bait chart
Thanks for this quality thread, neo-Sup Forums.
I kind of like how OP mixed in some truth with his trolling in the chart, quite subtle really.
For example he had Nana and Kara no Kyoukai in his 'mature' category, ironically followed by Psycho Pass which is clearly only for edgy teens. Very clever!
Normie tier anime list.
True people watching 1980-1999, and ongoings.
>Girls und panzer
lurk more you faget
What if you've actually seen all of them? Have you not considered that? How are you going to argue for that possibility?
>not normie shit
Kill yourself you little shit.
>mixed in some truth with his trolling
that's the only way to make proper b8
How is Psycho-pass normie tier though? Before psycho-pass aired, there were next to no threads about the source material. Nobody gave a fuck = not normie tier.
That IS how it works, you know that, right?
Look at this faglord.
Ironic shitposting is just shitposting.
Sage'd reported.
Kill yourself. pls go and staygo.
You should kill yourself, OP.
surprisingly accurate
>kek la kek
>Sup Forums
Where are the fucking mods anyway? This abomination thread still exist?
Why is tumblr on Sup Forums so fucking often these days?
this is accurate, i watch mature anime for mature anime fans such as myself
But I'm not OP though. Also, you're so fucking new it hurts.
new tier list:
Shit I don't like
Shit I like
You mad Psycho-Shit fag?
Elitist is so wrong it hurts
Lurk more retard
>One punch
>Not the epitome of normalfag shit
Shit list.
What if i watched all of those.
minus The fat neck beard ones.
minus the 2 that have a girl whit an eye-patch.
You forgot the other tiers
>I used to watch anime back in the day tier (probably rented from blockbuster)
Gundam wing
Tank police
Ninja scroll
Outlaw star
>Refined taste hipster tier
Tatami galaxy
Gundam 0080
Ping pong
>minus The fat neck beard ones.
>minus the 2 that have a girl whit an eye-patch.
Then you know what you still need to watch.
Sup Forums is so predictable
t. fujoshit
>Keit-ai is not on the list
What the fuck op
>disagree with 1-2 anime
>list is shit
What took so long?
I forgot the
>Actual pleb tier
But i don't like anime's in the fact neck beard category.
Why is literally everything on that chart entry-level as fuck except for Chihayafuru?
Every single time.
You motherfucking newfags just don't see the irony, don't you?
Just because you thrown in "normalfag" in there too, it doesn't make your use of the term any less cringe-inducing.
You think this is a motherfucking game?
You think you can come into Sup Forums with a half-assed attitude like that and just cherrypick those anime that you happen to like?
OP has no intention of actual discussion, WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE MODS?
I wish every single person who ever used "normies" unironically would just drop dead.
Did you just now realize this? Or did you happen to scroll past on the front page and wonder this?
I'm honestly curious.
I used to watch literally everything.
But then life hit me and i realize i am gonna die of old age one day if i am lucky.
And i also like Video games maybe even more than anime.
And have a ton of western TV shows to watch so i only limit myself to stuff that interests on first glance and plot summary me and is considered good by most people.
Yes that's how it works, if it isn't 100% correct it's shit.
That's it, I'm taking your name from the list of Anonymous.
You lose all your privileges as an Anonymous and you don't get invited to any of the events anymore either.
You are nothing to me.
I've watched like 21 of these, I'm such a anime master and ultra nerd xD.
wanna hang out?
That Outlaw Star though. My nigga.
Sure thing. Email me at [email protected]
Let's make a Sup Forums Starter Kit.
Here's the romance starter kit.
Fuck off.
You're worse than OP.
But no seriously, JANITORS?
Report the thread then. I've already done.
you sure it's correct? not working
Why are you ironic shitposting and asking for ironic shitposting to be removed in the same breath?
hmm okay yep good arguable not bad yep wait YOU THINK PSYCHO PASS IS FOR MATURE ADULTS HAHAHA HOLY SHIT user MFW
>irrelevant opinions
Surely no one fell for this piss poor bait.
>mature adult
If I reported the thread any harder, the bone in my finger would break through my fucking skin, through the mouse, through the desk, and into my knee. Also, don't mention your reports, it's against the rules you fucking newfag.
Same goes for me, actually.
>mature adult with refined taste
>prefers KnK 3 over 5
>prefers Durarara over Baccano!
Someones mad, huh.
Yeah, the Psycho-Ass fags are.
>Dragonball and z
>Yu yu hakusho
>FMA and Brotherhood
>Eureka seven
>Durarara first season
>Gunbuster and diebuster
>Shit la shit
>Jojo bizarre adventure
>Eureka seven
>Any SOLshit
r8 my starter kit
Samefagging seems more likely to be the culprit here, tumblr-kun.
KLK is neckbeared tier
OPM is normie tier
And you seem to have just filled the neckbeared tier with moe which is more your opinion than fact retard.
This is literally you - Sup Forums edition
>Psycho Pass
>mature adult with refined taste
Sup Forums elitist/Neckbeard master race reporting in.
Yeah, MAL-kun, it seems like, so as the shit taste.
List is shit m8.
>I attend anime conventions
Maybe in mid~late 2000's
>fat Neckbeard will likely die a vigin
Eh, Closer. Still pretty off.
This is probably the I attend anime conventions of this generation. Anime is a normalfag hobby now.
>I think I know anime but I really don't
Sup Forums "elitist"
2/5 of this list Sup Forums hated becuase it was too popular. Chuuni is hardly even talked about anymore.
>Mature Adult with refined taste
DRR and PP both aired on Toonami (I think? Not American) they would do better in the first tier. Nana should be tier 4
>taking this cancer chart this seriously
anyone sitting on an accurate list?
Out of any character from that list, Who would Sup Forums like to have sit on them?
Can someone spoonfeed me the anime between nana and psycho pass? I have no idea what that is.
Boku no Pico.
Bonk my pico
Why would you just straight up lie like that user?
>not shit tier
???????????? ???
? ?
>Mature and refined adult
Sure bud, keep telling yourself that.
What the fuck?
>successful in life
>not normalfag
OP is a nigger
>approximately 90% of Sup Forums will have seen and liked shows from all those tiers
>will still get upset at OP
good job
what the fuck
I don't see a "shit" tier.